April 17, 2018

(4 Days Before Death)

Charmaine emergedfrom the bathroom to find Darlene at the door, signing for another special delivery from Cartier. She walked away with the maroon box like it was a trophy case.

The entire evening, Darlene ignored Charmaine. Therefore, Charmaine redirected her focus and walked over to Russell.

“Hey, what’s up?” Charmaine asked.

“Nothing,” Russell mumbled.

“Why did you send Lamont away? He seemed like he wanted to hang out with you one last time,” Charmaine said.

Russell didn’t bother to answer.

“Talk to me. Your sister is fine. Everything is okay. Look at Darlene; she’s enjoying herself.”

Russell glanced at Darlene, then back out the window. “She’s a kid, Charmaine. She thinks like a kid and behaves like a kid. She never grows up.”

“C’mon, that’s not true.” Charmaine looked at Darlene, who giggled at the TV, then picked up the phone and asked for fifty thousand dollars in casino chips to be delivered to Lucio’s room, giggling again as she hung up.

“Why is she acting like that?” Charmaine asked.

“I told you, it’s not an act. She’s hyped. When she was in control and I just let her free, she was like this. All she wanted to do was play, order things off Amazon, and watch TV all night with me. She never had a chance to grow up,” Russell spoke with a voice full of sadness.

“Oh, well… then she’s okay.” Charmaine understood Darlene’s plight. Soon her life would be filled with darkness and obligation. She and Dolly would lead the battle that could be long. Seeing her become carefree and giddy with happiness over her freedom to exist made Charmaine's heart swell with emotion. Dolly must have seen this as well. It would explain why Dolly had not returned and Darlene had continued to have full control.

“She’s dangerous because of Lucio. All she ever talked about was the great vampire battle. How she would destroy them. She now has her vampires. I’m worried for her,” Russell said.

Charmaine stooped to his level. “She can hear you.”

“She doesn’t care,” Russell shrugged.

“I don’t care!” Darlene confirmed.

Charmaine blinked. “I guess you’re right.”

“We have to get her out of here, her and Dolly.” Russell's hand twitched. He held it protectively, as if he could conceal his handicap from her. “No matter what they say about Lucio, I have a feeling. It’s in my gut. It won’t go away. He’s a bad man, creature or whatever. He isn’t worth all of this. And he doesn’t understand how to protect them. I do. I’m telling you I feel it in my gut.”

“It’s gas!” Darlene quipped.

Russell ignored her. “I’m going to lie down.”

“Did you take your meds?” Darlene asked.

He didn’t respond.

“I’ll come see you soon,” Darlene sighed.

Russell stopped and looked at Charmaine with pleading eyes. “Please come get me if she tries to leave… please watch over her. Promise me.”

“She can’t stop me,” Darlene mumbled.

“If she tries to leave, come get me. Okay?” Russell asked again in a louder voice.

“I promise. I won’t let her out of my sight.”

Charmaine stood and gave Russell space to wheel away. “You need any help?”