“So?” Darlene said. She seemed enchanted by Russell’s voice speaking to them.As if she were listening to her favorite lullaby. She swayed back and forth.

“Focus sister. How did we do that?” Dolly asked.

Darlene hugged herself and hummed.

“How did we do it?” Dolly asked again.

“We joined,” Darlene answered.

“Right. Look at her. Look,” Dolly pointed.

They looked at the person they existed in. “We can heal her. Together. You and me.” Dolly said and took her hand. “Together. Russell was too young to teach us to do it. He just wanted you back. That professor taught us to separate. He knew how powerful we would be if we united. Lucio kept saying that we are one. I understand now. Russell will be all alone with these vampires if we don’t get to him. He is the one that we need to protect. The one we both love.”

Darlene nodded. She squeezed Dolly's hand.

Together, the girls went to their knees. They both put their hands on the Dolly before them. They closed their eyes and listened to Russell and were united with energy and love.”

Dolly opened her eyes and stared up at the ceiling. She blinked and her head turned slight to look up at Russell. His prayer stopped midsentence. She sat up and hugged him. Lucio could not believe what he had witnessed. He could not conceive it. He stood transfixed on them. Charmaine covered her mouth to keep from gasping herself. It was then Dolly saw her.

“Charmaine?” she asked.

“Hey, hey girl. You scared the hell out of us,” Charmaine said.

“What are you doing here?” Dolly asked. She let go of Russell and went to her friend and they embraced. “Oh, my God! How did you get here?”

“Sonya had one of her Vega’s parties to host. I came here because we saw Russell on Instagram. I’ve tried to call you. But when I found Russell, he said you were hurt,” said Charmaine.

Dolly glanced back to her brother. She touched his face. “I love you so much, Russ. You always know how to help me and Darlene, don’t you?”

Chapter 16

Darlene & Russell

Bellagio - Las Vegas, Nevada

April 17, 2018

(4 Days Before Death)

Russell eyes stretched.His sisters knew each other again. He wiped the tears from his cheeks and nodded. “We should leave. We should go home. Right now. Today! Something is… wrong here, right?”

Dolly looked over to Lucio, who watched them all in silence. She felt Darlene inside of her, wanting to be heard. However, her sister did not force her wants. Darlene waited. Dolly smiled at her patience. She hugged Russell. “I had an accident. That’s all. I’m sorry for scaring you?—”

“Darlene is back. Am I right?” Russell asked.

“She never left,” smiled Dolly.

“And he knows it!” Russell pointed at Lucio. “What is going on? What is he doing to you?”

“Hey. Lucio isn’t the enemy. He hasn’t done anything to me. I had an episode with him, and he protected me…” She looked over at Charmaine. She wasn’t ready to reveal everything.Especially to Charmaine and Sonya. Both of them thought she was crazy in the head.

“Let’s talk in private,” Dolly suggested to Russell.

“No! I’m done with this shit!” Russell snatched the large, jeweled medallion and chain and ripped it from his neck. He threw it at Lucio. “We’re leaving. I mean it!”

“Lucio, Charmaine, can you give us some privacy? I need to talk to my brother. Please,” Dolly said.

Lucio looked concerned, but he was the first to leave. Charmaine winked at her and followed Lucio out. She closed the bedroom door. Russell was nearly hysterical with outrage and fear for her. She could see him shake. The stress would trigger his condition.