Page 43 of Unlocked

“I don’t know what you’re talking about," she says, looking down at the floor. I push a lock of hair behind her ear, causing her body to tense.

“Oh, Eve. I traced that DNA paperwork right back to your shitty little apartment,” I reply, with a smile, causing her head to snap back up.

“What DNA paperwork?” She asks me quizzically.

She’s fucking good. She genuinely looks like she has no idea what I’m talking about. If I had more time, I would love to play. The truth is, I’m not only out of time, but my patience is running low as well. My hand shoots out and my fingers wrap around her delicate throat.

“No more games,” I say, tightening my grip. “You sent me DNA paperwork that matched one of the twins with me. I had my own tests run and they matched up.”

Her eyes go wide and she leans away from me. “I didn’t send you those papers, Ethan. You were never supposed to find out about them.”

“Bullshit!” I scream, slamming her back to the ground as she tries to crawl away from me. “Where the fuck have you been all of this time, huh? Where have you been hiding?” I straddle her as she struggles against my hand still locked around her throat. She purses her lips in defiance, which only serves to piss me off further. I stand up quickly and drag her towards my desk by her hair.

“If you won’t answer me, I might as well get some other use from you,” I say as I yank her frail body from the ground and bend her over my desk. She’s still in the nightgown she wore to bed when my men grabbed her. Leaning over her, I whisper in her ear, “Are you still innocent or did my Vixen learn a thing or two over the years?”

“No, please don’t," she cries out. My free hand pushes up under her gown to rip her panties off while my other hand smashes her head to the desk, holding her in place. “Last chance,” I say, spitting on my already hard dick and lining it up with her entrance. “Where have you been, Vixen, and why was I unable to find you?”

“I was sent away!” She screams out, making me pause. “My parents made a deal with yours. Give up the babies and disappear. They paid for everything. They didn’t even ask me what I wanted.”

“They didn’t even give me a choice," she says, sobbing. I rip her head sideways and watch entranced as tears fall down her cheek. The site only makes my dick harder. I lean in and lick her cheek, the salty taste sliding over my tongue.

“Would you have stayed?” I ask her. She eyes me, but doesn’t respond, so I smile down at her as I thrust myself inside her tight pussy. She screams out loud at my brutal entrance. Wherever she has been hidden, she wasn’t being touched, I’m certain of it. She’s just as tight as I remember.

“It's okay,” I whisper in her ear, picking up my pace. “I think I’ll keep you now, anyway

Chapter 35


‘The apartment is quiet,’ I think to myself as I wander around it aimlessly. Jonathan left earlier to run some errands. Ben is sleeping in the guestroom like he has been for the past eight hours. It’s late and I know I should be tired but I can’t bring myself to sleep. I’m worried about my friend, but also, I’m confused about my situation with Jamison. The asshole tried to fucking kill me. If it weren’t for his brother showing up, he very well might have. I should be angry still, yet here I am contemplating this entire situation. He saved Ben. Ben told me everything. He saved my friend, and put himself in danger, when he didn’t have to. I need to know why.

‘Fuck it,’ I think as I make my way towards his bedroom door. I knock once lightly, but get no response.

“Jamison?” I call out through the door, knocking again. Still no answer. Before I can talk myself out of it, I’m pushing through his bedroom door like I own the place. I’m fully expecting to be verbally assaulted, but stop short when I spot Jamison sitting at his computer desk facing away from me. He’s shirtless, his tattoos on full display, and only wearing a pair of loose fitting joggers. My mouth waters. Why does this man have to be so damn sexy?

“Jamison?” I ask again, annoyed that he is ignoring me. What possible reason could he have for that? I inch closer beforenoticing an airpod in his ear. ‘Okay, so clearly not ignoring me,’ I think to myself, suddenly a tiny bit happier. Without a second thought, I reach out to grab the airpod from his ear, when his hand lashes out and grabs my wrist hard. His chair spins around and I’m yanked onto his lap sideways, his other hand coming up to wrap around my neck.

“Did you need something, Kitten? I’m not a fan of being snuck up on," he asks me, his brow raised in question.

“I wasn’t trying to sneak up on you. I knocked, but you didn’t answer.”

“So you decided to invade my personal space," he states matter of factly.

I shift uncomfortably on his lap. “Well, when you put it that way,” I say, grimacing. “I guess that might have been an asshole move.”

He smirks and removes his hands from my wrist and neck before placing one on my lower back and the other on my thigh. I’m wearing a small pair of sleep shorts, and the feel of his fingers on my bare skin sends a shot of electricity straight to my core. Without realizing I’m doing it, I wriggle my ass, grazing the semi-hard length he has beneath his joggers.

“Kitten," he growls out, his fingers digging into my skin. “Was there a point to your intrusion, because if not, I’m going to need you to leave before I do something you might not like.”

“You never cared before if I liked something or not,” I huff out in annoyance.

He narrows his eyes, his grip still punishing. “I always made sure you enjoyed yourself.”

That comment makes me laugh out loud. This extremely smart man can hack into corporate databases and more, yet he cannot understand the difference between getting off and actually liking something. Unfortunately, somewhere down the line, everything blurred, and I actually did start enjoying ourencounters. I might have even enjoyed pretending I didn’t. I won’t act like it started off that way, though. I’m fully aware of the psychopath who’s lap I’m sitting on.

“In all seriousness, Jamison,” I say, as the smile falls from my face. “Why did you save Ben?”

“Because I knew you would want him saved.”