“That doesn’t sound like hell to me. I live in hell now,” said Tristan.

“That’s because you are a fool,” said Phoenix.

“You speak from experience?” Tristan asked.

Phoenix pointed to the other corner. A portrait of another goddess. Phoenix looked away. “She was my mate. I drove the dagger into her heart to free my Draca and myself. Now she is my curse.”

“What is her name?” Tristan asked.

“Never ask me that question again,” Phoenix said. “Just know that she is the mother of Liora and Kaida. And she is gone.

Tristan wanted to ask. He burned for knowledge of the women guardians. He ached to look at Liora just once more, but he did not.

Phoenix pointed to the chair and the table. “Sit, your lessons begin now. And then you will have a choice to make. Serve Lucio and become consiglieri or die. You decide under the half moon tonight, Priest.”

Tristan turnedoff the running water in the sink. He looked up at his reflection in the mirror. Liora had returned. He’d fought with her, danced with her. He kissed her. The most wonderful kiss of his soul. And when she turned to leave, he could not part from her. He knew better. His Draca roared and fought its restraints to stop him, but he could not be denied. He seized her and did the unthinkable. She was his mate. What would that mean now?

Where are you?

Phoenix had spoken. “In the lobby,” he replied.

We have a guardian. We are taking her to the vault.

“I’m on my way,” he said.

Tristan let go a deep sigh. He inhaled slowly and settled himself. Phoenix could never know of his actions. He’d defied the coven, broken a seal, and forced his Draca to drink the light of a Guardian. What he did was punishable by death. But he had no regrets. He and Liora were far from done.

He dried and walked out of the bathroom.

Chapter 32

Let Me Serve

Las Vegas, Nevada

April 18, 2018

(3 Days Before Death)

“I don’t needanything from you,” Dolly said firmly. “Let’s go.”

“Icanhelp! Get in my car—I can take you to—” Nzinga pleaded, but Darlene landed before her, pulsing with dark energy. Dolly sensed her sister’s eagerness to assert her power, to make an example of anyone who dared interfere.

Charmaine felt defenseless under the weight of Darlene’s intense gaze. Since joining Dolly, Charmaine had found her place with ease, but she knew Darlene’s trust had to be earned.

“Your Grace,” Charmaine said, respectfully. She shot a glare at Nzinga, prompting her to immediately drop to one knee. Charmaine then followed suit, kneeling before Darlene. “I come to you as Liora, not Charmaine. I am your Guardian as well, sworn to serve you from the light. I would never turn from a command or a fight. I am here to ensure that you and Dolly are always protected from the darkness.”

Darlene sneered.I didn’t ask for you to serve me! I’m handling the vampires, protecting my sister and brother—alone! I don’t need you!

“Darlene?” Dolly’s voice was gentle but firm.

Charmaine nodded, keeping her posture low. “That’s true. You don’t need us. That’s why we never attempted to breach your realm. We’ve respectfully remained apart. But it wasthis woman—and the ones she serves—who broke that law, not me. They brought us here. And now that we’re here, we are yours to command.”

Darlene’s gaze moved to Dolly, who gave her an encouraging nod. Reluctantly, Darlene’s dark energy receded, though her frown lingered.

“They’ve taken your brother,” Nzinga said, abruptly shifting the tense moment.

The reunion of the Chosen and the Guardian halted as Dolly and Darlene looked up, alarm sparking in their eyes.