Page 53 of The Kiss Countdown

I laugh again at her eagerness. “Simmer down. I think it’s going well. We’ve gotten through two days and two hikes. Actually, one hike. The other one was a bust.” I tell her about the fall and my ankle.

“I can’t believe he carried you all the way back. Mr. Space Cowboy is a sweetheart.” She waits for me to acknowledge her new nickname, but I roll my eyes.

“Yeah, yeah. How are things going back home?”

“Oh, you know, trying not to drink myself into oblivion before we go see Mack’s mom this weekend for their monthly family dinner.”

I hear the door of the house close. “You’ll survive. I know it. I have to let you go though. Vincent’s heading back.”

“Okay. Keep me posted on your sexy astronaut and do all the things I would!”

If she only knew how close I truly am to doing just that. I put my phone down and try to ignore the way my heart leaps as Vincent walks through the door.

Chapter Seventeen

Are you sure I can’t come?” I say, pouting, with my arms folded across my chest, while Vincent laces his boots.

He continued waiting on me hand and foot throughout the evening and morning. So much so, I’m positive that if I had only hinted at a taste for grapes, he’d have gladly hand-fed them to me straight from the vine.

Admittedly, it was fun playing patient for a while, but I’ve been confined to the bed coming up on twenty-four hours now. I need to move and get some fresh air. An open window can only do so much.

I woke up this morning and realized Vincent was right about it being only a minor sprain, as evidenced by the fact that my foot no longer resembles a baby hippo. I convinced him he didn’t need to stay by my side all morning. Then once he began getting ready, I oh-so-casually mentioned that I was ready to accompany everyone as well. He wasn’t having it.

He stands up and drapes his scarf over his neck. “No, Amerie. You still need to stay off that ankle.”

“Can’t you just give me a piggyback ride? You’re strong. Put those muscles to good use. Besides, you said yourself it’s not a serious sprain.” I rotate my ankle and only wince a little.

“It’s not serious, but you don’t need to agitate it unnecessarily. A morning of hiking won’t do you any favors.”

“Piggyback ride,” I repeat. I mean, at this point I’m simply arguing on the principle that I’m unhappy at being kept inside.

“Right,” Vincent says. “That way I can collapse from exhaustion due to the extra weight.”

I narrow my eyes at him.

“Not that it would be a lot of weight,” he adds. He leans against the dresser and crosses his arms. “Amerie, if you need me to stay here, I’m happy to do so. To be honest, I’d rather make sure you and your ankle are taken care of.”

I will not let his obvious concern make me blush.

I wave my hand. “No, you go. I’ll be fine here.”

“Okay. We won’t be gone too long. And I’ll tell you what. Later today, I’ll use my big, strong, manly, well-defined—”

“Is this going somewhere?”


“Really, Vincent?”

“And carry you to the car for a ride around the town.” He winks. “Now, do you have everything you need?”

A ride around does sound nice. I sweep my hand to encompass the bed. “I’ve got my throne, laptop, and breakfast taco. I’ll be fine.”

Vincent nods and hefts his backpack. If I were his real girlfriend, he’d walk over so I could send him off with a proper goodbye kiss.

I blink. Why did that image pop into my head? It was one thing to wake up curled around him when I was unconscious. Because yes, I woke plastered to his back again, bum ankle and all, and moved before he woke up. But the desire to kiss him while I’m fully awake is out of hand. Ireally need fresh air. Barring that, I at least need to not be breathing in the air laced with his scent.

“Okay, bye. Have fun,” I say quickly.