“Wow.” I can’t help but beam at him. “I think that’s awesome that now you’re paying it forward.”
“Thanks, but I should also tell you that me helping Sydney and Caroline out isn’t completely altruistic,” he says wryly. His eyes lock on mine as he says his next words, “Because sure I have a heartfor scholarship kids, but believe me, in this particular instance part of my motivation for helping is absolutely you.”
Without another word Luke steps out of the car. I’m still frozen, my pulse dancing in my throat, when he opens my door for me a few seconds later.
Call me a sled dog because I guess I do have some pull with Luke after all.
Chapter 14
“SO ALL OF THE scholarships for the year are gone?” Sydney repeats back what Luke just told her, a frown pulling on her lips. We’re all seated around Jill’s kitchen table, nursing cups of coffee while the kids play in the basement.
“Yes,” Luke nods, “but that doesn’t mean we can’t get creative and find a way to get Caroline in at a reduced rate.”
“Oo-kaayy,” Sydney stretches out the word, “so tell me what you’re thinking.”
“There’s one other way besides a scholarship for a kid to go to Grace Canyon for next to nothing,” Luke informs her.
“And what’s that?” Sydney lifts one manicured eyebrow.
“Any child of a Grace Canyon employee is eligible for anywhere from a seventy-five to ninety percent discount on tuition.”
Sydney’s other eyebrow pops up. “But I’m not a Grace Canyon employee.” Her lips curl up in a flirtatious smile. “Wait a NewYork minute, Pastor Abbott, are you proposing to me right now? Do you want to be Caroline’s new daddy?”
“W-what?” Luke stammers, color rising to his cheeks. Suddenly I can’t remember why I’m even helping Sydney. “No, sorry—”
Sydney’s high-pitched laugh cuts him off. “I’m just messing with you, Pastor. I see the way you look at Hannah, so I know you’re off the market. Now tell me, what kind of job is available at Grace Canyon that my associates degree qualifies me for, because last I heard you need a teaching certificate to even think about teaching there.”
I try not to wince as she says this, wondering how much Brooke has told her about my teaching certification, or rather my lack thereof.
“Media center assistant,” Luke announces. “Belinda Lagman, our librarian, has been asking for an assistant since the beginning of the school year, but the board of trustees only approved the position a couple of weeks ago. Belinda and Principal Novak have done a few interviews but haven’t found anyone promising.” He drums his fingers along the table. “To be frank, Belinda is being very particular. You’ll have to make her happy if you want to get offered the position. It should help that you’ll have the endorsement of both myself and Hannah, but when you do the interview focus on Belinda.”
“She likes Christian romance novels and matchmaking,” I supply. “And her youngestdaughter just left for college, so she’s also adjusting to having an empty nest.”
“So what you’re saying is that I should show up to the interview with a Karen Kingsbury novel under my arm, a print out of my match.com profile instead of my resume, and a load of laundry for her to do?” Sydney quips.
“You have a match.com profile?” Brooke gasps, whipping out her phone. “How did I not know about this?”
“Simmer down, Brooke.” Sydney rolls her eyes. “I was just joking. Obviously I don't have one, because as you well know, Caroline is my priority right now.”
“And because you’re a love chicken,” Brooke mutters as her shoulders slump in disappointment.
“I’m ignoring you,” Sydney trills. “I have a job interview to think about. Thanks, Pastor Abbott and Hannah for your help on this. Caroline going to Grace Canyon would mean the world to me.”
“Happy to help,” Luke replies.
“Me too,” I agree. “But all jokes aside, the Karen Kingsbury novel was a good idea. I would highly recommend you do that.”
“Hannah, I have a bone to pick with you,” Belinda’s voice sing-songs as she walks into my room the following Thursday.
“Oh?” I look up from the box of art supplies I’m sorting. “What sort of bone? Nothing to do with Sydney, I hope.”
Sydney had her interview Tuesday, and, although Luke said she nailed it, last I heard, Sydney hasn’t been offered the job.
“Sydney Carter? No, no of course not. I loved her. Her story reminds me of the heroine in this book I read last year. I can’t remember the title off-hand, but it’s one of Denise Hunter’s novels. Anyway, she accepted the job this morning. I do hope she’ll relax her 'not dating right now' policy. Tell me, Hannah, do you know anything about Caroline’s father?” She leans in close and whispers, “He does know about her doesn’t he?”
“Yes,” I say slowly. “Adam knew about Caroline. He passed away when she was only two.”