“None of your fucking business,” I mumble to myself as I stumble down the last few stairs. I attempt to lean up against the wall when a strong hand grips me around my neck, pulling me behind a curtain.
“You are my fucking business,” a deep voice growls out as I’m pushed up against a wall. I look up, startled but relax when I realize who has me in a chokehold. Deep blue eyes glare down at me. I would know those eyes anywhere.
Jamison presses in close, and I catch myself arching against him, causing him to smirk. Bastard. His hair is perfectly gelled back, and he wears his signature suit, which covers every delicious part of his body. “What are you doing wandering around by yourself?” he asks me, tilting his head to the side like a fucking psychopath.
“I’m leaving.”
“By yourself," he states like it wasn’t obvious.
I swat his hand off my neck, in an attempt to get the feel of him off me. I’m already tipsy. I don’t need to give my body any more incentive to betray me more than it already has. My skin is already flushed and hot. I’m mentally trying to will myself to cool down.
“What’s wrong, Kitten?” he asks with a smirk.
“I've already told you a million times to stop calling me that,” I say as I try to move around him. He blocks my path before crossing his arms.
“You cannot leave by yourself. It’s still not completely safe. Why didn’t you ask Jonathan to take you?”
“I didn’t feel like it, okay?” I say, mimicking him by crossing my arms.
He glares at me before grabbing my arm. “Let’s go, I’ll take you home.”
“I don’t need you to chauffeur me everywhere, Jamison.” I yank my arm from him, and the room tilts briefly. I fall back onto the stairs behind me.
He stands above me, crossing his arms again. “Why do you have to be so disobedient?”
“You’re not my boss. I mean, you're not my boss. I, I…” My words trail off, and he raises his brow at me. I’m way too fucking drunk for this, I think to myself before an idea comes over me. Pushing out my bottom lip, I look up sadly at him.
“Fine, take me home,” I say as I pretend to search for something in my purse. “I think I left my keys on the table in the corner upstairs.”
“I will go get them. Stay put," he says as he pushes past me.
I bolt out of the stairway and quickly leave as soon as he opens the door.
“Sucker,” I say, laughing out loud. I’m not in any shape to drive, and no drivers are currently outside the club. I don’t planto wait for one to show up, either. I need to get the hell away from both of the twins before I do something stupid.
It wouldn’t be the first time I’ve gotten tipsy and let my inhibitions go. I roll my eyes at my idiocy as I quickly make my way down another street and notice a cab pull up beside me. A large, good-looking man sits in the driver’s seat, motioning for me to jump into the passenger’s seat. It's not normal for a cab driver, but I need a ride and I’m fresh out of options. For all I know, Jamison is already outside looking for me. I jump in and click my seat belt as he drives away.
“Where to, babe?” the guy asks. Something about the way he says it sets me on high alert. My hand moves discreetly towards the small knife I have strapped to my inner thigh under my dress. Call it intuition or whatever you want. This man’s demeanor does not scream friendly cab driver. I look at him warily as he glances at me quickly before speeding up.
“Don’t even think about jumping out," he says when he notices me eyeballing the door. “I have a proposition for you, Little Devil.”
I close my eyes briefly and try to calm my nerves. I haven’t heard that nickname in a very long time. “Who’s asking?” I ask calmly.
“My boss. He wanted me to let you know he would be in touch.”
“Why the hell did he send you?” I ask, perplexed.
“I was heading in this direction anyway. I have a flight to catch.” He moves his hand over the center console towards me as he pulls the car over to the side of the road where there aren't any lights. “I have a few minutes, though, and I heard you put up a good fight. Why don’t you show me why they call you Little Devil?”
“My pleasure,” I purr and flutter my eyelashes, leaning towards him. The sound of his scream echoes inside the car as I stab my knife through his hand, impaling it on the console.
“You fucking bitch," he screams as I whip the door open and scramble out of the car.
“Tell your boss to fuck off,” I yell back at him as I make my way around a corner and back onto a well-lit street. I spot a small diner and quickly search for a booth before pulling out my phone.
I dial the number, annoyed at myself and my current situation.
“Hello, Kitten,” Jamison answers.