“Werewolves,” Lamont said. “If there are vampires, there have to be wolves, right?”
“I guess,” Russell stammered.
“I don’t know the setup, but Tristan was clear: your life for mine. And I ain’t fucking dying out here. I don’t give a fuck. I have to protect and serve. You do as I say, no questions. I’ll check in with Tristan regularly and try to connect you with your sister. Deal?” Lamont asked.
“Deal,” Russell mumbled. He pulled out the enormous diamond Cuban link chain and medallion, fastening it around his neck. Lamont reclined his head and closed his eyes. The car sped through the midnight hour, further away from Vegas. Ahead and behind them, a caravan of vampires moved toward an unknown destination.
Dolly squintedagainst the glare of the lights. She used her hand as a shield.
Darlene?Dolly evoked her sister.
I’m here. Why didn’t Lucio say hi to me? See? See how he ignores me? How he treats me!Darlene said.
As Darlene had done in the desert canyon, she materialized at her sister's side. A metaphysically darkly dressed version of her individuality. Even her skin tone had changed. It has become enriched with the deepest manifestation of melanin. She glowed with vitality.
“Oh, my…” Charmaine gasped. To see Dolly in a metaphysical state with darker skin and flowing dark hair was a sight even for her friend.
Dolly smiled like a proud parent of her naughty, but now well-behaved child, who pranced in front of them. It was the very first time the sisters could harness their powers in such a way and separate. In this form Darlene was her own person.
The metaphysical side of Darlene was without obstruction. Like a powerful poltergeist, she existed in their universe and was seen. Darlene defied gravity as a demonstration of her power. She flew around them. Dolly and Charmaine watched in stunned wonder, almost forgetting the idling car and the occupants inside.
Then Darlene dissolved into black smoke that swirled over the car in a spinning motion as Darlene peered inside.
Windows are too dark. I think it’s a woman, though. Said Darlene.
Dolly and Charmaine exchanged a look of puzzlement. Darlene materialized. She walked back from the car.
I don’t care who it is. She can’t hurt you,said Darlene.
The car idled before them. The three stood shoulder to shoulder, facing the unknown. When the door opened, Dolly said a silent prayer that Darlene was wrong. What if it weren’t a woman? What if it was Lucio coming to their rescue?
It wasn’t Lucio.
“Nzinga?” Charmaine said and stepped forward.
“I found you, my Guardian,” Nzinga answered.
Dolly looked her over. She wore black sweatpants and a black tank top, no bra. Bruises marred her arms, face, and neck, ghastly even in the shadowy night. Nzinga walked in a stiff manner as she dropped before the women a duffle bag.
“Don’t come any closer, Nzinga,” Charmaine warned.
“Who is she?” Dolly asked.
“I just… I came… to…” Nzinga stumbled and nearly fell. Charmaine caught her in time.
“How did you find me? How did you know?” Charmaine asked. She helped Nzinga sit on the edge of the car.
“The air tag. Remember? It’s in your pocket. I have one on Sonya too,” Nzinga replied. “I had to get this to you. I sensed you would need it.”
“What is wrong with her?” Dolly asked. Darlene was at the car now, looking inside.
Charmaine examined Nzinga. She wasn’t getting better. With a simple touch, Charmaine understood Nzinga had internal injuries—if untreated, they would be fatal.
“You can’t go on like this, Nzinga. I must heal you,” Charmaine said, after a nagging foreboding warning washed over her. If she didn’t heal Nzinga, she would die. But if she did, could they trust her? Her mission had already been compromised by the failed attempt to heal the consiglieri. Now mated with Tristan, she carried a piece of darkness with her that she could not escape. She couldn’t risk Dolly's or Darlene’s lives again. Oh, how she needed her sister, Kaida.
“It’s okay, Guardian. Please. You must save your strength. There is so much dark energy on the prowl tonight. I had to leave Circus Circus. Someone in our organization broke the seal of protection because of the death of our sisters at the hands of the Guardians. The place is teaming with supernatural’s, turning feral and on the hunt for you. They all know you are here, andhereis not safe.”
“Stand still,” Charmaine ordered.