Page 24 of Unlocked

“Don’t act like you care now," she says with a dirty look before pulling her arm away and walking out. She will pay for that comment later.

I walk into Xavier’s office fully and shut the door behind me. Might as well take the opportunity to inform him of some other issues I’ve come across. I lean against the door and pull out my pocket knife to clean out underneath my nails.

“We have a problem,” I state.

“No fucking shit,” is his response. “What’s the issue?”

“I finally got a ping on Sasha’s phone.”

He looks at me confused. “Why is that a problem? We have been looking for her this whole time, hoping to get some answers from her about Lockhart. Right? This means we can finally go find her and ask some much needed questions.”

My face shows zero emotion but inside I’m yet again a raging inferno. My next words come out so crisp and blunt. No doubt, I will have to approach my brother a little more delicately.

“Her phone's location is pinging at The Cellar.”

“Fuck," he says blowing out a breath.

“Fuck indeed,” I respond.

“Do Andre or your brother know yet?”

I slip my knife back into my pocket and turn to open the door to leave. “No, I called a meeting today at two. I just happened to be near your office and heard the commotion. I figured I would tell you while I was here. I have a few things to do beforehand but I'll see you later… Oh, and Xavier? Don’t ever yell at Kaz like that again.” I don’t give him a chance to respond before I leave and head back to my office, shutting myself in. I pull up a few feeds and spend the next hour reviewing thecamera’s I have placed strategically throughout Kaz’s apartment, her office, her car and also the gym she’s been going to recently. She thinks I don’t know what she’s been up to but she’s sadly mistaken. I’ve been watching my Kitten like a hawk. I know everywhere she goes and everything she does. So many secrets, I wonder how she’s been able to keep up this act all these years. Her resume with the prestigious school she graduated from. Fake. The hometown she grew up in. Fake. The wealthy family she has that no one ever sees and that she never visits even though she takes time off from work claiming vacation. Fake. I know for a fact she takes her vacation and spends the entire time holed up in a hotel room by herself. She’s so afraid I’m going to spill one secret, she doesn’t realize I already know them all. I’ve known them all and I won’t tell a soul. Maybe at first I thought about it, I really did. I’ll continue to hold it over her head because the sick part of me that craves her, loves her on her knees. The other part of me, the part I locked away a long time ago is afraid. Afraid she will realize I’m not going to tell and decide to leave anyways. I don’t think my brother could handle it and I’m fairly certain I won’t do any better.

Chapter 19


Sebastian fills another shot glass with whiskey and pushes it towards me. I eyeball it while having an internal battle inside of my head. That will be my fourth shot. I’m no lightweight but I know once I hit four, it’s harder to stop.

“I know I’m not the normal man to air feelings out to, but are you okay?” Sebastian asks me with a perplexed look.

I laugh out loud while he maintains his look of confusion. “Do you forget who my twin is? Trust me Sebastian, if I were to air out my feelings, rest assured, that you at least wouldn’t be last on my list.”

He smirks while replying, “Well I guess you got me on that one.”

I take the shot and quickly down it while he downs his. Both of our eyes trail to the sliding glass doors that head out to the balcony of my apartment. Kaz stands out there absentmindedly scrolling on her phone. Damn she looks good in her casual leggings and oversized t-shirt. I lick my lips, not realizing I’m doing it. The feel of eyes on me has me turning back to see Sebastian watching me.

“I’m okay man, promise.”

His phone must vibrate in his pants because he pulls it out and smiles while typing. It must be Riley. I’ll have to thank her later for getting me out of this potentially awkwardconversation about my feelings. Maybe a fruit basket would suffice. Lord knows she deserves it with all of the bullshit she’s had to endure. Not to mention how well she’s managed to tame down Sebastian’s asshole demeanor. That thought has my eyes traveling back to Kaz. Being with her all of these years, even in secrecy, has tamed me a bit too. Too bad we have to keep shit under wraps. I wish I could show her off to the world. I sigh before looking back to Sebastian as he continues to text.

“You don’t have to stay here, ya know?”

He stops what he’s doing and looks up at me.

I gulp. Hopefully he doesn’t catch on to what I’m currently thinking. “You could go home. I mean it doesn’t take two of us to watch Kaz. She can stay here for now and once we get word from everyone else, I can bring her home or whatever.” I shrug my shoulders nonchalantly. Inside, I’m fucking praying he agrees.

“I guess you’re right.” He looks back at his phone before finishing. “Okay yeah. If you got this, I’ll head back to the office. I’m sure it won’t be more than a few hours before we hear anything anyway, and I have a few things I need to do.”

‘Fuck yes!’ I think in my head while keeping a straight face.

“Cool man, okay I'll see you in a bit.”

Sebastian nods and gets up. He waves towards the balcony at Kaz who is currently looking inside confused. He walks out my front door just as she’s coming in.

“Where is he going?” she asks me.

I shrug my shoulders, acting like I didn’t just conveniently cause this current situation, before sliding out of my seat and walking up to her.