But as the fire crackled, and the wind howled outside the cabin, a lingering question remained in the air: Was this place a sanctuary, or had Lucio fooled them to believe they were in control and back in Manchac swamp? Could they truly be trapped in a purgatory of his own making?
Domencio walkedthrough the dimly lit halls of Sebastiano’s villa. His thoughts were a tangled web of darkness and hurt.The weight of his frustration pressed down on him. If Marcello couldn’t—or wouldn’t—help, what hope did he have of getting Darlene back? How could he save her when everything seemed to slip out of his grasp?
So, you miss me?
Domencio froze. He felt it—the light touch on his shoulder, the familiar scent of her skin lingered in the air. He turned quickly, but the hallway was empty. No one was there. His heart raced, and then, as if pulled from the shadows, she appeared.
Darlene shimmered into view, her form ethereal, glowing faintly.
Yes, silly! It’s me!She grinned, her voice playful in his mind.
He reached for her, but his hand passed through her spectral form. She glanced down, seeing the faint outline of herself, and sighed.I’m sorry... this is the best I can do.
“Where are you?” he whispered, his voice wrought with longing.
Shhh! Don’t speak out loud. It’s not... safe,she cautioned.
“I don’t understand,” he replied, and switched to telepathy.
Lucio could hear you. Your brothers could hear you. We’re a bridge between them both... because of this.She raised her hand and revealed the gem.
“Come back to me,” Domencio pleaded. Desperation crept into his voice.
I can’t. Lucio and Dolly need me. But I love you, though!She grinned again. Her playful spark faded into something more bittersweet.
Domencio’s lips curved into a small smile, but his heart ached. “Come back to me. You belong with me. Lucio has Dolly.”
We’re one now, Domencio, not two,she whispered.You saw what happened when we separated. The shape shifter is gone. Even when Lucio’s ready, and when we return... I won’t beseparate. Not in your realm. I’m sorry. It can never be like that again.
“No. That’s not true.” He shook his head with refusal. “Marcello could find a way. I’ll talk to him. I’ll find another shapeshifter. We can redo it!”
Darlene’s smile faltered.Lucio is the Supreme now. He’s healing, but he is the darkness. When he returns... I don’t want him to know about us. It won’t be safe for you. Not until you two become brothers again. Lucio must control his dark urges and rage with jealousy over us is a toxic mix. It’ll take time—a long time—before he would ever let me go. I’m so sorry. Can you look after my brother? Tell him we love him. Tell him we want to be happy. Can you make him happy and safe? Keep him safe from the supernatural’s or any of the First People that might still be out there. Promise me. Promise!
Domencio clenched his fists, his eyes burning with determination. “Listen to me. You’re a person. Your own person. Do you hear me? I understand you and your sister are the Chosen, but you’re not weak. You stopped Papa Legba without her. Remember that? You can exist without each other. Why does Lucio get to have you both? You are my friend. The only friend I ever had. And for decades I didn’t even know you existed. I can’t lose you. I won’t. Not again.”
I beat Papa Legba ass because I’m smart,Darlene said, a flicker of pride in her voice.
“That’s right, baby. You’re smart. Smarter than all of them. And so am I.” He lifted his hand as if to caress her face, though he couldn’t feel her warmth. “They can’t keep us apart, Darlene. I’ll find a way. Tell me where you are. Tell me!”
“I think we’re in Manchac but I’m not sure. Don’t come. It’s something in the forest. Lucio has placed it there, possibly the Draquria. So don’t come.”
“I love you,” said Domencio. “Do you hear me? We’ll find a way. No matter how long it takes.”
Darlene closed her eyes and puckered her lips, playful even in her ghostly form. Domencio couldn’t help but smile. He leaned in to give her a pretend kiss. Her form shimmered, fading, and her presence then slipped away.
Don’t you cheat on me! My melanin poppin! I’ll know, motherfucker!Her voice echoed in his mind as she disappeared.
Domencio touched his lips. It was the best kiss he never had. And as her light faded, his resolve sharpened. Domencio turned back down the hall, his mind set on what he needed to do. He would heal Marcello and Sebastiano then make them join his cause. And he would get her back. No matter the cost.
Nothing—no magic, no brotherhood—would keep him from Darlene.
“What are you doing?”
Darlene’s eyes fluttered open. Her lips were puckered, as if mid-kiss, and she turned to see Lucio standing over her, a bedsheet loosely wrapped around his waist. Despite the intensity of her love for him, she couldn’t help but notice how much he resembled Domencio in that moment—a thought that made her heart skip.
“Huh?” she mumbled, still disoriented.