Now, to figure out if Roman feels the same way.
“So,” I start, stirring my oatmeal and blowing on it to cool it down. “Just two more weeks until the simulation is over. A few more weeks to recoup. Then we’re back to school. Back to good ol’ schoolio.”
Roman settles against the headboard next to me. “Summers always go by too fast.”
“They sure do. Once the fall semester starts, I’m already looking forward to summer again.” I take a bite of my oatmeal. “You know, the other breaks throughout the year are nice too. But if I had to rank them in order of importance, it would go: summer, Christmas break, spring break, and then the extra day off we get for MLK Day. I mean, I personally don’t think his dream was for teachers and the like to struggle as much as we do, but the day to lift up the king is nice.”
I stuff a large spoonful into my mouth this time so I’ll stop talking.
Roman looks at me with raised eyebrows then smiles and nods in agreement. “I feel you on that MLK Day. He one hundred percent did not intend for us teachers to have to struggle as much as we do.”
My oatmeal goes down smoothly as my chest lightens. I love how he just gets me. Accepts my quirks when anyone else would write me off. It makes sense; he said we’re a perfect match.
We eat in a comfortable silence while I turn the words over in my head to ask Roman about what comes after the simulation. To ask aboutmore. More time with him. More hugs and kisses. More mind-blowing nights spent wrapped in each other’s arms. Maybe this is another one of my impulsive decisions like joining the simulation was, but look where that got me—eating breakfast with Roman after spending the previous night making love.
I turn my body to face him. “Roman, have you considered what happens after?”
“Yeah. What if we don’t end? After the simulation, what if we just keep seeing each other? I know it was my idea to keep this limited, so if you want to stick to our originalterms I get it. But if you want to take a chance to see where this relationship can really go…” I trail off, my heart hammering inside my chest with the hope he isn’t about to rip it into shreds.
“You really want to keep seeing me?” he asks like he’s surprised.
Is Martian dust red? “Of course I do.”
Roman doesn’t answer, but he does crush his lips to mine, which I guess is all the answer I need. When this is over, I get to keep him.
When our kiss ends, our foreheads still press against each other. “Roman, I want you to know, I want to be with you, but I also want to protect both of our reputations. I’m not ashamed to be with you, but we wouldn’t be able to flaunt our relationship at school. Is that something you can accept?”
“I would never put your career in jeopardy. And I can’t say much right now, but school may not even be an issue. I’m not sure if I’ll be back in my position when school starts again.”
I back up so I can get a good look at him. “Wait, what? What are you planning to do?”
“I still have options I’m considering, and nothing is set in stone. But either way, you and me are good. We’re more than good, Bri. Always believe that.”
I want all the details, but at the thought of the freedom we’d have if Roman and I no longer worked at the same school, my heart flies that much higher. Am I really about to have it all—the careerandthe man? I lean in and kiss Roman again, unable to keep my hands off him even knowing we need to get the day started.
Roman grabs the forgotten bowl from my lap and places it by his on the headboard then leans back into me.
“We need to go out and start the day,” I attempt to say. Most of my words are swallowed up by his mouth against mine, but I’m certain he gets the bulk of my message.
Roman pulls away from me, but not off the bed. Rising to his knees, he takes off the shirt he put on to go to the kitchen. “See, that’s the thing. An important part of this whole simulation is the human element and bonding, right?”
Bonding was mostly important at the beginning stages of the simulation. We’ve moved way beyond that, though I’m not about to contradict him now that he’s taken off his shirt.
He takes my silence as encouragement to keep going and smirks. “In the name of team bonding, I can’t very well have you start the day without an orgasm. What kind of teammate would that make me?”
He’s back to usingthattone. The one that causes students to rush to vacate the halls when they’re out loitering. The one he used to take charge when the meteorites were crashing through his and Jordan’s bedroom, even though he was in pain. The one teachers like to call his Major Pain tone. But the only pain I feel is the mental pain of him not being inside me right now.
Obviously fed up with my lack of response, Roman narrows his eyes and leans in closer. “I’m waiting for an answer. What kind of teammate would I be if I let you start your day without an orgasm?”
“A bad one,” I get out of my throat, which is thickened with lust.
He licks his lips. “That’s right. Now, throw off that sheet and open your legs.”
What if, after the simulation is over, rather than go back to work, I just…don’t? What if I stay in bed all dayevery day, waiting for Roman to come home and repeat these exact words?
He lifts an eyebrow when, once again, I’m too dumbstruck by him to respond. But dumbstruck does not equal noncompliant. I fling off the sheet and open my legs.