“But Guardian… you need to conserve your strength,” Nzinga protested.

“Do as I say,” Charmaine commanded.

Darlene emerged from the car. She stopped next to Charmaine and watched her healing practices with Nzinga very closely, with her arms folded.

There was no need for further explanation. Dolly witnessed Charmaine’s first miracle. The young woman, once slumped, now stood upright. The bruises around her eyes, mouth, and throat healed. Her skin looked cleansed, as if bathed in light. Charmaine healed Nzinga’s soul and her life.

Dolly gut burned with distrust. She couldn’t shake the feeling. Nzinga wasn’t worthy as she said. Dolly just didn’t know why.

Who is she?Dolly asked Darlene

She’s of the First People bloodline. I think she’s the reason Charmaine is now a Guardian,replied Darlene.

Oh? Really?Dolly answered.First People make Guardians?

No. They do not. You should not trust Charmaine and Nzinga. Did you forget how badly Charmaine fought Tristan? Good grief, she was horrible. And then she got mated. She sucks!Darlene said.

Stop. It was her first conflict. Do you remember yours?Dolly asked.

Sure do. I kicked Lucio’s ass!Darlene laughed.

Doesn’t matter. Whatever. She was great. Where were you? If you had helped me, we could have prevented Tristan from taking her,Dolly said.

I’m not helping her. I can’t stand Charmaine and her goodie-goodie Guardian inside of her. We didn’t summon Guardians. Why accept them if we didn’t send for them? And where is mine?Darlene replied.

Charmaine glanced back at Dolly and Darlene. “This is Nzinga. She’s a descendant of the First People. She belonged to a cult that worshiped the old teachings of the origins of the universe. The First People's descendants used magic to bringLiora and Kaida from the sacred realm without your consent. That’s how Sonya and I became Guardians. They sacrificed our souls and were punished for it. All her people are dead. Nzinga was spared to serve us.”

The First People are gone. This bitch is lying. She’s a daughter of a daughter, of a daughter, of a hundred daughters. Her blood isn’t pure. Vittorio killed them all off. We should leave,said Darlene.

I agree,said Dolly.Enough of this. Something is wrong. Do you feel it? I can’t hear Lucio anymore.

Forget him. What about Russell?Darlene asked.

Dolly looked at Darlene, and then at the other women. She had hoped that Lucio was protecting her brother, but he was not responding. No matter what, she could not turn her back on Russell. Darlene was right. They needed to go back.

“Charmaine, we’re leaving, now,” Dolly said.

“Wait! Please.” Nzinga said. “There’s something you should know.”

Chapter 31

True Purpose

Bellagio - Las Vegas, Nevada

April 18, 2018

(3 Days Before Death)

Tristan stumbledthrough the panicked crowd. People ran in every direction. Some searched for friends and loved ones. Others rushed toward an exit. The announcement over the casino speakers promised that the power outage would soon be corrected but had now spread throughout the strip. The casino had descended into chaos.

Security teams swarmed the terrified tourists and Gamer-Con attendees like SWAT. Doors were locked while other uniformed personnel cleared the gaming floors. It was futile. The real reason for the chaos and piles of ash from dead supernatural’s wasn’t some grid going out.It was her.It was her. It was Liora.

The pain over the loss of her was severe. He clutched his chest and tried to maintain focus as he headed for the men’s bathroom. Tristan couldn’t reach the stall and instead vomited in the closest urinal. Dark blood spewed from himuncontrollably as his Draca fought to resist the synergy between him and Charmaine.

The two men at the urinals zipped up their pants and walked fast to the door. Dizzy, Tristan went to his knees. Slowly, he began to self-heal. Still, her essence had a stranglehold on his Draca, and his Draca fought back. The battle within him made sure he remained on all fours.

Liora, the Guardian, Protector of the Light, resist!The Draca roared into his psyche.Resist! Resist! Resist! Resist!