Chapter 11

The Plan

Circus Circus - Las Vegas, Nevada

April 17, 2018

(4 Days Before Death)

“You almost killed us?”Charmaine asked.

“I swear, it was never our intent,” Nzinga said.

“But you knew it could happen? You knew our death could provoke the Guardians to return?” Sonya asked.

“We suspected that your physical state would be a required sacrifice for the metaphysical birth, but we weren’t sure,” said Nzinga. “We didn’t know if the Guardians would care enough to return and serve this realm. And I don’t think they came to save you.”

“Then why did they save us?” Charmaine asked.

“They came for Dolly and Darlene. They are here for them. And you are the vessel for that mission,” Nzinga said.

“Vessel? Vessel! Who did you put in us?” Charmaine asked.

“Charmaine, your guardian’s name is Liora. She became The Protector of the Light before the construction of the first pyramids. We consider her a healer—light and balance are whatshe represents. She is a descendent and servant of the Chosen, who we believe is Dolly. They come from the same source of energy. If Greenlee had performed the ritual correctly with Wanda Brown, Liora would have been the first-born child of Dolly. And she would have served her mother and this universe.”

“And Sonya? Who is she?” Charmaine asked.

“Sonya’s guardian is named Kaida, and she was crowned the Defender of the Pain. She is Liora’s sister in every definition of the word. Before the great war between darkness and light, the Chosen were the first to enter the battle. Their Guardians are their children. The battle had divided the supernatural’s. They didn’t unite their powers until the Draca seized control of the darkness. They had to join forces.

“Slow down, you’re making my head hurt worse,” mumbled Sonya.

“I understand. What I’m sharing is too much information at once. It’s why I said we would need to talk in the room.”

“Let her finish Sonya,” said Charmaine.

Nzinga nodded. “Like I said, the Chosen bartered a truce. And their children entered the battle with them. Kaida and Liora are sisters. You’d think they’d be cousins, but in their world, they are sisters, and they are protective of each other. Just like the way you two are. The moment the guardians returned, and we greeted them, they took hold of Greenlee. They had remembered what she had done against the Order of Nature to Wanda Brown. And they were unforgiving. Out of the one hundred and thirty women gathered for the ceremony, only three, Greenlee, me, and another woman named Macy-Lynn, were direct descendants of the First People. Strong enough to survive the Guardians’ wrath.”

Nzinga didn’t know if Greenlee and Macy were alive. She woke up with Sonya and Charmaine torturing her and then forcing her to take them to Vegas. She only saw the dead bodiesof her sisters, friends, and confidants on her way out of the forest. A massacre.

Nzinga wept. She went to her knees as she finished the horrible recounting of the events. The girls still couldn’t speak. In the silence, Nzinga cautiously looked up and told Sonya and Charmaine that no matter what they believed about themselves, they were now part of this battle. And no matter the cost, she would serve them until her dying day.

“You really believe these guardians are in us? Now?” Charmaine asked.

“No,” Sonya said. “It can’t be.”

Nzinga nodded. “They are you and you are them. I can prove it.”

“Bullshit.” Sonya gave a nervous chuckle, scared out of her mind over the possibility of proof. When she cursed, another piercing headache splintered her psyche, and she felt her legs almost give up.

“You’re in pain?” Nzinga asked.

“A headache,” Charmaine answered for Sonya.

Sonya could only nod as she clenched her teeth.

“You’re not respecting your guardian. You’re fighting her control. She is trying to talk to you and you’re rejecting her. She will not allow it,” Nzinga warned.

“Fuck her—” Sonya went to her knees. She groaned in pain. Her hands went up to her head.