Page 14 of Unlocked

Fuck, why is this turning me on. I should be pissed off right now. I should be telling him to get the fuck away from me but the sound of his dirty words are destroying me. This isn’t the perfectly poised and controlled Jamison I’m used to. This is an unhinged God and right now, I feel like a willing servant. My pussy tightens with every pump of his fingers.

“Do you feel how wet you are, Kitten? You’re going to come for me like the dirty slut you are, aren’t you?”

I try to shake my head no but he swipes his thumb across my clit while still plunging his fingers inside me and it sends me over the edge. I come with a muffled cry, his two fingers still shoved in my mouth while the others grip around my jaw. My leg drops to the ground suddenly along with my dress and I open my eyes to look into a set of glaring deep blue ones. Tears track down both sides of my face. Jamison leans in close.

“You are here because I allow it. Jonathan will tire of you and your antics one day. He will see you for what you are or I will show him.” He lets me go suddenly before pulling the door open, causing me to stumble forward. Without another word, he’s gone, and I’m left a complete and utter mess. My brain is in overdrive while my pussy is screaming for more. Holy fucking hell. What have I just gotten myself into?

Chapter 10


Three years later

Where are you? We are about to start the morning meeting. Your punctuality is nauseating.

I roll my eyes at the text from my twin as I enter the elevator and lean against the back in the corner. Kaz enters and quickly averts her eyes when she notices I’m also in there.

“Morning,” I say, flashing her my dazzling smile as a few more people slide into the elevator. A curvy brunette enters with her nose wrinkled and stands next to Kaz.

“What’s wrong,” I hear Kaz whisper to the woman. “You don’t like the smell of ‘I have a small dick but I’m gonna act like it’s big energy’ either?” They both break out in a fit of giggles. Kaz turns her head towards me and the woman’s gaze follows. I smirk at Kaz and she rolls her eyes. She is trying to goad me, I know it. What I really want to do is corner her in this damn elevator and slide my hand up her skirt. Pump my fingers into her tight little pussy and make her confess to everyone around about how she was just riding my dick over the weekend like I was a fucking racehorse. Nevermind the fact that she was drunk…again. She can pretend she doesn’t want me all she wants, but we both know the truth. The only thing stopping me is the thought of someone else hearing her pretty little moanswhile she comes on my fingers. Well that, and the fact that the CEO, Sebastian, would gut me if he found out I was fucking the one person at Bolt Corporation he deemed off limits from day one. He is one of my best friends but his controlling nature is ridiculous. Right up there next to Jamison. I’ve had to resort to picking Kaz up everytime she calls me wasted and booking a hotel room just to avoid him finding out what I am up to. I’m honestly surprised he hasn’t yet but I know he is suspicious. We do most everything together including sometimes sharing our conquests. Kaz isn’t a conquest to me though. I don’t want to share her with anyone. I also don’t want to upset my brother so I'll remain a dirty little secret…for now. The elevator dings and I watch her walk out with the other woman. She doesn’t so much as glance back in my direction but that’s okay. I know it’s just a matter of time before she calls me again.

Chapter 11


A few months later

“Please say you’ll meet up with me later,” Jonathan whispers in my ear as he presses up against me. My whole body ignites with him this close and I involuntarily lean into him causing him to groan. “You’re killing me, Kaz.”

I glance around wildly, making sure we can’t be seen. The curtain is purely for decoration and we are shoved into a corner behind it. Still, I can’t relax knowing any minute we could be caught.

“Jonathan, please,” I plead with him while he proceeds to kiss up my neck. “Someone is going to catch us. We can’t keep doing this.” I’m breathless and two point five seconds from hitching up my dress and letting him fuck me right here behind this curtain at our fucking company Christmas party. What the hell is wrong with me? Coming to my senses, I push against him, backing him up and peer around the corner. I see Riley come in with a man who looks completely wasted. I’m assuming it’s her husband. Gross. That woman has no idea how amazing she is. Any man would be falling to their knees for a chance to be here with her…sober.

“Fuck, Riley’s here,” I turn to walk around the curtain but Jonathan grabs my hand and jolts me towards him, conveniently placing it on his dick.

“Look how hard you make me, Pretty Girl.” He pushes his lips out into a pout and it causes his dimple to pop. I bite my lip while perusing his face and body. His hair is disheveled per usual sweeping across his forehead like he doesn't have a care in the world. The top two buttons of his suit are open and his tie is loose around his neck. He is so fucking sexy, it almost hurts to look at him. What’s worse is he knows it. He smirks at me as he rubs my palm over his cock nonchalantly. I snatch my hand back once I realize what he’s doing.

“Stop it. Fuck Jonathan, you are going to get us caught. I have to go.” I turn and whip out from behind the curtain and strut right up to Riley, her very pissed off looking husband and a smug Sebastian.

“Oh my God, Riley, you look beautiful! I knew that dress was going to look stunning on you!” I can feel the tension thick in the air so I turn towards Nate and place my hand on his shoulder hoping to calm the situation. “You must be Nate. It’s nice to meet you. You sure are a lucky man to have such a beautiful woman on your arm tonight!” He says nothing. Asshole. I grab Riley’s hand and start dragging her away while Nate follows. “I need you to come over here so I can introduce you to a few people.”

“Thank you,” Riley whispers when Nate looks back towards Sebastian.

“I got you,” I reply before we make our rounds around the room for introductions with other employees and acquaintances from Bolt Corp. I spend the next hour checking on employees and avoiding Jonathan. Everytime I look in his direction or get near him, I catch Jamison watching me like a hawk. He is way too observant for his own good. I’ve already had a few drinks and I’m definitely feeling tipsy. Tipsy enough to meet with Jonathan later…most likely.

I’m stuck in my thoughts zoning out on Jonathan when commotion from Riley’s side of the table catches my attention. Nate pukes all over Sasha, causing me to grimace. I don’t have time to fully comprehend the situation when I see Jamison’s tall form stand up. His deep blue eyes blaze as he stalks towards me. His suit is crisp, completely buttoned and perfectly pressed. Not an ounce of ink showing. His hair styled back like he just came off the set of a GQ photoshoot. I gulp and spin around, frantically searching for an escape. I don’t know why he looks so mad but I’m not sober enough to deal with him right now. I spot a server’s door and quickly scoot through it before turning into a low lit hall. ‘These must be offices,’ I think to myself as I try a few doors that are locked. Finally, a knob turns and I push myself into a room before silently closing it behind me. Definitely an office, but at least I can catch my breath for a minute while I’m in here. I don’t dare turn the lights on. Plus, there’s plenty of light shining through the open window that I can see perfectly fine, minus a few shadows, of course. I’ve just made my way to the desk when a voice speaks from behind me. I shriek and spin around quickly, my hand on my heart.

“Why are you running, Kitten?” Jamison asks as he stalks towards me.

I back up against the desk and the edge hits my thighs hard. I can’t feel it though. My heart is racing too fast and I’m freaking the fuck out inside. Jamison looks menacing.

“Do you not comprehend simple requests?”

I look at him confused. What the fuck is he talking about?

“Let me put it in more simple terms for you to understand. Stay. The fuck. Away. From my brother,” he says, enunciating each word. I know he just implied I am stupid and my blood boils as he hovers above me, glaring.

I point my finger in his face. “Don’t fucking talk to me like I’m an idiot, Jamison.”