He had watched her, this Julia, as she tried to harness powers beyond her understanding, as she weaved her Hoodoo spells in the dead of night, fighting to protect those who couldnot protect themselves. She was different—weak, yes, but with a strength of will that echoed his own in those early days before the curse had fully taken hold.

As Vittorio prepared for the journey to Texas, Phoenix formulated a plan. It was tenuous, a thread of an idea that would require careful execution. But if he could sway Julia to his side, if he could harness her growing power, gifted to her by the slave deity she called Papa Legba, they might stand a chance to rip through this world and open the realm once more. To resurrect Aries. To overthrow Vittorio and bring back the darkness and light, the true balance. A time when an unworthy creature like him could be loved by a goddess. A time he’d forsaken. He wanted one more chance, and this was it.

Julia was no fool, and neither was Amina, the Chosen One. It would take more than just words to bring them to his cause. It could take decades to hunt the Chosen One before he could bring Vittorio into the Louisiana swamps. These people were adept at defending themselves. He needed to offer something more—power, perhaps, or the promise of freedom. But he knew one thing for certain: Julia’s desire for vengeance burned as hot as his own.

Phoenix turned to leave the chamber; his steps echoed through the dark corridors of the Vatican’s underworld. Vittorio’s fury was a storm he would unleash upon the First People, regardless of his plans. In the shadows of the American South, in the swamps of Louisiana, the seeds of rebellion were being sown. And if he played his cards right, the very curse that had enslaved him might one day be the key to his freedom—and Julia’s—his vessel to Aries.

Chapter 40

The Cult

Mojave Camp Ground Zero

April 19, 2018

(2 Days Before Death)

They had arrived.Dolly and Darlene walked toward a fortified camp deep in the Mojave Desert. One sister physical, one sister metaphysical, both had dried tears streaked over their cheeks. The First People surely spent years constructing it. But why Vegas? How could they have known they would need refuge here on this exact day, at this exact moment?

Charmaine stepped to Dolly’s left; her distress clear. The sisters read her thoughts; something felt off.

“We shouldn’t go in. This is planned. It doesn’t feel right. My power… it’s changing.Lioraisn’t strong in me now. I can’t let you cross. We should find another way and wait for Tristan and Sonya.”

Professor Eric Brown halted. He faced the group of women. He raised a hand, silencing all conversation. Darlene, as her metaphysical self, lifted into the air and hovered, her loathing for the man apparent. The professor pressed a handkerchiefto his bleeding neck. His eyes held concern as he glanced at Darlene, and then at the others.

“We… no, I… I want to welcome the daughters of Julia Brown. Everything you see beyond these doors is for you. This was foretold to Julia and the slaves of Manchac Swamp before the end of the Civil War. Our journey has resulted in significant losses. So, few of us understand what’s at stake. But we made it here, and it’s because of my sister, Wanda Brown, that you two are here today.”

“You’re a liar,” Darlene spat. “I know who you are and the games you played with Lucio. You’re his footstool, and this—this is a trap!”

“Tell them,” Dolly urged the professor. “Tell them how you helped Lucio hunt down our family for years if it is your family. Then you’re a traitor!”

The professor didn’t flinch at the accusation, simply nodding. “I did. I sacrificed everyone, including your mother. And after what I show you and tell you today, if you still want revenge, I’m ready to die for it. Time and grace are necessary to demonstrate the truth and the potential outcomes if we collaborate.”

“He’s right,” came a voice from behind them.

Darlene whirled around, her body half black smoke, half dark energy. She glared at Greenlee.

Greenlee shrugged off the support from Nzinga and others. Using a cane offered by another woman, she stepped forward.

“We’re not here to escape our crimes against your family and the realm. Thanks to Julia, we, the final few, have one chance to save our world and its people. Darkness dominates all supernatural entities in this world. Where has the light gone? Have you thought of it? Why Lucio is drawn to you both? If you love Lucio, consider the truth,” she said. Her gaze shifted to Darlene, who seethed with more rage than her sister. “Lucio wants to protect you from his family, I believe that. If he didn’t,he would have done to you what he did to your mother and countless others. He protected you. But he is not yours. He belongs to the Supreme, and soon, he will be your greatest test. The one you were born for. The one you’ve always known you will win. Let us help you prepare before it’s too late.”

Charmaine stepped forward. “We’re not defenseless. Know that. If this is a trick, I’ll finish you.”

Greenlee smiled. “Ask your Goddess Liora why she spared us. There is a reason.”

Charmaine glared.

“Please. We will have visitors soon enough,” said the professor. “Let us begin.”

Before them stood armed, combat-ready women, guarding the camp with their lives. Behind them was a team assisting Greenlee and her entourage.

Darlene, now in the sky as a shadowy, metaphysical being, glanced down at her sister.

What will we find inside?Dolly asked telepathically.

I found two metal tents, heavily guarded. One holds weapons and strange golden objects—I think the professor calls it ‘lyrical.’ Looks like they’re preparing for some kind of ritual and battle,Darlene replied.

And the other tent?Dolly inquired.