“Seize Carmen. Put someone on her and have her ready for me when I come for you. And stay fucking alert. Do you hear me? Alert!” Tristan said.
Lamont nodded. Tristan went inside.
Chapter 18
The Invite
Bellagio - Las Vegas, Nevada
April 17, 2018
(4 Days Before Death)
You haveto let me take control. I’m asking nicely.
“Promise you will behave,” Dolly responded telepathically.
I swear it. We have Russell in here. He needs me. And I need you. We both know that we can’t do three brothers at once without each other. Plus, Domencio and I… we have a connection… I can work that in our favor.
Darlene. I don’t think what happened with us in Domencio means he is connected to us. I know I said...
Trust me, damn it. Now!
Dolly closed her eyes.
Darlene let go of Lucio’s hand. She stared directly at Sebastiano, appraising him as well. “No one invited you to dinner.”
Lucio cleared his throat. “You’re early, brother.”
Sebastiano stared at Darlene but spoke to his brother. “I was nearby. Marcello will land tonight. I wanted to check-in. Seemslike I came just in time. Domencio said your friend was in trouble. She looks well to me.”
“She’s fine. Domencio exaggerates,” Lucio replied.
Domencio smirked, “A picture is worth a thousand words so I don’t need to speak.”
“Why don’t we meet up later this evening? Wait to talk for when Marcello arrives—?” Lucio began.
“We will not wait,” said Sebastiano. He took a step toward them, and Darlene took a step forward. Lucio clasped her hand and pulled her back to his side.
“Well hello. I’ve heard so much about you. My name is?—.”
Sebastiano winced. Domenico and Raven stiffened with eyes squeezed shut in reaction. Darlene smiled. She tossed her long hair, now cascading to her waist, over her shoulder. She spared only Tristan and Lucio. It sent a clear message to the others about who they were up against.
The power her sister summoned shocked Dolly. It worked—Darlene repelled each of them with a sharp, stab of discomfort in their minds and chests. And then she twisted the blade deeper into their vampire psyches with ease. Dolly was impressed. Darlene relished using her psychic energy on these supposed tough guys, though she felt a brief pang of sympathy for Domenico. Even with her sister’s strength, the brothers stood their ground. If they had been lesser vampires, they would have crumbled to their knees. She couldn’t help but feel a tinge of disappointment that they remained standing.
Darlene let them go. Behave,Lucio said to her telepathically.Let me handle it.
She released Domencio first. But she wanted Sebastiano and his consiglieri to feel her, know what she was about.
“Okay, Lucio,” she mumbled and pulled back.
Sebastiano touched his brow. “Impressive. Where did you learn this parlor trick?”
“Your mama!” Darlene seethed.
“That is enough,” Lucio commanded. She turned her anger to him. She met his hard stare and glared. But looking into Lucio's eyes too long melted a part of her that would forever belong to him thanks to Dolly’s obsession. Darlene wanted to hurt him like the hurt he gave her. In fact, she still plotted her revenge, but she would not do it in front of his brothers. Dolly wouldn’t allow it. So, she just glared.