Page 35 of Unlocked

He leaves me there, half naked, strapped down, the blindfold still shoved in my mouth.

Chapter 28


‘Something is off with my brother’, I think as I look over at him during our meeting. He looks tense. Not his normal tense either. We have been in this meeting for at least thirty minutes, and he hasn’t stopped fidgeting since. Jamison never fidgets.

“You okay?” I whisper when Xavier and Sebastian start discussing some case they are both dealing with.

“Yes," he states, matter of factly.

My brows scrunch up. Asking my brother if he’s okay is usually foreign to me. Normally it’s the other way around. Normally I’m the one needing consoling. He doesn’t elaborate.

“Have you heard from Kaz?” I ask him, trying to change the subject when I realize he isn’t going to continue the conversation. His head whips towards me quickly and I see a brief flicker of emotion cross his face before he schools himself. Well, that’s interesting.

“No, I haven't, why?” he asks me, his voice wavering the slightest bit.

He’s lying. Call it twin intuition or a sixth sense. Call it whatever the fuck you want but if there’s one thing I know for certain, it’s that he’s lying right now.

“I haven’t heard from her all day. As a matter of fact, I haven’t heard from her since yesterday. Apparently she texted Sebastian she was sick, but she's not responding tomy messages.” I say, looking Jamison directly in the eyes. He doesn’t say a word.

“She hasn’t texted you at all? I just think it’s weird she wouldn’t at least respond to me, ya know?”

Jamison continues to stare at me before looking down at his phone and then up at me again. “No, no contact at all.”

Something is going on with him, but he’s clearly not going to give in, so I choose to drop the conversation for now. Fifteen minutes later, we are leaving our meeting when Jamison’s phone beeps. I peer over at him to see he’s whipped his phone out and is staring intently at the screen. As soon as he notices I’m staring, he shoves his phone back into his pocket.

“I have to go," he mutters before turning and walking away.

There’s a slight pause before my mind starts reeling, and I know with one hundred percent certainty that I need to follow my brother. Unfortunately, it’s like the universe has another plan, because Sebastian stops me from out of nowhere.

“We need to discuss a few things, Jonathan.”

“Can they wait?” I ask, looking over his shoulder. “I’m kind of in a hurry.”

Sebastian peers over his shoulder, but Jamison is already out of sight. He looks back at me before sighing. “Listen, I’m not fucking stupid. Whatever you and Jamison have going on with Kaz needs to be discussed.”

That stops me in my tracks and I immediately zero in on his face. He doesn’t look angry. In fact, he looks worried. Sebastian never looks worried.

“Uh…” I start, looking down at my shoes, but he cuts me off.

“I know I said she was off limits, but I also know something has been going on for years. Either way, we need to all sit down and figure out how this could play out. There’stoo many parties involved and I can’t risk you and your brother having issues with each other over a woman.”

My head snaps back up to him and I grin, making him frown. “You think she’s going to cause a rift between us?” I ask, laughing. “I don’t mind her getting in between us, Sebastian, but not in the way you’re thinking.”

“Jonathan," he growls out. “I’m fucking serious.”

“I know, I know,” I reply, backing around him with my hands up. “I really have to go, but I swear, we will continue this conversation later,” I say as I walk backwards. He huffs out as he turns and stalks away. I make my break for it and shoot down the elevator. Annoyance flickers when I don’t see my brother’s car in the parking garage, so I pull my phone out and click the tracking app he had installed. I never use this shit but desperate times and all that.

“Shit,” I curse under my breath as I pocket my phone and start my bike up. He’s about ten minutes out and still on the move. If I drive fast, I might be able to catch up to him, wherever he’s going. I feel tense, but it’s not my own emotions. My brother’s turmoil swirls inside my brain, wrecking me down to my soul. Whatever the fuck he’s going to do right now, it can’t be good. He might not recover from this.

Twenty minutes later, I’m pulling up to the vault. I stare at the large building, perplexed. Why would he be here without telling the rest of us? I make my way over to the door and enter the code, hearing the lock click open. The door opens quietly, but I’m not prepared for what I see when I walk in. Jamison hovers over Kaz's body, gliding a very sharp scalpel up one of her legs. Her blood trickles down her thigh, pooling on the table she’s currently tied to. Her eyes are scrunched tightly closed, but I can see the tears trickling down her face as she cries out into the gag.

“What the fuck are you doing?” I bellow out in rage. Jamison whips around, a scowl on his face. My fist connects withhis nose and his head snaps back. His eyes widen in surprise as he wipes under his nose, revealing blood on the back of his hand.

“I’m taking care of the problem," he grits out, looking back towards Kaz. “She’s been playing with us all along.”

“You have had it out for her this whole time!” I yell out. “At this point, I feel like you want something to be wrong.” He stares at me, his gaze hard. “When do we just get to be happy, brother?” I sigh. His eyes soften a bit and I can see he’s conflicted, but he doesn’t get a chance to react as a blur of motion behind him causes both our gazes to swing behind him. Kaz jumps down from the table, the scalpel in her hand held up high. Jamison must have dropped it when I walked in.