Tristan’s angerwas like a nuclear explosion in his chest. It almost made him react. Lucio seized control of him. The trio stood before them and Lucio stepped forward. Lamont blinked rapidly and then exhaled a deep sigh. Lucio's left brow went up when his young recruit stumbled backward out of a trance he seem to be locked in. Lamont looked around the room as if he didn’t know how he got there. Then his eyes shifted to Lucio and Tristan with equal shock. Last, he looked down at Russell and saw Charmaine with him.
“What the fuck? What the entire fuck!” Lamont gasped.
“Exactly. What the fuck are you doing in here?” Tristan demanded.
“I dunno… boss, I swear I don’t—fucking know?”
“My sister is hurt!” Russell said. He wheeled his chair straight to Lucio. “This is Charmaine, her best friend. We want to see her. Now!”
“Your sister is with medics let’s give them—” Lucio began.
“No!” Russell shouted up at Lucio.
Charmaine was confused, as well. She entered the room with Lamont and Russell as if she had dropped in directly out of the dark fog. It felt like an eternity in the realm Liora had left her spiraling in. She shivered through her mental shock and tried to seem normal.
“Russell needs to see her. He can help,” she pleaded.
“Get them out of here!” Lucio said and turned away.
“Fuck you, man! I know you caused this!” Russell said as Tristan stepped forward. “I know you brought back Darlene!”
Lucio froze. He turned and looked at Russell with renewed interest.
Russell nodded. “You don’t know what the fuck you are doing. You are making it worse. That is my sister. I protect her. Not you! I want to see Dolly before it’s too late!”
Lucio looked at Tristan. Tristan looked at Lucio. The fact that Russell understood Darlene’s existence was a detail neither considered. The kid lived with Dolly. He had to be a witness to more than even Dolly knew about.
“Lamont, Tristan. Clear everyone out.”
Charmaine looked at Tristan. He stared at Lucio, confused, but his gaze then moved back to her. He appraised her with a look that made her heart race, then glanced at Russell. “Are you sure Lucio? Marcello is?—”
“Contact Phoenix. Buy me some time. I think Russell, here, should see Dolly.”
“You think?” Russell rolled his eyes. “She is my fucking sister, bro! What you think doesn’t mean nothing to me. I want to see her, or I’ll call the police on your ass!”
“Yo, chill Russ,” Lamont said from the door.
“And you are again?” Tristan asked.
“My name is Charmaine. I’m from Baton Rouge. I’m her best friend,” she said. Russell started toward the door and Charmaine grabbed his chair. She looked at Lucio. He was devastatingly handsome. And so was Tristan, in an opposite way.She could not believe they were… vampires.Charmaine stopped herself. Maybe it was Liora. Her thoughts were being shifted to not reveal anything. And then Charmaine knew. She looked into Tristan’s hypnotic eyes. He was attempting to read her mind.
Be calm.
Liora helped her. Charmaine pushed forward memories of her and Dolly, the times both good and bad they shared. Tristan looked her over again, as she tried to stay unaffected. Whatever his appraisal was, it didn’t raise any alarms with him. Not yet. He nodded to Lucio and went into the bedroom. In seconds, ateam of people in dark suits and a medic left with Tristan and Lamont.
Charmaine head turned to their exit. Tristan stood at the door, ensuring everyone had stepped through. He only fixated on her. He then winked and closed the door.
Russell didn’t wait. He wheeled himself into the bedroom. Charmaine glanced at Lucio. He was pretty normal to be—her mind stopped at the thought.Liora was still with her, training her.She wasn’t even about to think of what hereallywas. She gave him a respectful nod. Lucio stared directly into her. He gave her a slow, lethal nod. She pretended it was normal. And followed Russell.
“Why is she bleeding?” Russell asked, his voice quivered. “Is she physically hurt?”
Lucio entered the room. “She fell. Then she slipped into this unconscious state. She has only wakened once, but even then she was in pain.”
“She? Which one is she?” Russell asked.
“Dolly,” Lucio said. “I haven’t seen Darlene in days.”
Russell nodded in sadness.