“Can you excuse us?” Carmen said to the stagehands. The three men glanced at Charmaine and then at Carmen before leaving. One kept slipping Charmaine a look. Immediately she knew, from the coldness emanating from him, that he was a vampire. How she knew, she did not quite understand—but she knew. Charmaine shriveled inside. Her inner confidence spoke as a voice in her head:You are doing fine. Don’t worry. She can be trusted.

That strange inner voice was now becoming common. Without it, she doubted she could have made it into the casino because of her anxiety.

“What are you doing here? You’re early,” Carmen said through her teeth without moving her lips. “Cameras are in here.”

“Nzinga spoke to you on the phone. She told you I was coming. Right?” Charmaine asked.

“Carmen looked her over. You… it can’t be you?” Carmen said.

“What’s me?” Charmaine looked down at herself.

“No disrespect Guardian. I just expected a worthy one… forgive me, but I would have been happy to serve.” Carmen bowed her head in a quick gesture of obedience.

“Whatever. I’m supposed to meet Lamont. To find Russell, can you help or not?” Charmaine glanced to her right and caught someone staring hard at her.

“No! Don’t say their names out loud. Not here.” Carmen warned. “Follow me.”

Before she could object, Carmen walked off. Charmaine followed her. As they passed security and staff, certain ones looked up while others barely noticed. The looks on their faces were of puzzlement and interest. She tried not to see the stares:They smell you. It can’t be helped. I will leave you now, if I stay you will alarm too many. Pretend not to notice the stares and ignore the advances, no matter if it comes from a man or woman. Only trust this Carmen lady. Be calm. I have already reunited Dolly with Darlene. But something is wrong… something is happening. So, we must hurry.

“What has happened?” Charmaine asked.

Carmen glanced back at her.

Charmaine smiled and pretended at normalcy. Carmen led her through the chaos of the production staff. The questioning stares eased. Only a few took notice of her. She breathed a sigh of relief. She had to find Dolly or Darlene, or both of them? That was all that mattered.

Chapter 13

Danger Zone

Bellagio - Las Vegas, Nevada

April 17, 2018

(4 Days Before Death)

To the furthestback area above the theater, rooms served as business offices or dressing spaces, revamped for big game streamers and private gatherings. Young and old men, in pods with headphones and controllers, competed internationally.

“They’re in here. Remember, my life depends on the way we handle this. Stick to my plan, okay?” Carmen said.

“I got it. Stick to the plan,” Charmaine repeated.

Carmen took a deep breath and stepped through the door first.

Lamont paced. He couldn’t take his eyes off his phone, which Tristan had recently given back to him. The text messages from friends and family showed disappointment over his absence from Deshawn’s funeral. Though the criticism hurt, he felt alive again and a part of that world.

“Lamont?” A sweet voice called over the blare of hip-hop music. He looked up to see Carmen, one of the entertainment managers, with Charmaine Dillon.

Lamont's eyes stretched. Charmaine was the last person he had expected to see in Vegas. Again, the world he once knew was not even close to the world where he dwelled in at the present. But she was right before him. Charmaine, who wore skinny jeans and an off-shoulder shirt, looked unbelievably beautiful. Her straightened hair framed her face and her perfumed presence filled the air. Charmaine’s amber eyes captured him and refused release. The attraction was potent.

“Hi, I hope it’s okay, but my friend…” Carmen began.

“Charmaine!” another voice yelped.

Lamont snapped out of his trance. Russell rolled his chair toward them as fast as it could move. The young man’s eyes were wide with disbelief.

“Damn, it is a small world,” Lamont mumbled over the reunion.

“Tell me about it,” Carmen said. She was now at his side.