“Who the fuck is that? Why is he naked? And why the fuck are his arms around our girl?” He states, jealousy written all over his features.
“It’s the missing friend.” I look at my brother and watch his shoulders relax. “He was in The Cellar.”
“You helped him escape?”
I look back to see them still locked in an embrace. “I may have given him my keycard, the last time we were there. The escaping part he did all on his own, though.”
“That’s what took you so long?” Xavier asks out of nowhere. “You had to go back through the rooms the normal way because you didn’t have your keycard anymore.”
I watch as the paramedics come in and help Ben onto the gurney.
“Maybe,” I say, shrugging my shoulders.
Sebastian looks from Kaz and Ben over to me. “You put yourself in danger for someone you didn’t even know.”
“He knows Kaz.”
All three of them stare at me with eyebrows raised.
“Don’t fucking say it,” I growl out in warning. I’m in no mood for these pricks to psychoanalyze me right now. The truth is, I have no idea why I helped the man. At that moment, it seemed logical, but now, I’m questioning myself.
“What’s going on?” I hear Riley ask Sebastian as she steps up with Corrine and my intern, Kyle.
Kyle looks over towards the gurney with a small smile. “Yeah, and who is the sexy, half naked God that stumbled into our firm?”
“Wipe the drool from your chin, Kyle,” Xavier says, laughing. “It’s Kaz's childhood friend who went missing years ago.
“Dammit, the sexy ones are always straight. Do you think they’re childhood sweethearts?” Kyle questions, while watching the scene before him.
“No,” Jonathan and I both growl out in unison, making him smirk at both of us.
We follow them out to the ambulance and watch as they load Ben into the back. Kaz jumps in next to him, still holding his hand. She looks over at all of us, her eyes still wet from crying. “I’ll do it.”
No one says a word as both doors slam shut and we watch the ambulance drive away. Jonathan already has his helmetstrapped on and he’s walking towards his bike. “I’ll follow them to make sure they’re safe.”
“Good,” Sebastian yells at Jonathan as he starts his bike. “And quit fucking parking on the damn sidewalk.”
“Let’s discuss a plan,” I say as I watch the ambulance and my brother disappear around the corner. “It’s time to take Lockhart down a peg or two.”
Chapter 34
There’s no faking the paperwork this time. I hand delivered the DNA evidence myself. I look over the results matching Jamison’s DNA to mine. How did I not see it? In my defense, I never thought the original paperwork sent to me was real, let alone that it was possibly a match to a twin. How the hell did she get the original DNA to begin with? No matter. All my questions should be answered soon enough.
The door to my office swings open, making me growl out loud.
“I told you to knock,” I say without looking up.
“Sorry, sir,” one of my newer men says, as he yanks a woman in by her arm. “This one has given me a lot of trouble.”
I look up to see her struggling with him as he decides to shove her to the ground.
“That will be all,” I reply to him, thoroughly unimpressed. “I cannot fucking wait for Devin to come back. The rest of my men are complete imbeciles. The woman with mousy brown hair looks up at me, her vibrant blue eyes full of hatred.
“Hello, Eve,” I say with a smirk. She glares at me from the floor as I stand from my desk and make my way around to her. I squat down in front of her, eyeing her body. She’s still as beautiful as I remember, though maybe a bit more frail looking. She could definitely use a few extra meals.
“Did you think I wouldn’t be able to find out who sent me that paperwork?”