“No, this is what I do for you,” Lucio replied.
Dolly left the bed and stepped into the bath. The first thing he did was oil her over before ever touching her body with the scented water. She glistened from the body rub down. He then used scrub gloves on both hands and worked the suds up from the water over her body before he scrubbed layers of dead skin off.
“What kind of bath is this?” she asked.
“Turkish,” he said. Lucio spent time on her legs, then her buttocks and back.
“Oh, I always wanted to go to Turkey,” she moaned.
“I’ll take you,” he said.
Dolly closed her eyes, held her arms out, and let him care for her. She lied. She never wanted to go to Turkey, but she was in awe of so many new things. Lucio followed the scrub with a soaked sponge in the purple water and rubbed the cool liquid over her body. “My plan is to save my father. I might not like my cursed life, but my Draca is part of me, and has been with me from the beginning of my death and rebirth. I don’t want to ever become a danger to you or my brothers.”
Dolly smiled and slipped into bliss as his hands explored any and everywhere he wanted.
“You and Darlene are close, aren’t you?” she asked.
He glanced up at her, “No closer than me and you.”
“What makes her special? I mean, what powers does she have?” Dolly asked.
“She could read my mind, repel vampires, and if she wanted, she could keep them at a distance. She was strong enough to throw me through glass and could heal me with her blood or poison me. I don’t think that’s all you two can do. The professor said when Darlene started grilling him during their session,she was interested in one thing in particular. According to the professor, it is one of the top five most dangerous powers that can be used against other supernatural’s,” he said.
“What is that?” she mumbled. He dried her and led her to the bed. There he began to use massage oil on her to loosen the muscles in her legs and the tension in her shoulders and neck.
“Shapeshifting. Creating allusions of others by becoming someone else and repossessing their strength and powers to be even more powerful,” Lucio said.
Dolly’s eyes stretched. She looked up, but he pushed her head back to the pillows so he could massage her shoulders. “Are you saying she can?—?”
“I dunno. I think there is more to you and her than we understand. Remember the fire and Tyrone? Fire is a daughter of the sun, a dangerous threat to my kind and most supernatural’s. The tomes record fire as an output of extreme energy that supernatural’s can control through uniformity.”
“What does uniformity mean?” Dolly groaned when his hand molested her sex. “Stop it, Lucio. I can’t listen and learn.”
He eased over her and lay on top of her. He kissed her shoulders, forcing her thighs further apart. Again, he eased his cock into her sexed-out pussy, and she cried out in pleasure.
“The power is wielded by uniting darkness and light to do good or to do harm. It means that Darlene didn’t kill Tyrone. You both did,” Lucio said and slipped his tongue in her ear. His hands went under her pelvis. He squeezed her clit and thrust his cock deeper and deeper. The brush of his pubic hairs as they scraped her oiled-over buttocks, the weight of his chest compressing, the tingling tease of her clitoris, and his pants in her ear all made her insane with desire.
“No. I didn’t kill anybody.” she nearly choked on the words. “That was Darlene.” Dolly’s body capitulated, and she jerkedthrough his, milking her clit into a climax as he fucked her from behind.
“If Darlene is closer to the darkness, she wouldn’t summon fire, my sweet, Dolly. And we know you wouldn’t. However, if you two-faced a threat where your lives were in danger, you two could potentially do things that none of us understand,” he said.
Dolly groaned. “Drink from me Lucio, before I cum again,” she said, and shuddered through their lovemaking.
“Consider my lessons first,” he panted in her ear, and loved her hard and harder. Following instructions, she did as she was told. She considered the lesson. She could not be certain of anything between her and Darlene anymore. “Why would she want to be a shapeshifter? What could she even know about them?”
Lucio shifted and let Dolly turn over to her back and he slipped into her again. And now they were eye to eye. She could see his fangs. Just like his dick, they were ready. “Shapeshifters are secretive and peaceful beings.” Lucio licked her lips, again, increasing the pace of their lovemaking. “They live in the shadows and don’t interact with anyone else but their kind. That keeps the balance in our underworld. But if they wanted to, they could be far more destructive than any of us. Think of her metaphysical state. Fuck, fuck, fuck, wait,” he said as her body became too much for him at once. He could feel his Draca surface. He entered her thoughts when his control slipped, and his fangs plunged into her neck.
Darlene wants to be bold. She wants to be her own person. Leaving this physical body of yours and taking another is a form of shapeshifting. Does that make sense?
“Yes, it does. I’m just worried,” she winced, her heart racing, her light blooming. She held on tight to him and gave him more access to her neck. “Not about us Lucio, but… I feel it. Oh. Oh, yes, I feel it. Something bad is coming.”
I’m cumming…
“No, it’s badder than you.”
There is nothing badder than me…