Sebastiano shot to his feet, fangs bared, his fury a palpable force. “You mock my pain? I saw your lust for Darlene, the dark witch, the moment you returned! Don’t pretend you care for our brother. You only want her. You’ve always cared only foryourself. Raven was more than my lover. He was family. He was more of a brother to me than you ever were!”
Domencio’s fists clenched, but he swallowed his anger. Sebastiano’s words were barbed with truth. His brother had loved Raven, and everyone else, more than he had ever loved him. But it wasn’t until now that Domencio understood that the distance between them had been his own doing.
The door opened, cutting through the tension. Marcello stepped inside, his face grim, as though the weight of the world hung on his shoulders. He barely acknowledged the tension between his brothers, both still glaring, daring the other to speak first.
“It’s done,” Marcello said flatly.
The brothers turned to him, and saw him as if for the first time.
“The prophecy is fulfilled. The Supreme Draquria has won. He has Lucio. And the Chosen,” said Marcello who removed his cloak and gloves, dropping them as a servant appeared with fresh blood. He waved the offering away.
“No,” Domencio said, shaking his head. “We saw it. Darlene and Dolly united. They saved Lucio. They?—”
“Luciotookthem,” Marcello interrupted, his voice hard.
“Took them where?” Sebastiano demanded.
“I don’t know,” Marcello admitted, rubbing his temples as though trying to push away a headache. “But according to the Pope, he’ll return. And when he does, the darkness will be greater than before. We need to prepare.”
He didn’t wait for a response. Instead, Marcello walked out, his retreat silent but final. He wanted to be alone.
Sebastiano sank back into his chair, absently stroking his lizard as the weight of Marcello’s words settled over them.
Domencio remained standing, watching his brother’s face tighten with grief. They were all mourning—each in their ownway. Sebastiano for Raven. Marcello for his sense of betrayal. Phoenix had been more than a consiglieri to him; he had been a father figure, a friend. For a century, they had worked together, combining Marcello’s wizardry and ambition to advance technology and vampire society. To learn it had all been a lie had shattered his brother.
“Leave me alone,” Sebastiano muttered, staring into the fire. “Go fuck off somewhere.”
Domencio bit back a retort. He knew Sebastiano’s anger was only masking his sorrow. Without another word, Domencio turned and left the room.
He didn’t believe Darlene, Dolly, or Lucio were truly gone. The battle wasn’t over. He’d seen too much—the miracles, the underworld, even the death of Papa Legba. There had to be more. There had to be a way to bring them all back.
And he intended to find it.
Tristan layin the dark chamber. He held Charmaine close as she slept, her tear-streaked face pressed against his chest. Earlier, they had made love, and she wept throughout. Even as she gave herself to him, offering her blood to make him whole, he could still feel her grief. The elevated levels of her pain mixed in with her light and seared him. He ached to heal her heart, to take away the burden she carried.
He kissed her brow softly and slid from the bed.
“Where are you going?” she murmured, half-awake.
“You need to eat. I’ll have a chef brought in, get you some food, clothes—things Sebastiano wouldn’t keep around,” he said with a small smile. “Woman's stuff.”
Charmaine chuckled in her weakness. “Woman's stuff?”
“Well, if you get your period, I can take care of that,” Tristan gave her a wicked wink.
Charmaine shook her head “You’re so nasty.”
“I’ll ask Sonya what she needs,” he offered.
Charmaine’s body stiffened. “Sonya?”
Tristan paused, pulling on his robe. “Or you can tell me what she likes.”
Her voice was softer, probing. “Tristan?”
He turned back toward her, eyes heavy with emotion. “Nothing has changed, Charmaine. You are my goddess. I feel nothing for Sonya.”
“Don’t lie to spare me,” she said. “I’m Liora too. I know what you feel for her. I know what we’ve done. I trust that you and Sonya would never betray me, but you heard Aries. You will be tempted. Don’t ever hide that temptation from me.”