I stay in thebathroom for longer than necessary, shaken up by what just happened. I almost kissed Cole. Worse, I almost kissed Cole in front of a hundred cheering people. I cannot kiss Cole. No matter how much I want to.
The memory of our conversation about Ashley and work is fresh in my mind, and it grounds me in reality. I have to protect my heart. Sure, he told me he thinks I’m gorgeous, and he really showed up for me today, helping me handle all the awkward questions during the receiving line and letting us use the backyard for the wedding. But none of that proves he’s over Ashley.
I set my hands on my bump and try to keep my tears in check. What I need to do, I remind myself, is start our prank war up again. I wrack my brain for ideas. I could steal his phone and change all the contact info, so when Ashley calls it says Maleficent is calling instead. Because she’s evil. Obviously.
No. That’s stupid. And too easy to fix. Maybe I’ll just start showing up to their office all the time and act all lovey-dovey with Cole in front of Ashley. Which, okay, isn’t really a prank per say, but I can make it one. Like maybe every time I go, I take something from Cole’s office until he thinks he’s going crazy because all of his knick-knacks and wall art are disappearing. And then, I’ll frame Ashley for it. Yeah, I’ll make it look like she’s some sortof vindictive, crazy ex. Meanwhile, I’m actually the crazy one.
Oh. My. Gosh! I have problems.
My phone chirps, and I look down at the screen to see a text from Cole.
Hey, you okay? You’ve been gone a while.
A second later another one pops up, then three more right after it.
The DJ switched to slow songs.
I’ve never asked a girl to dance via text.
But for you I’ll make an exception.
Come dance with me?
My phone shakes in my hand as my stomach swoops in response to his words. It’s just dancing, I tell myself, as I fix my mascara and head back out to the ceremony. I’m totally in control of all of my emotions. And also, my hormones.
I spot Cole standing at the edge of the dance floor chatting with our pastor, he glances at his phone as if checking for my reply and something that looks like disappointment flickers across his face. Then he spots me, and his face lights up in a smile. He touches John on the arm, and I see him gesture towards me, excusing himself.
As he walks towards me, I stop moving, rooted to the spot. Just waiting for him.
“There’s my wife,” he says as he approaches. “I missed you.”
As I accept his hand and he leads me onto the dance floor, I tell myself I’m still in control. But as his hand finds the small of my back, I tell myself being in control is overrated.
Chapter 35
Lydia and I danceall night, but after I scared her by almost kissing her, I’m careful to keep things light. Even though it may have just been an errant thought, I still meant it when I said I wanted to be a good husband to her, and I think part of that means taking the time to earn her trust.
Despite the late night, I wake early on Sunday morning, knowing I need to get back to the office after having abandoned Ashley yesterday. I decide to squeeze in a quick run before heading in. All of the emotions from last night are messing with me, and I figure a run might help.
As I close in on my backyard thirty minutes later, I notice a lone figure busy folding chairs and moving them one by one onto a cart.Lydia. My heart stutters in my chest, the memory of our almost kiss making my mouth dry.
Taking a deep breath I move towards her, fumbling around in my head for a good opening line, but she turns as I step into range and does the job forme.
“Cole…you’re here.” Pink stains her cheeks. “I, uh, thought you already went to work.”
“I’m heading in shortly,” I tell her. I survey the scene surrounding us, taking in the mounds of tulle piled up in heaps around the yard and the boxes labeled “centerpieces” and “tablecloths” before I go on. “What exactly are you doing?”
“Oh,” her blush deepens, “well, the rental company is coming to get the tables and chairs at noon, so I’m just helping clean up.”
“Yes, I can see that. What I meant was, why are you the one doing the clean up? Didn’t Jamie hire people for that?”
“She did. Sort of. I mean ‘hire’ is sort of a strong word.” She fidgets with the hem of her shirt, avoiding my eyes as she rushes out the next bit. “Ask a few people to help in return for pizza would be the more accurate description.”
“Right.” Annoyance simmers inside of me. “So where is everyone else? Because you can’t honestly tell me that Jamie asked her pregnant friend to clean up her entire wedding reception.”