“Who…who are you?” He asks me. “What do you want?”
I grin manically at him and repeat the set of words he spoke every single time he took my brother from me. “I get off imagining the twin bond is real. That you will feel every beautiful thing that happens.”
His eyes widen at my words, and he attempts to stand and push past me, but he’s too slow. My knife slams into his stomach and I lean in closely, before whispering his ear. “It’s only fair Igor…that he gets to feel every beautiful thing I do to you. After all,” I say as I drag the knife across his stomach andhis intestines slide out, “we are twins and we are very much bonded.”
Igor’s body falls to the bench and slumps over as he bleeds out in front of me. His glassy eyes begin to fade far too quickly for my liking. I would have quite liked to take my time with him, but I’m currently running out of it. I wouldn’t be surprised if Antonio hasn’t already noticed me missing. Not wasting a second, I haul the large pot of boiling water off its stand and tip it over Igor’s body. I watch entranced, as his skin turns red and begins to blister. I smile when I hear his low, agonizing moans. The sound of my whistling fills the room as I proceed to tip the remaining pots of water over his body and exit. I rinse and wipe my bloody hands before quickly heading back the way I originally entered. Hopefully they don’t find his body until after we have already left.
Chapter 21
I’ve just finished my last file for the day and I decide to head up to Jonathan and Jamison’s office floor. Apparently, I’m still being babysat because of the whole Lockhart debacle. I roll my eyes as I step off the elevator. If these guys only knew how easily I can handle myself. I don’t need anyone to watch me. I stop short when I hear what sounds like an argument coming from the meeting room. Peering around the corner, I can just make out Jamison’s back while he sits in a chair. Jonathan paces in front of the door, making me shrink back further. The last thing I need is to be caught eavesdropping.
“His wife is on television, Jamison. She’s fucking crying about him missing.”
Jamison laughs and the sound is so foreign it makes me wrinkle my nose. “And?” He asks Jonathan. I can’t see his face, but his tone is all kinds of amused.
“I can’t lose you," he says while running his hands through his hair. “What if you were caught? What if…what if…” His words die off and he almost sounds choked up. Jamison stands and immediately wraps his arms around Jonathan in an embrace. What the fuck is going on? I’m thoroughly weirded out by seeing this side of Jamison. A pang of jealousy hits me. Is that what it’s like when Jamison cares about you? I was convinced he didn’t have any feelings at all, but watching this encounterwith his brother is changing my entire perception of him. Seeing them like this is fucking with my head. What would it be like to be a part of that? I’m sure the many women they have fucked together would tell me it was fantastic, but I don’t want to know about just the sex, I want to know what it would be like to be part of that emotional connection they share. I bite my lip before shaking my head. What a stupid thought. The most I could ever hope for would be great sex and I’m not sure I would actually have the balls to do that with both of them anyway. I may not be innocent in that department, but that is certainly way past my area of expertise. How would that work, anyway? I rub my thighs together to relieve the friction before mentally slapping myself. Enough of that shit, Kaz. Get it the fuck together. My eyes squeeze shut as I lean against the wall collecting my thoughts and when I open them again, prepared to push off and round the corner, I’m greeted with two sets of blue ones. Jamison’s look deep and angry while Jonathan’s are bright and worried.
“Are you okay, Kaz?” Jonathan asks me as he grabs my arm and pulls me off the wall. I didn’t realize how much I was leaning against it until I’m actually standing up straight, staring up at both men.
“I didn't realize eavesdropping was in your job description, Kitten,” Jamison accuses while watching me with an annoyed expression.
I don’t have a chance to defend myself because Jonathan jumps to my rescue.
“Shut up, Jamison.” They both glare at each other before I catch a quick glimpse of Jamison’s eyes softening.
He rolls his eyes before replying, “Fine, we can discuss what is in the job description of the head of HR another time. We should figure out food before heading back to the apartment for the weekend.”
My head whips around. “The weekend? I didn’t realize this was a fucking sleepover. I didn’t pack anything and I’m really not sure this is the best idea.” I grab the ruffles on my blouse and nervously twist my fingers around them.
“I have acquired the correct items for you. Everything you need will be there,” Jamison replies.
I huff out loud and cross my arms. “You don’t know what I need.”
“You aren’t afraid to spend the night in our apartment, are you?” He asks me with a devious glint in his eye. I know he’s fricking baiting me and the truth is, yeah, I’m scared. I’m nervous as fuck. I’ve slept with both of these men and I’m not sure I can handle spending an entire weekend alone with both of them together. There’s a giant elephant in the room right now and it’s waiting for someone to let it out.
“I’m going to need a drink to deal with your guys’ fighting this whole weekend. Let's hit a dive bar,” Jonathan interrupts with a smile.
“Fantastic,” Jamison deadpans before heading to the elevator.
Thirty minutes later, we are sitting at a table top bar slamming down our second shot. Well, Jonathan and I are. Jamison is sitting there with his phone in hand and one foot casually on his knee. Does he ever put his phone down? The alcohol has me buzzing pretty fast and feeling pretty ballsy.
“Find any good porn sites on that thing?” I ask nonchalantly, attempting a jab at Jamison.
He places his phone face down before placing his hands under his chin and leaning on them. “Define good? Tell me, Kitten, what do you search for? Maybe you’re into role playing? A student who hides under her professor’s desk, pleasuring him while he teaches a class? Or possibly a little anal action…”
His words are interrupted by the sound of me choking on the cocktail I was sipping. Jonathan smacks my back lightly, before looking at me with concern. “Everything okay?”
“Yes,” I say, while shooting daggers with my eyes at his brother. The fucking asshole just smirks at me. It’s then that my phone buzzes on the small table in front of us. The screen lights up with a notification of an incoming text from Riley, probably laughing at the message I sent her earlier, telling her I’ll never forgive her for leaving me alone with these two. Jamison snatches my phone up and glares at the screen.
“What the fuck is wrong with you? Give me my damn phone,” I yell, while he holds it out of reach.
“Jesus, Jamison. Give her her phone back. People are starting to stare.”
Jamison ignores his brother and leans in close as he shows me the front screen.
“Who the fuck is that?” He growls out as he points at the photo of my missing childhood best friend and I. I have a momentary feeling of sadness before it’s replaced by anger. The nerve of him.