I didn’t know it at the time, but before I put in my resignation, Roman beat me to it. In fact, he’d been planning to leave the school even before the simulation began. The catalyst had been his dad canceling the library in favor of the football field. He knew his dad wouldn’t stop trying to get his way and have Roman fill the vice principal role unless he did something drastic. So he transferred to AngelouSchool of Arts. The school teaches all subjects, but they put an emphasis on arts and culture. He loves it.
As we walk down the hallway, my arms begin to ache from carrying the books, but I don’t let it slow me down. It’s finally time to see the new library.
Many familiar faces of teachers I used to work with fill the hall leading to the library. They greet Roman and me, making room for us to get through. I’m surprised they aren’t inside already, but as we approach the entrance I see why. Whoever planned the library’s reopening ceremony really went all out. There is a large black curtain hanging from the floor to the ceiling, blocking the entrance.
“Look at all this,” I say to Roman. “I wonder how they talked your dad into doing such a big celebration.”
He sets his box of books against a wall, then takes mine from me and does the same with it. “He couldn’t get away with anything less.” He leans down and whispers in my ear. “I hear he may have even ordered pizza.”
I smile up at him as Angie, Jordan, and Simone make their way through the crowd.
Angie’s nose is scrunched up as she joins us. “I swear, some of these teachers are just as bad as the kids. I’m about to start giving deodorant away like it’s Halloween candy.”
“Are you sure it’s not your upper lip?” Jordan asks, and I don’t hold in my laugh.
Angie cuts him with her eyes, and Jordan backs away, though he’s still smiling.
After a few minutes of waiting around, I’m ready to agree with Angie: it does smell a little rank. I press my nose into Roman’s side so all I smell is him.
“There they are,” Roman says, and I look up to findSuperintendent Watts, Principal Major, and the school’s new vice principal coming through the crowd. They stand in front of the curtain as the superintendent gives a small speech about the library remodel and the impact it will have on the kids for years to come.
I’m so happy to finally see this come to fruition that my eyes begin to mist. I take in a deep breath and try to hold back the tears.
As the superintendent nears the end of her speech, she thanks the crew and me for making it possible by joining the simulation. She didn’t have a lot to say when the simulation was over. I thought she’d be upset and feel like she’d invested pointless time in mentoring me, but she happily wished me well on the foundation.
“Mr. Wilkerson,” she says to Jordan, holding out a cord. “We’d like you to do the honors.”
Jordan steps up and grabs the cord from her. He pulls, and the curtains fall to the ground to unveil the newly updated library.
There are gasps, clapping, and delighted whoops. When the noise dies down, Superintendent Watts speaks again. “Ladies and gentlemen, behold the Brianna Rogers Library.”
The what?Her words don’t register at first, but when they do, all I can do is stand there. “They named a library after me?”
“Look up,” Roman tells me.
I do, and my jaw falls open. Theydidname the library after me. In large gold letters above the library’s entrance, there’s my name.
I turn to Roman. “Did you know about this?”
He smiles down at me and nods his head. “I did.”
“Know about it?” Simone says. “It was his idea!”
I look at him with wide eyes. “Roman, I…I don’t even know what to say. Except that I love you. This is unbelievable.”
He strokes my hair, then bends down to kiss me. “I love you too. And if you think this is unbelievable from the outside, you should take a look at what’s going on in there.” He grabs my hand and leads me inside.
“What about the books?” I point to the boxes we brought in. Boxes of books from my foundation that I’m donating to the school.
“They’ll be fine there for now.”
The new library looks phenomenal. There are new shelves full of books. There is a computer lab with desktops for the students to use while here and laptops and tablets they can check out. In place of the area that was used for detention, there are round tables the students can sit at to read or do homework and floor seats for those who don’t want to sit in a regular chair. I bet Principal Major just loves those.
Mrs. Yates comes up to me, clasping her hands and at a loss for words. She holds her arms out wide as if to say,look at all this!and I nod.
“It looks great,” I say.
She hugs me before walking away, letting her fingers glide along the shelves.