This makes me laugh out loud, causing both Riley and Sasha to look at me. This bitch is certifiable if she thinks we are going to believe anything she says.“You’re scared?! Riley was fucking kidnapped and raped. By Nate!”
Riley sinks into her chair, looking defeated. My heart hurts for her. “Sasha, is Nate hurting you?” she asks.
“You need to leave, Riley. You need to leave the city,” Sasha says, looking around like she’s afraid we are being watched. Riley jumps up suddenly, causing me to jolt backwards.
“Fuck this,” she says and storms towards the restroom.
I turn to Sasha and glare. “You have some fucking nerve.”
“You don’t understand, Kaz. You never will. You have people that care about you.”
“You could have that too, Sasha, if you weren’t such a conniving bitch,” I grit out.
She stands up and places both hands on the table, glaring at me.
“You may have escaped your old life, but it won’t ever work out so well for me.”
My eyes widen and she looks at me determined. “That’s right, my uncle knows about you, Little Devil. You better hope he doesn’t start taking a liking to you or you and I will be in the same boat.” Her eyes soften a little bit before she continues. “You and I might never have been best friends, but I wouldn’t wish this life on anyone. Please, be careful.” Before I can get the chance to respond, she has already made her way out the door.Not five minutes later, Riley runs up to me and grabs me by the arm, pulling me outside.
“Let’s go, Kaz. Now!” she yells.
“Riley? What the hell? I just ordered lunch! I thought Sasha was having a nervous breakdown, then she just up and disappeared. I was about to give her a piece of my mind...”
I’m so flustered by what just happened that the lies just spew from my mouth like a volcano. Luckily, Riley seems just as flustered and doesn’t question me as we make it about a block down the street and she hails a cab. We both get in and she turns to me.
“Kaz, Nate was in the bathroom. He’s after me. We need to call Sebastian.”
I feel like I’m in a movie right now and it takes a good minute to register what has just happened.
“Oh my god, Riley! Are you okay?? Did he touch you?”
“I’m okay," she replies.”But I don't have my phone. Can you call him for me?”
The cab driver glances in the rearview mirror at her but says nothing as I dial Sebastian.
“Where the fuck is Riley?” Sebastian’s voice cuts through the phone.
“I’m okay, Sebastian, thanks for asking. Here’s Riley,” I reply sarcastically before handing the phone over. I completely zone out while they speak, mulling over Sasha’s words. She called me Little Devil. I haven’t heard that name since I left home. Since I stopped fighting. My best friend's face flashes in my head and I close my eyes to keep from having a complete meltdown. They never found him. They never found a body and I’ve just been here living my life pretending my past doesn’t exist. My fingers trail the length of my skirt and pass over a spot on my thigh. The familiar itch for the cold metal against my skin hits me. I’ve become too complacent. I’ve gotten too used to thislifestyle, thinking I was safe. I’m not safe. Lockhart knows who I am, and if he knows, that means other people know.
We make it to the apartment, both of us quiet, as we head up. I think we both must be in shock as we sit on the couch and wait. I’m unsure how much time passes before the door swings open and the guys all rush in. Both Jamison and Jonathan head over to me looking worried. Jamison looks worried? I’m so confused by that while Jonathan offers to check me for injuries. I laugh internally, even though I can’t seem to muster up an emotion on the outside. This man has no idea how well I can actually take care of myself. Had I seen Nate at the restaurant, he certainly wouldn’t have been leaving so easily. The guys must both notice how out of it I am as they lead me out the door and offer to take me home.
They walk me up, even though I tell them no, and I can see by the look on both of their faces, they are questioning if I’m really okay. Am I? I’m not really sure but I can’t look at either of them right now. I can’t look at both of them while they treat me like I’m some delicate flower when I know damn well I’m not. When I know I’ve been hiding this part of me for so damn long, I'm sure it's about to burst free. So I close the door on both of their faces and I pull the little shoebox out that’s been stuffed in the back of my closet for years. My fingers run over the thin bands of the thigh strap before gliding over the edge of the small dagger. I smile as I look her over, noting the etching in the side. ‘Little Devil’it reads.
I sure missed you baby.
Chapter 16
Two months later
“Where is Sebastian?” Andre’s voice comes over the video chat in our meeting room.
Xavier laughs beside me before replying. “He took the day off.”
I catch a glimpse of Andre rolling his eyes. “Must be nice to go gallivanting around town with your fiance’ when there’s business to attend to.”
“Don’t you have like ten fiancés, bro?” My twin, Jonathan jokes beside me.