I run my hands down his flat stomach and tug on his belt. “Off.”
He obliges, pulling his pants and boxer briefs off in one motion.
Hot damn. His body possesses the kind of perfection you have to let soak in while your brain catalogs each stroke of beauty. He bends down to scoop me up by the thighs, and I wrap my legs tight around his hips as we fall onto the bed.
“Do you have a condom?” I say in between kisses.
Vincent reaches for the nightstand, going for the top drawer. Moving to his knees, he opens the square packet and rolls the condom on. I open my legs wide as he covers me with his body, but he doesn’t try to enter me. Infuriatingly, maddeningly, he lets his hand rove over my body, outlining the curve of my hips. Why can’t he ever do the logical, predictable thing?
“Vincent.” I try to communicate my urgency, but he hushes me with a kiss.
I’m a burning ball of pent-up energy, and as much as I hate to admit it, Vincent’s waiting is turning me on even more.
He reaches back to the nightstand, tight biceps extending by my head, and this time he has my vibrator in his hand. I stifle a gasp while Vincent smirks.
He turns it on, and buzzing fills the silence. As he reaches between our bodies, I’m unable to look away from his hooded gaze. Once he presses the vibrator to my core, pleasure like I’ve never known causes my hips to lift and my toes to curl.
I cling to Vincent’s arm as bursts of ecstasy shoot through me. His breath is ragged, chest expanding with each inhale, but he manages to keep his body still. It’s obvious he’s a man on a mission to please me. As much as I appreciate it, I can’t be the only one falling apart.
I reach for his length and stroke up and down, even as the pressure at my center threatens to push me over theedge. It figures, the only man who drives me up the wall would also be the only one to see me coming absolutely undone. But I don’t feel self-conscious in front of him because, in the words of the wise Janet Jackson, “that’s the way love goes.”
Wait, love? I can’t feel that way about Vincent. It’s too soon. We’re still getting to know each other outside the pretense of a fake relationship. But as my release gets nearer and I look at his magnificent face, I can’t deny the whispers of my heart.
I know Vincent is done with this waiting game when I pull him to me and he doesn’t resist. He settles his hips over mine and slowly pushes in. I take hold of the vibrator, raising it so I can feel every lick of sensation as he moves in me. We both let out sighs of relief when he’s seated fully.
I once again meet his gaze and see so many emotions, which I’m positive must mirror my own. He drives in and out, and I can’t get over how good it feels. How well we fit together.
He crushes his lips to mine and I moan. We’re both getting close. His fingertips are digging into my thigh, and I feel him swelling inside me as his thrusts pick up in speed and intensity.
It’s driving him crazy being inside of me, and if my mouth weren’t full of his tongue I’d be screamingYes!Yes, this was worth the wait. Yes, this is worth whatever heartbreak may follow.
I put the vibrator back against me. The pulses combined with Vincent not only push me over the edge but send me soaring as a billion galaxies explode behind my eyes. Vincent is right behind me.
When he lies still above me and we’re both breathing at a normal pace, I feel the rhythm of Vincent’s heartbeatkeeping time with mine. He starts to get up, but after waiting for this moment for so long, I don’t want him going anywhere.
“I’m crushing you,” he says when I tighten my legs to keep him in place.
“No, you’re not. This is perfect.”
He settles back down, kissing the side of my face, and I let my eyes drift closed.
I didn’t let Vincent finish his words earlier, but his meaning was clear—he wants forever with me. This kind, brave, amazing man wants to forget our deal and keep me around. Emotion clogs my throat and I hold him tighter.
Can I do this? Give my heart to Vincent, who, as wonderful as he is, loves to live his life on the edge? Home for only a few months, then gone among the stars. It’s not the future I envisioned, but my heart doesn’t seem to care.
I angle my head to capture his lips with mine, sighing in satisfaction when he reciprocates and deepens the kiss. Moaning when he grabs a new condom and begins moving in me again.
I’m not sure what the future holds, but for once, I don’t care. For Vincent, I’m willing to risk it all.
Chapter Twenty-Four
Mmmm.” The enticing smell of bacon pulls at me as I step inside from my morning walk.
Vincent was still sleeping when I left, looking thoroughly worked over with his legs twisted in the sheets, but now he’s standing over the stove with a pair of tongs. I lean against the kitchen island and watch him cook, trying not to cringe while he butchers Luther Vandross. At least he looks good standing there shirtless. The muscles in his back move as he meticulously flips over four strips, managing not to get popped by grease. He’s got a smattering of moles on his right shoulder blade I’m just now noticing, and my fingers itch to play connect-the-dots. Or maybe I could use my tongue and trace them like a constellation. There are so many parts of his body I haven’t gotten the chance to explore. Yet.
Vincent catches me staring when he turns around and flashes a grin that does nothing to help bring my heart rate back to resting. “Breakfast?”
My stomach growls in answer as I nod. Between last night and my walk, I’ve worked up quite the appetite.