The costumed faces and laughing gamblers that walked ahead, besides, and behind her almost made Charmaine lose sight of Darlene. Triggered, Charmaine went into defensive mode. Mentally charged, she pushed aside those in her way without physical contact. It caused a few to stumble. Arguments erupted then, but Charmaine did not look back.

As a Guardian, Charmaine believed and trusted in her knowledge. Liora was not only the energy and guiding source for her knowledge but impart the guiding principle. She scanned the slot machines and gaming rooms. Players, both mortal and immortal, occupied every table. There would be no easy maneuver or escape.

“We can’t stay here,” Charmaine sent a warning telepathically to Darlene.

“I don’t understand. Why are so many people here? It wasn’t like this before,” Darlene replied in kind. Fear of the unknown was in her voice. Charmaine sensed Darlene’s overstimulation and anxiety, a volatile mix. Charmaine moved to Darlene’s left side. She took her hand, their united touch transformed Darlene instantly.

“Char?” came a soft reply.

Charmaine glanced at her friend. Dolly’s eyes were stretched in disbelief and confusion. The kind wonder on her expression was clearly inherent to her sweet nature. Charmaine would know her best friend’s disposition anywhere. She was so happy she almost hugged her.

“Dolly?” Charmaine said with relief and squeezed her hand.

“Yes, it’s me. Why are we down here?” Dolly looked around, confused. “Where is Russ? We should be upstairs, in the suite.”

“Darlene,” Charmaine explained.

“What has happened to you?” Dolly asked telepathically, her eyes full of questions. “You feel different… and… are you a vampire?”

“No. Never. I’m Charmaine, your best friend. And yes, something more. We’ll talk later. Let’s get out of this casino. Use your mind, not your hands, to move people out of your way. Touch gives the wrong people access. Understand?” Charmaine warned.

“Yes,” Dolly replied.

I see you.

Tristan’s voice echoed in Charmaine’s mind, compelling and beautiful. He hadn’t been as direct before. In that instant, she froze. Dolly kept going and pulled her forward. Charmaine fell in step but scanned the crowd. It took longer than a minute beforeshe spotted him at the far end of the casino, standing amidst the chaos, repelling those who would crowd him.

I am Tristan. Who are you, Charmaine? Charmaine Who? Name? I want to know your name from the realm.

Tristan’s eyes, a calming blue, locked onto hers. His face was regal with sharp features and a beyond handsome youthfulness, with golden hair cropped short to a crown of locs.

Aaah, I see. You are Liora. Should I bow before you, Liora, worship you, honor you, be your servant, or will you be mine?

“Why is he talking to you like that? Who is Liora?” Dolly asked.

“You can hear him?” Charmaine asked with relief. She fought to get him out of her mind. The pull it had on her was so intoxicatingly strong she felt lightheaded.

“Yes! I hear him. What is happening here?? Where is he?” Dolly asked. “He doesn’t talk like that. It’s creepy.”

“I don’t know,” Charmaine lied. “If she acknowledged him, it would distract Dolly, and she needed to get them out of the casino with discretion.

“He’s enchanted. You must be doing it to him,” Dolly said. “Point him out to me. I can’t see him. Where is he, Char? I’ll help.”

His intention was clear:she read his thoughts. Tristan lured them into a trap. He wouldn’t harm Dolly but intended to take Charmaine. The three other consiglieri had Sonya. Her dear sister was in the trunk of a speeding Dodge Hellcat being tossed around as it raced dangerously to the Bellagio. Grief washed over Charmaine as she thought of her sister, Sonya and Kaida suffering.

“What is it?” Dolly asked. She sensed Charmaine’s distress. “Sonya? Who is Kaida?”

“We must escape. We have to leave before they get here,” Charmaine said, as she scanned the crowd.

“What? No. We need Sonya. Lucio said to keep you both near me. It will help to have you both with me and Darlene. There is still so much we don’t know about our powers . I’ll deal with Tristan. Trust me. He won’t hurt you.”

“We have only a few minutes. I can’t get us out of here alone. You are in contact with Lucio?” she asked.

“I was. Not anymore,” Dolly said.

“Okay. It’s okay. I’m too new to my powers. The dark energy is too strong in here. If we can’t leave without Sonya then we need a different plan,” said Charmaine.

“What should we do?” Dolly asked.