“Is this mandatory?” I ask him while still staring through the glass. Kaz steps off the elevator onto our floor. She looks fantastic as usual in her tight skirt and ruffled blouse. She’s got on a pair of sexy red heels and red lipstick to match. Visions of me fucking her while she wears those heels assault my memory. I squeeze my eyes shut in an attempt to clear my head.
“Jonathan, are you okay?” Xavier asks me.
I turn towards him with a curt smile that feels painted on and respond, “Yeah, I'm good man. Just have a headache.” My head swivels right back to the glass eyeing Kaz as she steps up to Sebastian and starts showing him some paperwork.
“So will you be able to go? We could really use you and Jamison. More eyes to see what's going on.” Xavier says casually while also looking through the glass. No doubt, he is looking directly where I am now. Sebastian places his hand on Kaz's lower back and guides her into his office before shutting the door behind him. I grind my molars and blow out a breath to try to control the slight rage I’m currently feeling.
“Count me in,” I respond to Xavier finally.
He looks at me with a straight face for a good thirty seconds before I raise my brows at him in question.
“Sebastian isn’t into Kaz. You know that right?”
I roll my eyes in irritation. “It’s not my business who Sebastian is into. Besides, she’s off limits, remember?”
He laughs at me and opens the door to my office. “Oh, I remember alright. I’m just not sure you ever actually heard the memo.”
The door slams behind him leaving me to question if Kaz and I were ever as careful as I thought we were.
Chapter 14
We’ve been sitting at Lock & Key in the VIP section for the past hour. Jonathan has made it his life’s mission to get impossibly drunk tonight. He doesn’t seem himself. Really, he hasn’t seemed himself for the past month. I know it has to do with Kaz. He is still upset. I thought he would be over it by now, but it is like she has some invisible hold on my twin that I cannot seem to break. I cannot get her out of my head either. Over the past month I have found myself paying closer and closer attention to the things she is doing or saying. I can tell while my brother is avoiding her, she is also avoiding me. She cannot avoid me forever, though.
I’m feeling a little guilty tonight, Kitten. I may need a reminder of why I’m keeping your secret.
I watch as the three dots appear and disappear a few times before a message finally comes through.
You have no feelings, Jamison.
I smirk at her text. Kitten has her claws out tonight.
Now, now. That isn’t true at all. For instance, I’m feeling quite a bit of something when I remember how perfectly your lips wrapped around my cock…
A few moments go by again before she responds.
I can’t do this, Jamison. What if people find out?
I glare down at my phone. She means, what if Jonathan finds out. Jealousy hits me quickly. She does not have the slightest clue I showed him that video. Why hasn’t he told her? I look up at my brother to see him pull a busty waitress down on his lap. Quickly, I snap a picture and send it to Kaz.
If you are worried about my brother, he is perfectly content.
Her response is immediate.
Fuck you both.
I hear my brother whisper in the waitress's ear asking her if she likes sandwiches. She giggles and leans into him. Suddenly, I’m filled with the visual of my brother and I while we both take Kaz. I wait for the jealousy to flare up, but it doesn’t. In my mind, we are all there together and something about that doesn’t sound so terrible after all. My phone flies out of my hand and hits the ground a few feet away. I look up to see my brother staring at me intently. This motherfucker just slapped my phone out of my hand. I hear a giggle and look down to see the waitress in my lap undoing my belt. Jonathan raises his brow at me.
“I’m going to need you to pay a little bit of attention to our blonde friend tonight, brother. Let her loosen up some of that tension you have going on.” His words slur slightly as he speaks. I know exactly what he is doing right now. He is drowning himself the best way he knows how. Xavier and Sebastian both stare at me, waiting for a response. I am thoroughly pissed off at my brother, but now is not the time to have this discussion.
“Fine,” I grit out and grasp the blonde’s hair tightly in one hand while unzipping my pants with the other. She gasps in pain out loud, causing my dick to twitch. “Show me what’s caught my brother’s interest.”
I close my eyes and envision Kaz, as the waitress reaches into my pants. My dick thickens at record speed as she wraps her lips around it and sucks. I hear Sebastian and Xavier get up to leave and Jonathan calling out about taking our sweet time with this one but I pay little attention. I’m stuck in my head with my memories. My dick is so hard it could burst right now. I plunge into her wet mouth, causing her to gag. She gasps as Jonathan enters her from behind.
“Yes," she moans in a horrible high pitched voice making me cringe.
“Less talking,” I say before grabbing her head and shoving her back onto my dick. “This isn’t the time for a speech.”