I gasp and lay a hand on his forearm. “You don’t need to apologize. I’m the one who’s sorry for giving you a hard time.” And I feel terrible about it.
“Nah, don’t sweat it. You didn’t know. It’s not like I walk around advertising all my phobias or anything.”
“What’s going on over here, lovebirds?” Angie says as she walks into the common room.
“Lovebirds?” I say, while at the same time Jordan chokes on his drink. It’s all I can do not to move all the way to the kitchen, but I don’t want to be dramatic. “Why would you say something like that?”
“Why would I say that? Come on, look at you two,” Angie says, wiggling her eyebrows.
I turn my head to look at Jordan. When I realize how close we are, I scoot over.
At that moment, Roman pokes his head out from the computer server closet. “Did the cameras come back up yet?” He’s been in there trying to reset the system.
“Not yet,” Angie answers. “Roman, back me up here. Don’t you think Brianna and Jordan would make the cutest couple? I’m trying to help my girl find some love.”
I cover my face with my hands and shake my head. Why does Angie have the worst filter in human history? When I peek through my fingers, I see that Roman’s face is blank as he stares at Angie. After a second, he shakes his head and goes back into the room, slamming the door.
“Welp,” Angie says. “It looks like Major Pain is in some kind of mood.”
“That’s probably because he’s trying to fix something while you’re out here talking nonsense.” I look at the door,a sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach. “Angie, listen. I know we’re not at school, but I still take my position of vice principal very seriously. I cannot stress enough that there is nothing going on between Jordan and me.” I turn to Jordan. “You know you’re my people, but I only see you as a friend. I hope my friendliness has never come off as anything other than that.”
Jordan looks like he’s about to start sweating bullets now as he shakes his head furiously. “Yeah, no, of course it hasn’t. I mean, you’re great, but I don’t see you like that either. Or anyone, really.” His cheeks puff out as he lets out a big breath.
I raise my eyebrows and nod. Jordan is simply out here trying to live his best life, not interested in me or anyone else. I commend his honesty and that he doesn’t feel the need to justify himself to anyone. I don’t know if he means that he wants to be single forever and doesn’t have romantic feelings toward anyone, but I know it’s not my place to pry. Like I told Angie, we are colleagues, and while I want to be on good terms and feel connected with them while we’re here, certain lines have to be maintained.
I turn to Angie. “I appreciate that you’re trying to help me find joy.” I try to look at it from the angle that Angie wants to help and not pry or stir up workplace drama. “But there is nothing going on between Jordan and me, so please stop.”
Angie looks contrite and lets out a long stream of air. “Fine. But don’t say I never tried to do anything nice for you.”
“You have a heart of gold.” I stand up. “Now I need to set the record straight with Roman. I don’t need him going back to school and starting any rumors.”
I walk to the closet, knocking on the door before opening it without waiting for Roman to invite me in. “Hi.” Islide in, realizing just how small the server room is with all the tech equipment as well as the bodies of Roman and me. I have to close the door behind myself to be able to fit all the way inside.
He looks up from his spot on the floor. “Hey. Did you need something?” His tone lacks the warmth I’ve come to know from our time together.
“I came to see if you needed help. It’s a big task we’ve got you working on.”
He holds a small flashlight in his hand and points it at a paper to read the manual he’s managed to find. “I think I’ve got everything squared away. I’m just waiting for it to reboot, and we’ll see if that will work. Don’t worry, I want the power on just as much as everyone else. I’m not trying to sabotage anything.”
“I know you’re not,” I say honestly. “You being alone in here to mess anything up was the furthest thing from my mind.” And now I feel bad that my past actions have caused him to think I’ll always be suspicious of his motives. I also feel strangely guilty about what Angie said about Jordan and me. I know I shouldn’t. After all, I don’t owe Roman any explanations when it comes to my love life. And I’m Roman’s superior, so he has no reason to be in the know at this level when it comes to my love life. And yet…
“You can go back out there with Angie and your little boyfriend,” Roman says, and I lose all feelings of guilt in a flash.
No this man didn’t.
I make my back straight and hold my head up high. “Excuse me?”
Roman’s jaw flexes in the low light as he meets my gaze, but he doesn’t back down either.
Like I do anytime his dad tries to stare me downduring the school year, I lift my eyebrow to let him know he needs to come correct. “That was uncalled-for, and you know it.”
Finally, Roman proves that he isn’t like his dad. He looks away and his shoulders fall a little. “Sorry,” he says. “Look, I’m good here. If you want to hang out there and get cozy with Jordan, don’t let me stop you.”
He was almost there with the apology, and then he had to go and ruin it. Maybe he’s trying to get me to back off like the teachers do, but I’m not a teacher and I don’t like when people try telling me what to do.
“I was not getting cozy with Jordan,” I say.
“No? Angie sure seemed to think so. She thinks y’all would be a cute couple.”