5. Day Hours are Den Hours / Night Hours Work Hours
6.Do Not Speak to Shakespeare EVER!
7.Contract Irreversible
8.Permission for Privileges
9.Stealing Not Tolerated
10. Cellphones Remain in Lockers
Sonya glanced back at the women. The few who looked her way had plastic smiles on their faces. It was their eyes that showed them either to be enchanted into doing sex work or terrified to reveal their authentic emotion. She glanced at the cameras focused on them and understood why.
There was no humor to match the fake smiles. No minor arguments or taunts. No music to get the girl’s hyped. Just a dull routine among them.
Before she could ask questions, a wave of nausea hit her hard. She stumbled back and placed her hand to her mouth to keep from vomiting. Sonya looked for the bathroom. She spotted the symbol for ‘woman’ over a door. She ran for it. Several girls’ brows rose in alarm, but their smiles did not dim. Greta didn’t even glance up. And no one followed. In the Den, it was every girl for herself.
Once inside, she went to the first stall and dropped to her knees, vomiting until she dry heaved. She coughed and hacked, which left her weak and faint. She closed her eyes and prayed for release. Inside the bathroom, she soaked in the pain. A power which the guardian had gifted to her when entering her soul.
Sonya had several flashbacks of terrified girls, running to stalls and crying, some even praying, all of them looking for an escape. The fear and pain of their lives as strippers at the Pink Pussy went over her like a tidal wave.
There was no defense.
Sonya? Sonya, do not take it in at once. Sonya? Hear me Sonya?
She opened her eyes, her body slumped against the stall wall. Sweat poured down her face, and her skin burned from an internal fever.
Sonya. You are okay if you absorb the pain slowly, not at once. Come. It’s time we talked.
“What? Come where?” Sonya said to no one.
Her eyelids fluttered but could not remain open. Disoriented, she reached and touched the toilet. She caught a breath and saw her surroundings. Vomit was everywhere. Had she gotten the flu? Sonya struggled to her feet and flushed. She did her best to snatch off tissue from the roll and clean up her bile. Dizzy but able to walk, she stumbled out of the stall to the sink. She turned on the water, and clarity returned. The bathroom was small, with only three stalls and two sinks, but it was tidy.
Are you better now?
Sonya’s head shot up. Her reflection greeted her. It stared back at her in its purest form. She had never seen herself as beautiful. She thought she was cute and sexy, but never beautiful. The woman she had become bloomed into a renewed identity. Not by the conventional standards of long hair, or certain Euro-centric features. Only in the natural sense. A clear, unmarred natural beauty. The real her.
Hello Sonya. Now we meet. I’m Kaida.
“Oh, umm, hi,” Sonya said.
The vomit is normal. To purge the darkness, you have to do so both physically and metaphysically. It will take some time. This place feeds off the old you.
“Yeah, tell me about it,” she mumbled.
I would not have connected with you so abruptly, but we are out of time. Dolly and Darlene are in trouble.
“Something has happened?”
Yes. Something will continue to happen if we are not intentional in our actions. So, we must change plans once more. It is unfortunate that I will ask this of you. Know that. I may not have chosen you to be my vessel, but I now understand why the universe did. I, too, need to be worthy of you, Sonya. Because you are worthy of me.
“What do you need me to do?” Sonya asked in a wary tone.
The consiglieri Shakespeare will see your performance. I will join you for the show, and when I do, he will pick up on your scent and know not just who you are, but what you are.
“A guardian?”
That is correct, my child. One from the Chosen, and one his Draca would have wanted and desired as food or mate but could never have. Do you hear me, Sonya? The consiglieri have a deep-rooted blood lust for Guardians. And we can be tempted, too. So be strong.