Domencio just sat in the corner, silent, fuming.
“Consider it done,” Phoenix said with a nod.
Marcello approached the coffin. He rested a hand on its surface with love. “Don’t worry, brothers. We will atone. Lucio, we’ll fix this. We must.”
The Past
Lucio peeked out from the cabinet, his eyes met those of a tall man with emerald-green gems for eyes and vibrant red hair like fiery flames. He looked mystical and odd, but a comforting presence in the house of horrors that was now Lucio’s world.
“I am Phoenix, your father’s magistrate,” the man said, stooping to extend a hand. Lucio took it, and Phoenix helped him to his feet. “Why did you run and hide, Lucio?”
“I miss my Maman…” Lucio whispered.
“Ah, Julia Brown. You think she’s your mother?” Phoenix asked with gentle curiosity.
Lucio nodded. “My Maman.”
“Come, let me show you your real mother,” Phoenix offered.
Confused but eager to escape the darkness where his brothers remained trapped, Lucio clung to the tall stranger’s hand as they walked together. They traversed a corridor with crimson walls, the color deep red and unsettling.
“Have you ever been here?” Phoenix inquired.
“No,” Lucio admitted. Fear had kept him and his brothers from exploring this new, daunting world.
“This is Scarlet Hall, named by your father in tribute to your mother. This is how you show love. See? There she is.”
Phoenix released Lucio’s hand. He allowed him to walk down the hall alone. On one side were portraits of a woman—his mother, Phoenix claimed.
Young Lucio studied each painting, mesmerized by his own mother’s beauty, feeling a warmth from her he hadn’t known he was missing. On the opposite wall, paintings depicted her with his father, their smiles suggesting the happiness of a family.
“Scarlet Hall,” Lucio murmured. He stuck his thumb in his mouth, a smile breaking across his cherub face. Here, amidst the terror and confusion of his new world, was a glimpse of the world he belonged to—a world where he could be able to feel the love he needed in that moment.
Chapter 37
Truth Miss-Told
Mojave Desert (FP Camp) - Nevada
April 19, 2018
(2 Days Before Death)
At some point,the caravan stopped. Greenlee honored Charmaine’s wishes and allowed her to ride in the back of the truck with Dolly. Then they continued toward the camp. The cool desert air whipped up turbulence inside and all around her. Dolly had been immobile since her explosive outburst, while Darlene hadn’t materialized separately from her sister. The man in the back of the truck, a stranger to Charmaine, kept a watchful eye on Dolly.
“You didn’t have to join us, guardian. I won’t harm her,” the professor said.
“I’m not protecting her, I’m protecting you. She wakes and finds you with her you won’t be able to even open your mouth before she unleashes.” Charmaine warned.
“Why would you protect me?” the professor smirked.
“Because we are here for answers. After the Chosen gets what she needs from you people I’ll gladly let you die.” Charmaine said.
He nodded his understanding but showed no signs of fear. He looked at Dolly again. “What happened to her?” he asked.
“She’s done this before. But she got herself out of it.” Charmaine’s eyes narrowed on him instead of the woman she was born to protect. “Who are you?”