Dolly stared at him. “Lucio? It’s where everything started. You keep talking about curses and prophecies, why not go to the place of the origin of your existence?”

“You’re right. Why have I never gone back? Why have I never thought to go find any answers there? I live in New Orleans and never… not once…” his voice trailed off. “Phoenix.”

“Who?” chirped Dolly.

“He is a member of our coven, the oldest member. Any time we have questions he points us to the Vatican to Sicily and Italy for answers. He’s kind of taught us how to think,” said Lucio. “He told us Manchac and the swamp cabin had no importance.”

“But why him?” Dolly asked. “How would he know?”

“Long story. He’s older than all of us, never mind. He doesn’t matter, I’m the one in charge and I must consider all things,” Lucio said. “Our lives depend on it.”

“Lucio,” she turned his face by the grip of his chin. He looked into her eyes. “It’s okay. Maybe there is no reason to go back to the old world. Maybe we just focus on the new one?”

“Maybe,” he replied.

“Darlene said she was born to destroy vampires.” Dolly shot a look at Darlene, whose eyes stretched at the mention of her name. “She said she only chose you to help her, said she loved you, and that you two could rule the world with you as her slave.”

“Slave?” Lucio frowned. “Oh yes, I’ve heard Darlene speak of me in servitude.”

Darlene shook her head no. Dolly realized the reason she couldn’t speak. They were too close to Lucio. He was protecting her from Darlene. It only made her love him more.

“Darlene was erratic. Her reasons for her love were contradictory, but she believed vampires were a threat to her and me. She wanted to get to them before they got to us,” Dolly stroked his jaw.

Lucio bit his bottom lip with his fangs and dropped onto the pillow. “Yes. I knew that Darlene didn’t trust me or vampires. I guess I could have worked harder to make her see through the darkness.”

Darlene gave Dolly a sly smile.

“She wasn’t all bad, Dolly. She was mostly confused. I didn’t help with that,” Lucio confessed.

“Don’t make excuses for her,” Dolly mumbled.

Lucio closed his eyes. “I’m not doing that.”

Darlene’s smile widened as she watched the emotion play across Lucio’s face. Her satisfaction was mean, but Dolly wasn’t about to let her sister take control of the moment.

Dolly pushed the tray of food aside and set the champagne flute down with deliberate grace. Turning to face Lucio fully, she let her bare breasts come into full view, knowing exactly what kind of distraction they provided. It worked instantly. Within seconds, Lucio leaned forward, burying his face between them as if it were the only place he belonged.

Dolly stroked the top of his head, her fingers threading gently through his dark hair. Her lips curled into a sly smile, one she sent straight to Darlene, who had to look away. Victory.

“Let’s change the subject,” Dolly purred, her voice dripped with honey. She tilted Lucio’s face up to hers and brushed a kiss against his lips. “It’s you and me now. That’s all that matters, baby. But tell me—” her voice dropped into a whisper—“is there something more about this ‘new world’ I don’t know? Something you’re keeping from me?”

“Yes. Plenty,” he admitted.

“Then tell me,” she urged softly, her breath grazed his lips.

Lucio exhaled deep. His hands slid around her waist. “Marcello has sent a team to meet with you. They need a sample of your blood to run some tests. They think it might help explain what’s happening to you—why it’s happening.”

“Tests?” Dolly’s tone sharpened. “Or experiments?”

“No. I won’t let them experiment on you,” Lucio said quickly, his grip tightening as if to reassure her. “It’s just a few tests—paranormal ones. To assess your powers and gauge their limits.”

Behind them, Darlene turned sharply, her expression one of alarm. She shook her head violently, and waved her arms her hands slicing through the air in silent warning. Don’t do it.

Dolly ignored her. She would never take Darlene’s advice over Lucio’s.

“How can you prevent them from experimenting?” Dolly pressed. “And if these ‘tests’ don’t give them the answers theywant, then what? What do they really want from me, Lucio? Or do you even know?”

Lucio’s jaw tightened. He leaned back. Met her gaze with an intensity that made the room feel smaller. “Do you trust me?”