Page 76 of The Friend Game

Once he’s gone I let my hand go to the spot on my cheek where his lips just were, indulging a fantasy where instead of rushing off to his staff meeting, Luke shoved Will out of the room, shut the door, pushed me up against it and kissed me for real.

I know, I know. He needed to go to the meeting. It’s just a fantasy. After all, if I’m going tohave to cut all of the imagination out of my speech I’m going to have to redirect it somewhere.

Chapter 31

WEDNESDAY COMES AND goes without incident. It’s weird and completely unnerving. I mean, I sent the announcements home with the twelve students whose pieces I submitted, so Lexie definitely knows now that I submitted Mia’s gorgeous pottery piece to the show. So why hasn’t she said anything?

Maybe she had a change of heart. The vase Mia made really was stunning for an 8-year-old. Perhaps the photo I sent home made her realize her daughter has a natural talent with clay and now she’s super gung ho about pottery. Manicured nails be darned.

Yeah, I don’t think so either.

More likely she’s biding her time, establishing her battle plan before she throws her first grenade.

I didn’t see Luke much yesterday either since, like many churches, Wednesday night is onlysecond to Sunday morning in terms of the number of activities going on. Religious Ed, small groups, Awana, all the things… so he was busy doing his Wednesday night thing. He did drop into the small group I joined last week (a women’s group doing a study on the book of Ruth), but since Belinda is in my group he left fairly quickly. She kept asking questions like if he had to pick someone in the room to be a kinsman redeemer for, who he would pick or if he’s ever felt protective of a woman the way Boaz had been protective of Ruth gleaning in the fields.

I would not be surprised if her next book is a modern retelling of the story of Ruth featuring a male character with the same cerulean eyes as Luke.

Gosh, he has nice eyes.

It’s 6am on Thursday morning and my nerves are wreaking havoc on my body. I’ve been up for two hours already, obsessing about my meeting later today. I already took Holly for a long walk, did a kickboxing workout I found on YouTube, read my favorite Esther chapters, showered, and did my hair and makeup. Eating breakfast sounds like a horrible idea. So there’s really nothing left for me to do but sit here on my couch and worry.

I’m doing an excellent job of it too. Who knew that the same exact thought could circle around in your brain this many times?What if the board votes against keeping me as a teacher at Grace Canyon?Round and round the question goes,like an out of control merry-go-round. I’m shocked I haven’t thrown up from the violence of the motion.

I keep trying to pray, but my intrusive thoughts keep butting in.

I just want to be at school so my students can distract me and simultaneously remind me what I’m fighting for. I want to be their teacher. That’s the point to focus on.

I’ve just entered another spin cycle with the question haunting my mind when my phone rings.

Who would be calling me this early? I look down and see Luke’s name on my screen. My heart leaps in my chest like it’s a dog trained to salivate at the sound of a bell, knowing a treat is coming. And yes, in this metaphor Luke is the treat. Incidentally I think this is not only true figuratively but literally as well.

“Luke?” I answer the call breathily, having managed to work myself up a bit as I processed the fact that he was calling me at 6am.

“Did I wake you?” he asks, sounding concerned.

“No.” I give a nervous laugh. “I’ve actually been up for a while.”

“I figured as much,” he says.

“I know why I couldn’t sleep, but why are you up so early?” I ask.

“For you, I think,” he tells me. “I woke up suddenly a few minutes ago and my thoughts went straight to you. I felt like the Holy Spirit was prompting me to call you and check in.”

My body melts into the couch and unexpected tears blur my vision. God is so good to me. I’m over here struggling with anxious thoughts and what does he do? Wakes Luke up and prompts him to call me.

“Thank you,” I murmur huskily to Luke. “This, I mean…you calling…I’m really nervous,” I finally spit out.

“That makes sense. Would it be okay if I give you some advice?”

“Sure.” I grab a tissue and dab at my wet cheeks.

“Play out the what ifs you’ve got circling around in your head.”

“Play them out?” I echo, not quite sure what he means.

“Yeah. Here, tell me one of them and I’ll show you what I mean.”

“Okay.” I heave a breath then spit out the question of the morning. “What if the board votes against keeping me on staff?”