Page 8 of The Kiss Countdown

I freeze, hoping against hope the dismay I feel isn’t evident on my face. Of all the career choices. Is this guy for real? If he’s salty over the shirt I ruined, he could have justsaid that. Better yet, he could have kept walking when I called his name. Because if Derrick didn’t suspect anything before, I’m sure he does now.

I matched with a few guys before who claimed to be in NASA’s training program, yet the simplest of social media digging proved otherwise. And Derrick knows this.

Derrick now cocks his head to the side and regards me with a look that says he’s onto me, but he’ll indulge me anyway. “An astronaut, my man? What an admirable career choice. You must be living the dream.” He all but snickers.

“Yes, sir.” Vincent gives one quick, affirmative nod, and I wish I could wipe that confident smile off his face.

I’m praying Derrick won’t ask any follow-up questions when Vincent smirks, then slips his right hand into an inner pocket of his suit and pulls out a badge. A badge with a red-white-and-blue NASA logo clearly visible for all to see.

“Vincent Rogers. NASA class of 2020,” Vincent says.

Nora snaps her fingers. “I knew you looked familiar. My niece is obsessed with space and astronauts. Every time I visit her and my nephew, she asks me to read your book to her.” She smooths her already flawless hair. “The picture on the back cover doesn’t do you justice.”

“Wow, that’s great,” Derrick says, his tone contradicting his words. He casts one more glance at me before tugging Nora’s hand. “Nice seeing you, Amerie. We better order our coffee, honey.”

I smile and wave. Once they’re out of earshot I turn to Vincent, ready to profusely thank him for his lovestruck act. But as soon as I open my mouth, he stiffens as another woman approaches us. She’s eyeing me in particular, and I get the sinking feeling this encounter won’t play out as well. If this is Vincent’srealgirlfriend, this might be the day Moon Bean sees some actual ’bows thrown.

This woman is dressed in black scrubs under a puffy gray coat. She holds two large coffee cups, passing one to Vincent as she regards him with a raised brow and mischievous glint in her dark brown eyes. “Vincent, you didn’t tell me you were bringing your girlfriend along.” Her attention turns to me, and she looks like she found her favorite new toy. “He’s been telling me and Mom that he was dating someone, but since he kept you from us for so long, I was beginning to doubt you were real. It’s nice to finally see you in the flesh. I’m Camille, Vincent’s sister.”

My mind whirls. So, ignoring the fact that apparently eavesdropping runs in the family, Vincent’s sister heard enough of the whole exchange to think Vincent and I are a couple.

I look at Vincent, waiting for him to set the record straight.

He sighs and shakes his head. “Actually, she’s not—”

His sister puts her hand out. “Hold that thought, please.” She grabs the buzzing phone clipped to her hip and reads a message. “Just when I thought I’d get an easy morning, duty calls.” After replacing her phone, she looks at Vincent through narrowed eyes like she’s contemplating something. Her eyes slide to me. “I was trying to convince Vincent to come to my New Year’s Eve party, but he always claims he has to work. You can get him out for one night, right?”

“Camille, this really isn’t what it loo—”

This time I’m the one to cut Vincent off as I spot Derrick and Nora moving to the sugar and cream, mere feet away. “A New Year’s Eve party sounds great. I’m sure I can get him out of the house.”

Camille beams. “Great. It’s a black-tie affair at Skylawn.” It looks like she’s about to leave, but she pauses andsmirks at Vincent. “Mom’s going to be so jealous I got to meet her first. See y’all soon!”

Once she’s gone, I count to ten to make sure no one else is going to pop up, then turn to Vincent. “Do you want to sit?”

He sighs. “Sure.”

He grabs a handful of sugar packets and individual creamer cups, then follows me to the vacant table farthest from the door. As soon as I sit down, I take a large gulp of coffee. By now it’s cooled and doesn’t scald my tongue, so I greedily sip it while trying to get my bearings.

First Derrick, then Vincent’s sister Camille. Good Lord.

Vincent sits across from me, looking much more composed than I feel. And I don’t know him well, but I swear he appears to actually be enjoying himself. Or maybe he likes seeing me all flustered.

Vincent leans back in his seat. “Let me guess, old boyfriend?”

So he’s going right in.

“Yes. We broke up a few months ago.” I let out a sigh and roll my neck, trying to get rid of some of the tension. When I open my eyes, Vincent is looking at me, but he quickly averts his gaze. “Vincent, thank you so much for having my back just now. I know I put you on the spot.”

He nods once. “Don’t sweat it.”

I take another sip of coffee, this time savoring the smooth brew. Caffeine doing its job? Check. Ex-boyfriend gone, thinking I’m thriving and have moved on? The bell jingles and I turn to watch Derrick and Nora leaving. Check. I’m golden and can now get on with the rest of the day.

“Well, I better head out. Thank you again,” I say.

Vincent frowns as I stand up. “Wait, that’s it?”

I guess it is pretty rude to simply walk away after he’shelped me. I hold out the bag of scones to him. Gina will understand.