That apartment has been my sanctuary, but as I learned long ago, they come and go. And even though I’m more than used to it—this next phase of packing and moving items into storage—I wish I wasn’t. It’s like I’m in one of those old commercials where a water bottle keeps blowing in the wind until someone finally picks it up and recycles it, allowing it to become something new. I’m that water bottle, only there’s no Good Samaritan out there to pick me up. I have to do it myself.
“Mimi, are you there?” Mom’s voice says in my ear.
“I’m here. What did you say?”
“I said, are you sure everything is all right? I’m worried about you.”
“Mom, I...”
I’m so close to telling her about the crazy deal I struck with Vincent, but her words hit me. She’s worried about me. She can’t have a good time if she’s worried about me. She and Dad can’t focus on all the new experiences and wonders in the time they have together if they’re thinking about me. So, as much as it kills me to have to continue to deal with this on my own, I’ll keep silent.
“Sorry, I’m fine. I’m actually at a work event now. That’s probably why I sound a little distracted.”
“You should have told me you were at work,” she admonishes.
“It’s okay. I wanted to hear your voice.” I grip the phone tighter, wishing she really were here.
“Well, you can call me anytime. You know that. But I’ll let you go now. We wouldn’t want Jacob or Johnson getting on you.”
If she only knew. “Okay. I’ll talk to you and Daddy later. Love you.”
I put my phone in my back pocket but remain by the side of the partition. I hear a familiar woman’s voice asking my neighbor about the age of their goats. I walk forward and poke my head around.
Just as I suspected, I see Ms. Katrina. I planned many events for her when I was with Jacob and Johnson. Her company’s business party, her family reunion, and her daughter’s wedding to name a few. She always has some big event to celebrate, and she’s been the best type of client. She’d give us a list of her must-haves and leave the rest of the vision and execution to us. Countless times, she mentioned how I was the best thing to happen to Jacoband Johnson, and I knew it wasn’t lip service, because the woman is honest to a fault.
I wonder if she’s heard of my being fired yet and who’s been assigned to take over her future events.
Would she be willing to give me a chance?
I rub my necklace and chew on my bottom lip as she picks up a bar of soap and smells it. Sure, she liked what I had to offer when I was with Jacob and Johnson, but now everything is different. I don’t have the same resources.
I mentally shake my head and stand up straight. No doubts allowed. I’m still Amerie Price. I can still rock the hell out of a table centerpiece, and I can still get shit done. All I need is one client, and she’s less than twenty feet away.
Ms. Katrina pays for a glass bottle of goat milk and soap, placing them in a green mesh tote before she begins walking to another booth. My palms are sweaty, but I take a chance and call her name. “Ms. Katrina!”
She stops and turns around, and her eyes immediately light up. “Amerie.” She rushes to my booth. “I am so happy to see you.”
I pause. “You are?”
“Yes, dear. Laurie is pregnant, and I’m ready to throw her the biggest and best baby shower. She’s already thirty weeks, so how soon can we make this happen?”
I blink fast and let my brain catch up with what’s happening. Ms. Katrina has never been one to waste time. “Wait, Ms. Katrina, I’d love to help you, but first I need to let you know I’m no longer with Jacob and Johnson.”
“Well, I already know that. It’s a crime and a shame.” She shakes her head. “After all you’ve done up there, for them to toss you aside after one bout of bad press is despicable. They tried to get me to go with one of the othercoordinators, but you know I don’t trust them like I do you. You’ve started your own business, right? That’s what you’re doing out here?” She looks past me to my table setup and points. “I want that setup if Laurie is having a girl. She’s finally going to let us know this weekend. I’m sure you’ll come up with something equally nice if it’s a boy.”
I’ve always liked Ms. Katrina. A woman who knows what she wants. And I’m not about to dissuade my first sure client.
I step back and gesture toward the table. “How about we have a seat and chat a little more.”
My cheeks hurt from grinning so much as I take a seat, but with this step, a clearer future is beginning to form. Living with Vincent for a few months may be just the extra time I need to get on my feet, because Amerie Price is back.
Chapter Nine
In fifty feet, turn left.”
The skinny blue line draws nearer to the destination marker on my phone’s navigation app, and my shoulders tense up. In less than ten minutes, I’ll be at my new temporary home. I’ll have a roommate.