Women were never to join the coven. The Draca did not take well to the nature of women. It rejected the nurture and supremacy within them. In particular, the light that carried and allowed them to birth others. It was not something sustainable. Most women suffered from insanity after years of carrying the Draca. Sophie already teetered on that ledge.

“What are you doing?” Tristan asked.

“She was dying, I had to—” Lucio said.

“You had to?” Tristan’s brows lowered. “Boss? What the fuck is wrong with you? These are your rules you’re breaking. The rules of the Omertà. You instilled it in your brothers. Enforced it! You know better. Why her? Why now?”

Lucio shook his head and couldn’t explain the reason. There was no denying it, he was losing control. It was just as his father had predicted that the love of the Chosen One from Julia Brown would do to him. The young woman, Rachel, began to feed on his wrist, her vitality growing as she eagerly drank more than she should. Blood tears fell from Lucio’s eyes. He had cursed another soul, selfishly.

Tristan approached. He grabbed the girl and tore the young vampire-in-the-making away from her Master. She snarled, almost in a feral blood thirst. Desperate for more of Lucio, she kicked and scratched Tristan to be free. Tristan telepathically summoned one of his soldiers from the hall. The young man entered. He paused at the scene. Lucio turned away to hide his shame.

“Call Sophie. Tell her to pick this one up and put her away until I figure out what the fuck to do with her.”

“Let me go!” Rachel screamed. “Master! Master! Please, Master, don’t let them take me! I need yoooooooouuuu!”

“Now!” Tristan shoved the young vampire at the soldier. The vamp nodded and carried her from the room, screaming at the top of her lungs. Lucio stared out of the penthouse window at the Vegas skyline.

“Do you see now?” Tristan asked. “This thing between you two will destroy everything you’ve been working for.”

“What if I have been working for exactly this?” Lucio asked.

Tristan frowned.

Lucio continued: “She is the best thing that ever happened to me. I love her. All of her. I should burn it all to the round just to honor her.”

“That’s the curse talking, not you, boss. I saw you in love with Wanda. It didn’t make you turn a young, innocent woman into a vamp. It made you free Wanda before she could be a sacrifice. It made you see reality. Not this dream world you think you can have with her daughters.”

“Wanda wasn’t love. I cared for her. I was not in love with her. I know what love is now.” He turned and glared at Tristan with madness in his glowing eyes. “And you don’t!”

Tristan sighed. “She’s not doing well. The medic wants to take her to the hospital. He can’t stabilize her in here. He says she has internal injuries. Marcello’s team wants to take her with them. Claim they can help her, but I’m telling you if they do take her, they won’t help. Not anymore. Not after what you and Domencio did.”

“Your suggestion, old wise priest,” Lucio spat and began to pace.

“Give her to Marcello. Let him decide if the coven goes further with an invasive exam, or ends her life. Either way, we don’t know what she is, and what she is becoming. That is the only solution you have left, boss. You’ve left me no other counsel. My priority in death is to serve you, and only you.”

Lucio chuckled. “Not going to happen.”

Tristan lowered his gaze.

“She is stronger than you know,” Lucio proclaimed. “I’ll turn her into a vampire before I let her go.”

Tristan's gaze shot up. “What did you say?”

Lucio stopped. His Draca was now ready to pounce on anyone or anything that could take his Dolly or Darlene from him. He gave Tristan a deadly smile that chilled the consiglieri. Tristan had seen that smile when Lucio stalked him in the Vatican before he took his life.

“That can’t be the choice,” began Tristan. “There has to be something else we can do for her. Someone else. I’ll get the professor on the line, boss. Please…”

Tristan pleaded with the Draca now glaring through Lucio’s eyes.

“There is no need for you to turn anyone else. I’ll figure it out—,” said Tristan.

The door to the suite opened. To Tristan’s dismay, Lamont entered, un-summoned, and he brought others. The young brother of Dolly and Darlene wheeled his chair into the room, followed by a young, beautiful woman neither Tristan nor Lucio had seen before.

Tristan’s anger almost made him react, but Lucio seized control telepathically and made him hold back. Lamont looked around the room as if he didn’t know how he got there. He stepped back, shocked to find Russell and Charmaine with him.

“What the fuck? What the fuck!” Lamont gasped.

“Exactly. What the fuck are you doing in here?” Tristan demanded.