Page 72 of The Kiss Countdown

“What are you doing to me, woman?” Vincent rumbles deep in his chest.

What am I doing to him? Obviously he has it twisted.I’m the one whose world is spinning off its axis. I fought my feelings for this man as valiantly as an angel fights off demons, and yet here I am. In his truck, sitting on his lap, in a postorgasmic haze.

I lift my head and kiss him. My desire for Vincent hasn’t eased in the least, and that scares me like nothing else can.

Chapter Twenty-Two

It’s my favorite time of day, early morning, while most of the world is still asleep, and today I get to enjoy it twisted around Vincent. We fell asleep with him spooning me, but now we’re vice versa, as I’ve once again managed to pin him under my leg. However, unlike the previous mornings, there’s no rush to roll away before he wakes up. This time I tighten my hold around him and burrow my face into the crook of his neck.

Last night was unexpected in the best way. From the picnic and stars to the way Vincent stared into my soul and said he needed to kiss me. And kiss me he did. So much my lips are still tingling hours later.

I lick my lips and can’t hold back what I’m sure is a goofy-looking smile at the thought of how good his lips felt against mine. We didn’t go past kissing, and not because I didn’t try. Vincent was the one to hold back, and damn if his self-control isn’t sexy and infuriating. Now that we’ve crossed the line, he has to know it only makes me that much hungrier to be with him.

When I press my face against him again, this time inhaling his scent of wood and spice, he begins to stir. He runs a hand along my calf as he says, “Good morning,” and the gravel in his voice goes straight to my core.

“Good morning.”

Soon it’ll be time to drive back to Houston, where Vincent will immediately take off to catch a flight, but right now we’re still in bed. And I want him.

I kiss the back of his neck and I feel a shudder move through him.

“Amerie,” he says. Maybe even warns. Is it a warning that I’m turning him on? Because if so, I will not proceed with caution.

I kiss the same spot and run my hand from his bare chest to the top of his pajama pants. Before I can explore any farther, he turns over and moves so I’m on my back, pinned to the bed, with him looming over me. This is much, much better, and so hot. His bulge presses into me, and I tilt my hips up, seeking more pressure. Vincent crushes his lips to mine, and we’re back to kissing and grinding.

Before we can get too carried away, however, the alarm on Vincent’s phone blares throughout the room.

He moves to pull away, but I keep my grip tight on his shoulders.

“Mimi, we have to get ready to head out,” he says against my lips. When I shake my head no, he half laughs, half groans, but his mouth is still on mine, and that’s all that matters.

I bite his lower lip, then soothe the nip with my tongue, worried that I might have been too rough, but Vincent’s hips bear down on mine even more, letting me know I need not be concerned.

The alarm goes off again and he sighs. “I have a flight to catch in six hours.”

Flights are stupid. Who needs to fly when you can make out all day?

Vincent, that’s who. Time to let him get back to his job, and I need to get back to my business.

Sighing, I release my hold, and he kisses me one more time before getting up.

Within an hour we’re outside with Vincent’s family while he plays a real-life form of Tetris as he loads our suitcases into the back seat. Well, suitcases plus the three coolers of food Mrs. Rogers gave us. While Vincent took me around town yesterday, she spent the day cooking food for her children. She did not exaggerate when she said food is her love language.

As we exchange final goodbyes, Mrs. Rogers envelops me in a tight hug. “I’m so glad you were able to join us. You are a beautiful woman, and my son has found his perfect match.”

“I’ve already got our group chat started so we can keep in contact about the vow renewal,” Camille says as she steps up next. “And I’ll be sure to spread the word about you to my friends who are planning events.”

I stand up taller. “Thank you so much.”

She embraces me in a hug. “Thankyoufor getting Vincent out here to spend some time with us. These few days have meant the world to my mom. To all of us.”

As I hug everyone, guilt, along with the wish I hadn’t come here under false pretenses, gnaws at me. It’s amazing that in such a short amount of time, I’ve come to care about each family member, and even more so that they’ve so eagerly opened their home and hearts to me. Vincent and I buckle in, and as we pull away from the cabin, part of me hopes I’ll be back someday.

When we arrive back in Houston, I pace in the bedroom as Vincent shaves in the master bath. He’ll travel to Death Valley, where his team will train with new tools they’ll be using during the mission.

During part of our long drive, he told me how the first astronauts to walk on the moon trained there. I sat there and listened, when what I really wanted to do was talk about our kiss—and more—and what it means for our bargain. We crossed a line there’s no coming back from.

Vincent walks out of the restroom, and I mourn the loss of his growing beard. I clock each of his movements as he moves to the open suitcase on the bed and places a small brown grooming bag inside.