Greenlee screamed. Her screams tore through the air, a sound of pure grief and disbelief. The women and doctors in the tent scattered in terror, fleeing the nightmare that had just unfolded. Greenlee, however, collapsed to her knees beside the remains of her lover. Her body shook hard with sobs as she stared at the ghastly scene before her.
“He was your uncle,” Greenlee sobbed, her voice choked with despair. “He did all of this—his entire life. He gave everything for your birth, for your resurrection. He let those vampires kill your kinfolk, even his parents, all of them, to get justice, to save this world. He did what no one else could!” Her voice rose to a desperate scream. “And you killed him! Why?”
Dolly stepped forward. Her ethereal form radiated a blinding light, a stark contrast to her sister’s shadowy presence. Together, they were more powerful than ever, embodiments of the cosmic balance, a force beyond comprehension.
“Our uncle killed our mother and father,” Dolly said, her voice cold, devoid of mercy. “And you? You helped him do it. Not to save the world. Not to defeat vampires. You did it because you wanted to be a God.”
Greenlee’s eyes filled with defiance even as her body sagged, too weak to stand or flee. “I have a greater purpose,” she spat, her voice trembling but resolute. “If not in this life, then the next! Kill me bitch! Kill me! And see what the darkness does toyou! See what comes for Lucio now, that you have killed the one man who could have educated you on how to prevent it!”
Dolly tilted her head. Her eyes glowed with beautiful colors of light. “Oh, I will. I promise. You won’t get there as fast as he did. Will she, sister?”
Darlene stepped forward. Her dark energy swirled in around her like a living shadow. Her smile was cold, predatory. “No, ma’am. We’ve got plans for you, Greenlee. This is going to be fun,” she said with an excited giggle.
Greenlee’s defiance faltered, replaced by dread as the twins closed in on her, their combined power suffocating, unstoppable. She knew then that there would be no escape, no redemption, only the retribution she so richly deserved.
“Ready?”Tristan asked, his voice steady as he started the car.
Sonya sat in the back seat. She replayed the tactical plan they had devised. Shakespeare glanced back at her. A reassuring wink passed between them. The plan was simple, yet fraught with uncertainty. As they raced toward the barrier, Sonya would touch both men on the shoulder and shield them with her power, absorbing their pain into her. One dose of Shakespeare took her down, but two. She had no idea what it could mean.
Tristan shifted into gear and pressed down on the accelerator. The car surged forward. The wall of energy loomed ahead, a glowing barrier that seemed impenetrable. Sonya braced herself, ready to unleash her power the moment they made contact.
But just as they hurtled toward the barrier, it blinked out of existence.
Shocked, Tristan slammed on the brakes, but the car had already crossed the threshold, now inside the camp. Sonya’s heart pounded as she realized she hadn’t had time to reach for the vampires—and yet, she didn’t need to. The force field was gone, and they were safely inside.
Chapter 45
The Death of the Mole
Mojave Camp Ground Zero – Nevada
April 19, 2018
(2 Days Before Death)
Greenlee’s bodyjerked in violence. Her limbs moved as if yanked by invisible strings. The tent’s flaps flew open. The howling wind came from the inside, unnatural, it whipped her hair forward and blew sand into the eyes of those shocked, who stopped and watched. Her legs were stiff, her arms dangled in awkward angles, and her bones crackled with each step she was forced to walk. Behind her, Dolly and Darlene glanced at each other, proud of their creation. They took each other hand and moved in eerie unison, side by side, their eyes glowered with the power they’d never tapped into. Dolly controlled Greenlee’s every motion like one would do with a grotesque marionette.
Each step for Greenlee was agony. Her bones snapped, then realigned, making her torture repeat in unstoppable waves. She wasn’t even allowed to scream. The supernatural force choked her voice and rendered her a prisoner in her own body.
Inside the camp, chaos erupted. Dawn threatened the sky. It washed out the moon, and panic spread like wildfire. The explosions came next. Darlene let go of her sister’s hand and blew up the military tents that held weapons and artifacts these people should have never possessed. Those fortunate enough to escape the blasts did—those who did not suffered the consequences.
Once a formidable cult of the First People, their grand vision had crumbled to ashes all around them. As the fires burned, the warriors readied to save their leader under Macy Lynn’s command and charged forward.
Charmaine had escaped the bunker in time. It now burned from the supernatural blasts. She got up on her feet, having been knocked to the ground. She approached. Her feet slowed as she took in the twins. They were changed, but somehow the same. A sense of dread crawled up her spine. What had the Professor and Greenlee unleashed in them?
Greenlee was punished for her crimes, but Charmaine knew this punishment did not absolve her of them. Just a few weeks ago, Dolly was a sweet, misguided girl who cared for her handicapped brother and toiled within her job to help people. Charmaine glanced around at the terrified women who were innocents running and screaming. Some of them were on fire. Some of them were traumatized. This is not the way of the Chosen. Dolly would never in the past hurt anyone, even if they hurt her. She’d seen the abuse she took from Tyrone and how she suffered in silence. They are protectors, not destructors. And she knew in her heart this was only the beginning. The scarab in her hand, now no larger than a crown jewel, throbbed with faint energy over the melee. She gripped it, uncertain.
“Sonya, come, the twins… something is going wrong,” said Charmaine.
“I hear you, we’re coming…” Sonya said.
Suddenly, the warrior women of the cult surged forward, relics from ancient times gripped in their trembling hands. Their weapons glowed faintly with old magic. To Charmaine, they seemed powerless now. These women were under the command of Macy Lynn, who charged with them. They had believed in their cause and believed they could protect their leader, but faith faltered in the face of this nightmare. When they saw Greenlee—controlled and hollow—they hesitated. Dread stole their courage. Some broke away and fled. Macy Lynn shouted for everyone to hold their position. But it was futile.
“Listen to me!” Greenlee’s voice boomed out of her louder than a speaker system. It crackled with desperation, though her words were not her own. “Hear me!”
The camp stilled. All eyes were on her.
“The Professor is dead,” Greenlee rasped. “Dead! This is the truth. We lied to you—lied! I am the Queen of Lies!” She screamed so loud a few people covered their ears. Her body spasmed as Dolly forced her to continue. “We used you... for power. There is no great coming of the old realm. We will never be Gods, Queen, or rulers of this world. It’s gone. Leave it all! Or die!”