When they landed on the rooftop of the Bellagio, Lucio helped her out of the helicopter. Their hands entwined, they made their way to the elevator. As they did so, Darlene tagged along. The moment they reached the roof, Dolly saw her wave her hands in the air from the helipad. Confused, Dolly only stared while Lucio chatted about the plan for the day.She had pushed Darlene away, blasted her into the darkness. She had intended to leave her there. So why did she keep returning?

The elevator ride was silent. Lucio seemed to lose his enthusiasm as they got closer to reality. Darlene stood at the elevator door and waited for it to open. Dolly felt as if she were out of her body. She saw another version of herself. It was a strange, surreal kind of emotion.

When the doors opened, Darlene hurried out. What compelled her to move faster than Lucio left Dolly concerned. Of course, Dolly didn’t verbalize how she and Darlene occupied their reality together. She did everything to keep the truth from being discovered. What would these people who intended to examine her do if they discovered the state of things? What then?

“Hey, you okay?” Lucio asked.

“Huh?” Dolly replied. When they turned the corner, it was Darlene who saw him first and then Dolly. For Dolly it was the biggest shock. She’d never even considered what Domencio, who looked just like her lover, would be in person. Lucio’s gaze switched from her to where she stared. The atmosphere shifted. A familiar and unwelcome presence awaited. Domencio, his twin brother, paced before their suite door, his expression a volatile mix of anger and predatory rage.

Dolly noticed Darlene standing next to Domencio. She stared up at him with keen interest. When she felt Dolly’s unease,Darlene cast her gaze over to Dolly. She made the heart symbol with her fingers and made kissy faces at Domencio. Of course, Lucio's brother remained unaware, but Darlene’s instant attraction sent an icy wave of fear through Dolly. Domencio was the exact copy of Lucio, but more brooding in temperament. Equally, if not a bit different in their shared handsomeness. It was his swagger. His gaze didn’t confront Lucio or Dolly. Instead, his gaze drifted to his left. He fixated on where Darlene stood, as if he could see her. And Darlene stepped closer, hoping to be seen by him.Oh, no!Domencio sensed Darlene? How?

“Darlene stop!” Dolly snapped.

Darlene looked at Dolly with excited glee.

Domencio’s gaze swiveled to Dolly, and whatever he sensed of Darlene must have passed because his eyes narrowed on her alone. He glared at them both with the most sinister of smiles. Darlene walked around Domencio. She looked him up and down as if appraising a new possession. She tried to touch him, but her metaphysical state would not allow it.

Lucio instinctively threw up a shield to protect Dolly, and Dolly knew this to be true because, in an instant, his power blasted Darlene backward and away from Domencio. It forced her to join them. Darlene mewled in complaint, angry at being trapped at Lucio’s side, and restrained by her sister from speaking. Dolly had no choice but to free her from that constraint.

“Please, Darlene, stop wit the games,” Dolly pleaded.

No! Why should I behave?Darlene tossed a look back at Domencio.Give him to me, Dolly. You can have Lucio, and I can have Domencio. I’ll tame him. Make him my pet.

“Stop it,” Dolly grunted at Darlene, who glared, ready to retaliate. Dolly sensed the danger mounting. Her gaze darted between Lucio and his brother before she matched Domencio’sunwavering stare. Domencio’s eyes held an intense malevolence far different from Lucio’s. He seemed stronger, considering the threat the brothers were sending each other. Lucio had to be weakened, and at risk. He had drunk his fill of her.His shield of protection between them had to be all he could summon. Dolly saw evidence of this as Darlene pushed back at the boundaries.

Dolly closed her eyes and pulled Darlene back inside of her. She didn’t know she even could do so until the moment of desperation overwhelmed her.

“I’ll make a deal with you,” Dolly pleaded once she had a hold of Darlene.

No deals,Darlene replied.Let me go.

“Together. We breach Lucio’s defense and learn more about Domencio. Stop him from attacking Lucio. We do this, you behave, and I will give you more control. You stop trying to get his brother’s attention, and we can negotiate anything you want. I’m ready to listen.”

Okay, sure,Darlene snickered.

“Don’t try me, Darlene. You can’t trick me!” Dolly warned.

Yes, I can!Darlene taunted.Did it before!

“Mess with me, Darlene, and I will lock you inside of me. You know I’m able. You’ve seen me do it. We go together and put Domencio down. We come out when I want out. This is the only time I will trust you. Screw this up, and we’re done. Do you understand?” Dolly asked.

I want him,Darlene pouted.You have Lucio. The other one is mine. I can tell. Just let me try him out and see.

“No. Lucio is in trouble. If Domencio strikes at him, he won’t be able to defend himself,” Dolly shouted inside of her head.

Well, who fault is that, whore!Darlene taunted.

Dolly sighed. “He’s drunk off my blood, and he’s weakening. Can’t you feel it?”

Why should I care?Darlene asked.Look at how he treated me. Cast me out like garbage!

“He loves you, Darlene. You heard him say it. He’s in love with you, too,” she pleaded. “Do you want to go back to the darkness?”

Darlene gave a low snarl at her. Dolly waited. All of it passing by so fast that time had not moved forward since the cosmic exchange between them.Fine. We protect Lucio. But I want access to Lucio too. It’s my turn. He should be washing my feet!

“Are you insane? He’s my boyfriend. You will not have sex with him. Never again!”Dolly said.

Then no deal. Domencio will eat him and then I will let Domencio eat you,Darlene spat.