“Mention her again, and I will rip you to shreds. Do you hear me?” Sonya roared. “Phoenix will be the first to die. I can promise you that.”
“We understand each other,” Tristan replied, licking the dark blood from his lip.
He tightened his grip on the steering wheel, reaching out to Lucio once more, but received no response. Seeing Shakespearetrail behind them, Tristan felt a twinge of hope. He exaggerated his confidence with Sonya, antagonizing her to keep her focused and angry. His union with Liora, Charmaine, had damned him to a life of worship and heartache for a soulmate his Draca would never let him have. That wasn’t love. It was hell.
Tristan understood fate. He knew what caused Phoenix to go dark and kill his true love.The Draca always wins. But if the women are to survive, then he too would have to make the similar sacrifice that Lucio had chosen. And he’d use Shakespeare to do it.
Lucio had a plan, a contingency, to protect his brothers from the curse of Julia Brown. Dolly and Darlene were unexpected variables, but now their mission was clear. Tristan would lead Phoenix, Raven, and especially Shakespeare to their deaths if it meant honoring Lucio’s wishes. The guardians needed to stay focused on their purpose, not distracted by the consiglieri’s machinations. The Supreme Vampire’s vision would come to pass.
The truck came to a halt.Darlene lifted her head, her eyes red and swollen. Dolly had retreated into her grief, unresponsive no matter how much Darlene tried to reach her and reason with her. She couldn’t escape her physical form without Dolly’s cooperation. She was alone in her body and suffering. Lucio was her vampire; he had vowed to never leave her abandoned again. She had broken up with him in her heart, wanting to make him hurt so he would learn a lesson and treat her better. And he healed her. Loved her the way she needed him too. He was her main boyfriend. Now he was gone.
“Get out of the truck,” the Professor ordered, his voice rough.
Darlene glared at him. She and Charmaine exchanged a silent, deadly look.
“This talisman protects my energy, you’re with the First People now, not in some Cajun swamp,” the Professor said to Charmaine. He then directed his attention to Darlene. “We have many ways to defend ourselves, even from you, my niece.”
Darlene’s brows lowered. She and Charmaine remained still and silent.
A group of women approached the truck. Their leader, a beautiful brunette, had been attacked as well during the wrath of the guardians but spared. Charmaine recognized her instantly. Liora had spared her life instinctively, knowing there was a purpose these cult people served. She needed to convince Dolly and Darlene to explore it.
“We should listen to them. Hear them out,” Charmaine suggested.
“No. He’s a liar. I’m not related to him,” Darlene snapped. “He works for Lucio. He’s with the vampires.”
“He can be a liar, but even in lies, there are kernels of truth. If Lucio is alive, he will need you and Dolly both.”
Darlene looked over at Charmaine, and then back at the Professor. She elevated out of her physical body and transformed into her metaphysical, deeply melanated self. Dolly rejoined them, both conscious and aware. She reached over to grab Charmaine’s hand. Darlene hovered above them, her eyes fixed on the Professor.
“I don’t care what trinkets you have. If you’re lying to us, we’ll destroy you all,” Dolly warned, her voice cold and resolute. Darlene then went into the night to visit the camp before they did.
The Professor nodded he understood the gravity of her threat.
Dolly and Charmaine hopped down from the bed of the truck, their expressions set with determination and distrust.
Lucio is alive?Dolly asked.
Sonya says he is. Tristan is coming. He is going to help us. Charmaine replied.
Are you sure? Really sure?Dolly asked.I can’t lose him. I won’t lose him. Please say, you’re sure.
Dolly, have faith.Said Charmaine.
Dolly agreed. Darlene returned. Her sister gave a nod that the place was less threatening to them. She and Darlene both agreed to go with the First People. For now.
Chapter 38
More Truth
Bellagio / Las Vegas - Nevada
April 19, 2018
(2 Days Before Death)
Shakespeare’s griptightened on the handlebars of his Kawasaki. The engine’s roar barely drowned out the voice in his mind. He felt the compulsion to respond, an irresistible pull from his Master. But anger burned within him, a fury that made him want to defy Domencio’s command. Sophie’s fate haunted him, and Domencio—Sophie’s creator—hadn’t uttered a single word about her. How could he stay silent?
Where are you?