April 17, 2018
(4 Days Before Death)
The moment Marcellostepped off the elevator, Lucio sensed his presence and knew the fate of his beloved was sealed. His younger brother, a man of reason and science, was far deadlier as a Master vampire when pushed by emotion. Lucio’s choice to defend and protect Dolly goes against the family. No one goes against the family. This was the final push Domencio had hoped for; Lucio's brothers would not let him escape with her.
“Tristan,” Lucio said telepathically.
I’m here.
“There is no option for Reno now. We must switch to Plan B,” Lucio said.
I have sent Lamont ahead. He’ll handle Reno and the wolves with the Triad. I’ll secure the brother and find another place for him, somehow.
“Darlene? Dolly? Which one is it now?” Lucio asked.
Darlene. She has been misbehaving.
Lucio smiled. He secretly missed Darlene. He loved them both and vowed to prove it to Darlene as well. Domenico noticed Lucio’s expression but could not hear the conversation between Lucio and his consiglieri, though he suspected something.
We have Guardians, boss. I did not factor in Guardians. Phoenix has one of them. They are bringing her in.
“They?” Lucio asked.
The consiglieri. All three are on her. We both know what happened the last time I went up against Phoenix. I can’t get to her.
“Guardians. Why now? They have to be protectors, but who had the power to bring Guardians back from the sacred realm? My father would never allow that kind of magic to exist. Dolly and Darlene couldn’t have done it,” said Lucio.
Maybe you don’t know them as well as you think?
“I know them. They wouldn’t have called on them. They don’t understand the danger like we do. I know you think I’ve lost control. Maybe I have. But I’m telling you, I didn’t tell Dolly and Darlene everything. I didn’t tell them about Reno,” Lucio said.
Well, it doesn’t matter. There is no Reno, no plan, no escape, with Marcello aware of the powers Dolly has. Plus, the Guardians circling. We never planned for any of this.
“Change of plans, change of everything. Wow! Guardians? Maybe that’s the answer. Help the Guardian Charmaine.”
I don’t understand?
“If the Guardian did all of this to get close to my Dolly, my Darlene, then she did it to protect them. If the sisters are in danger... what do Guardians do for the Chosen?”
Ah, now I understand. They will defend with their lives.
“Exactly. Give the Guardian a reason to defend. Let the chaos take over the hotel,” Lucio said. “Let them escape. Send the brother to Reno for insurance. But let them escape.”
That could expose us. It’s too risky for it to go down in front of all the mortals.
“Dolly won’t let that happen. I’ve been talking to her. She understands and she will cover you and the guardian, even if she doesn’t want to.”
I’m weak, we consiglieri are weak. If the Guardian turns on me, I could lose control. That’s what Phoenix teaches.
“Keep your distance. Dolly and Darlene are strong; they’ll escape, and I’ll find them. Help them escape. Now.”
Boss, if this goes wrong...
“Have a little faith, priest,” Lucio said. “Why the fuck do you think I chose you?”
The connection between them ceased. Marcello entered the room. All three brothers sat at the table in silence. Marcello’s wrath and temperament were rarely questioned. These were rare times.
Marcello walked in with two fledglings unknown to Lucio. These men weren’t permitted inside but ensured Lucio saw them before one closed the door. Marcello stared at Lucio with an intensity that broke Lucio’s heart. Marcello loved his brothers deeply but, when tested, his love could turn into a rage far more dangerous than the three brothers combined.