Page 12 of The Love Simulation

I hear what sounds like Vincent sneezing, and when I look up, I see he’s trying to hold in a laugh. I sigh and shake my head. One would think after having thirty years of experience with him trying to play around, I’d be able to pick up on when he’s being unserious. Maybe I would have if Amerie hadn’t cosigned on his joke.

“You two just can’t help it, can you?”

Amerie comes into the frame, popping her head on Vincent’s shoulder. “Sorry, Brianna! I couldn’t resist.”

I give her a mock glare. It’s hard to be fully annoyed when they’re so cute together. Vincent managed to find the one person to go along with his absurd sense of humor.

“The simulation, Vince. What can you tell me?”

“Okay, okay.” He kisses Amerie’s hand before she pulls away, then focuses on me. “I have some friends who have either facilitated or participated in the simulations. It’snot that hard physically, but it is mentally. You need to go into the experience prepared to be away from home in every sense of the word. You’ll be isolated. You’ll have days when you’re so bored that you wouldn’t mind watching water boil or paint dry. Speaking of, you should take some art supplies or some good books. As far as the team goes, there will be days when everyone gets along and days when everyone will be at each other’s throats, insulting the way they cough or breathe. But when you look back, you’ll see them as family. That’s just how it goes.”

I can’t help but frown, hearing Superintendent Watts’s warnings in my head about scandals and career trajectories.

“What’s that look for?” Vincent asks.

I shrug. “It’s just the part you said about teammates becoming family. I mean, I’m only going to be there for six weeks. I like the teachers I work with and everything, but I’m not going there with the intention of becoming besties with anyone.”

Now he’s the one giving me a look, and I don’t like it. Like he’s thinking,Poor little Brianna. Afraid to go up and make new friends.

“What?” I say. “All the people you went on yourvery realmission with were astronauts, so y’all had no choice but to become family. I’m a vice principal doing thisfakesimulation with my teachers. Our stakes are not the same. I’ll still need to maintain proper boundaries so when we return to school it’s not weird.”

“I see where you’re coming from,” he says. “I really do. But I’ve learned, pretty recently, that there needs to be balance. It can’t be all work all the time. We’re humans and we need those connections. If you ask me, it’s actually the best part of being human. Camille has told me that sincestarting your new position, you’ve been pretty isolated. None of us want that for you, Bri.”

Wow, now I have to worry about Camille and Vincent talking about me behind my back. Like I’m some sad hermit who does nothing but work and then comes home to my dog. Which, granted, I do. But I’m not the only adult who’s unfulfilled and still trying to find their way to happiness.

I study Vincent through the screen. He looks happy. Like, truly happy. I can’t help but marvel at the fact that not long ago, it would have been so hard to get him to find enough time to sit down and have a drawn-out conversation with me. He would have been putting way more hours into his work and training than was needed. If ever there were a poster child for work-life imbalance, Vincent was it. But that was before he met Amerie, his then–fake girlfriend turned real fiancée.

If I could be like Vincent, I would. But he’s always known what he wants and has never had to deal with the likes of someone like Principal Major trying to hinder him. If I go into the simulation with the idea of cozying up with the teachers, I’m worried it will affect how the staff at school and Superintendent Watts see me and in turn derail my career.

Vincent looks past the screen again and smiles softly at Amerie.

Then again, letting people close does seem to have paid off for Vincent. Maybe I’ll think about taking his advice.

Not that I’m going to tellhimthat.

Chapter Six

I love it when I get what I want. And I’m not just stating that from the point of view of the youngest child who is therefore doted on. I’m saying that from the point of view of someone who just really loves the thrill of winning.

While standing in front of the library’s old, worn doors that are so crooked we have to use a chain after school hours to keep them closed, I smile at Principal Major, and he smiles back. My smile is real, and I’m sure it radiates nothing but the elation I feel. Principal Major’s, on the other hand, reminds me of how Sheba snaps her teeth together each month when I try to get her to take a heartworm prevention pill, no matter what kind of treat I wrap it in. But oh, the taste of watching Principal Major trying to stomach putting up a celebratory facade today has been delicious.

“Just a few more shots,” the district photographer says. “Look here and smile. On one, two, three.” A series of flashes has me seeing bright dots in my vision, but my smile remains still in place.

“Is that it?” Principal Major asks. His tone isn’t exactly gruff, with him being on his best behavior in front of Superintendent Watts, but the strain is there.

“Wait, did we get enough ‘before’ pictures in thelibrary?” I ask, just to get on his nerves. I’m going to milk this victory as long as I can.

Superintendent Watts laughs and winks at me. She obviously knows what I’m doing, and I’m not ashamed. If I can put up with Principal Major’s attitude for nine months, he can get through a dozen or so pictures.

“How about we head outside and join the rest of the celebration?” Superintendent Watts suggests.

“Finally,” Principal Major mutters. “Miss Rogers, I’m sure you can close up in here.” He gestures for everyone to follow him through the doors and leaves so quickly I’m beginning to wonder if he’s got something against libraries as a whole.

“Do you need help?” Superintendent Watts asks me.

“Don’t worry, I’ve got it. I’ll see y’all outside in a few minutes.”

Superintendent Watts and the rest of the crew going to the Mars simulation—Jordan, Simone, and our newest recruits who joined in the nick of time, Angie and Renee—follow after Principal Major, and I’m left by myself.