“You did well, Kitten." he says as he wipes his thumb across my bottom lip and proceeds to stand up.
I guess we are back to formal speaking. This man is an enigma.
“Jamison?” I ask as he grabs the handle of the door to leave.
He turns towards me but doesn’t say anything.
“How much longer? How much longer will you keep my secret?” I ask him.
He turns back towards the door before answering me. “A bit longer, Kitten. I’m not sure I’m done with you yet.” He leaves, the door shutting behind him, while I’m left on the floor wondering what the hell I have just gotten myself into.
Chapter 12
My keys click annoyingly as I type on my computer. Backspace again for the third time. Fuck, I cannot get the image of Kaz on her knees for me out of my head. The feel of her lips wrapped around my cock so perfectly. That was not supposed to happen. My intentions were to get her to back off of Jonathan. I couldn’t turn down the opportunity when it arose, though. She has some sort of hold of my twin. It is unhealthy. It is dangerous. The image of her taking me to the back of her throat flashes in my head again. I slam my palm down on my desk before grabbing the bottle of water I have and chugging it. She’s a fucking sorceress. I can feel a migraine setting in. It has been at least fourteen hours since I last ate. The time on my clock reads six am. I push away from my desk and make my way to the kitchen before stopping in my tracks. Jonathan hums happily while messing with the coffee pot. He turns around and smiles big before leaning both hands against the counter behind him.
“Well good morning, brother. How nice of you to grace me with your presence today.”
I ignore him and push my way into the kitchen before pulling eggs out of the fridge and heading towards the stove. I’m about to crack my third egg when he starts chuckling behind me. I whirl around with an egg in hand and see him smiling at hisphone while sitting at the kitchen island. The egg cracks in my hand. Jonathan looks up at me, confused.
“Who are you texting that has you in such a happy state?” I grit out.
His eyes narrow. “None of your business. Also, you have egg all over your hand.”
I look down at my hand and notice I do indeed have egg running down my forearm. Stepping forward, I wash my hands and arm while still eyeballing my brother.
“That better not be Kaz.”
Jonathan jumps up and places both hands on the counter leaning towards me. “So fucking what if it is. I’m sick of you telling me what to do. It’s none of your business.”
“Everything you do is my business,” I growl.
“No. It. Isn’t.” He slams his palm down for effect. “We have had a thing for each other for years now. It hasn’t affected the company. I know you know it. I’m sick of sneaking around. I want her, Jamison. She wants me too. I think we could have something special.”
I smirk at him. “You think you are going to have something special with her? Do you think you’re the only guy she has been sneaking around with, brother?”
Jonathan just stares at me as I pull my phone from my back pocket. I scroll my phone for the video I’m looking for before placing it across the counter in front of my brother.
“What the fuck is this?” he asks me as he gestures to my phone.
“Press play,” I reply coolly.
He does as I say. The video shows the back of Kaz's hair wrapped around my fist. My phone is perfectly positioned on the desk behind her. You can’t see her face but you can hear her moaning around my cock while I fuck her pretty little mouth. It'sonly a small portion of the full clip. Just enough to hear her come all over her own fingers while I shoot my cum down her throat.
Jonathan stands there staring at my phone, his jaw set.
“She is not special, brother. She is just like every other whore we decide to fuck around with. We only have each other.”
He doesn't look at me but I know he’s hurt and angry. A small price to pay to ensure he isn’t blinded by pussy. He will get over it. He grabs his phone and throws it. It hits the wall and shatters into pieces. Without so much as a glance back in my direction, he stalks to his room and slams the door shut behind him. I grab my phone and exit the video before sending out a text message. A new phone will be delivered for Jonathan before the end of the day. I turn back to my now burnt eggs and clean the pan out while whistling to myself. I grab a banana and head back into my room while eating it. Victory never tasted so sweet.
Chapter 13
It’s been over a month at least since I’ve responded to any of Kaz’s messages. Normally I’m the one continuously messaging her but I really just can’t right now. If i’m being honest with myself, I’m fucking hurt. I know we weren’t ever an actual item. We have been towing this line between coworkers and I don't know… ”lovers” for so long, I think I’m just so mixed up. There was never an official conversation, mostly because we were hiding from everyone, but also because Kaz only messaged me when she was tipsy. Everytime I think of it like that, it pisses me off. Had she been fucking with me all along? I mean, I never asked her to be exclusive but she could have at least had the decency to not mess around with anyone else at work. She made me think we had something special. Somewhere in the back of my mind I thought one day it would be more. Now, instead, I’m left wondering who else she’s been fucking. Does she take turns blowing Sebastian with Sasha? What about Xavier? Maybe he fucks her on the side too. Andre? My brother? Both at the same time? The last part really gets me. I can feel my knuckles tighten, harshly gripping the pen I’ve been aimlessly flipping around. I’ve been stuck in my office all fucking day trying to avoid seeing her. Now I find myself flipping the shades so I can peer out hoping to catch a glimpse. She’s nowhere around but the door to my office opens abruptly to my left and Xavier strides in.
“We are going to the new sex club that asshole Lockhart is opening this weekend. I’m getting a VIP setup so we can get a layout of the place and try to figure out what kind of pie he has his hands in.”