Page 94 of Something Cheeky

“Not if, when,” Keisha corrected her.

“Whenit succeeds,” Zoe repeated. “I don’t have control over the actors or rehearsal, but I can make sure the costumes are done in time.”

“Please don’t tell me you’re pulling all-nighters for the next ten days.” Trixie shook her head. “You were a terror to live with the last time.”

“It was one time for a high-profile bridal client.” Zoe pushed back. “Besides, she referred several less high-maintenance clients, so worth it.”

“Does the plan involve my dancers coming to help sew?” Reina offered.

“No offense, sewing G-strings are a bit different from sewing the costumes I designed.”

“G-strings might sell more tickets,” Reina joked.

“I’m going to close Something Cheeky for two weeks and pay my staff to come to Prestige and finish the costumes.”

Her friends began to protest but Zoe held up her hand.

“I told you it’s bananas, but it’s the best solution. I trust my team and they can do detailed work quickly at the quality I demand.”

Her friends were speechless. Even Reina, who had a snappy response to everything. The women all turned to Josie as if imploring her to talk sense into Zoe.

“Is it really a good idea to close your boutique for two weeks at the beginning of wedding season?” Josie appealed with her no-nonsense practicality. “Especially if you’re spending your own money to bring your team in?”

“I don’t see any other way.” Zoe swallowed down the doubts her friend raised. Even Mr. Bobbins flicked his tail in concern.

“How about just one or two people go to Prestige so you can keep Something Cheeky open on the weekends?” suggested Keisha, who managed all the finances for Hazel’s Kitchen. “We don’t want you to lose your main source of revenue.”

“We can help run the register,” Josie offered. “The other artists at the co-op can take my shifts for the next couple of weeks.”

“Those are all great ideas, but I need all hands on deck. That way Derek doesn’t worry about me. He needs all his energy to get the actors ready.” Zoe’s voice cracked.

He’d done so much to help her ease back into costuming. Now it was her turn to stand on her own. She blinked away tears.

“Oh, sweetie,” Keisha hugged her. “You know we’re here for you one hundred percent.”

“Tell us what you need from us,” Josie said, picking up her pen.

“We’re not going to let Gregzilla win,” declared Trixie.

“Hell no!” Reina raised her glass for a toast. “To kicking Greg in the proverbial balls!”

Chapter 41

Derek arrived at Prestige at eight in the morning. He still had a spring in his step from the love note Zoe had left in his apartment. He missed waking up with Zoe in his bed, but it was the first night in weeks that he’d slept for more than a handful of hours.

The situation didn’t feel as catastrophic once the sun rose. It turned out getting eight full hours of sleep was good for him. He probably didn’t need the coffee he’d bought for himself and Th?o. He still hadn’t figured out how make the new opening night date work, but at least he now had energy to work it out.

Music echoed into the hallway leading to the rehearsal room. Of course Th?o was already at the keyboard working her ass off to finish the rest of the songs while he’d fallen into bed with Zoe. He knocked on the door so as not to surprise her.

“Well, look who decided to show up.” Th?o played the opening bars to “Good for You” fromDear Evan Hansento match her sarcasm.

“I bring a peace offering.” He held up the cardboard tray with his coffee and a macchiato, her favorite. A takeout bag with breakfast burritos were snuggled in between the drinks.

“You’re bribing me with breakfast?”

“Is it working?” He waved the food under her nose. The smell of the cheese and sausage made his stomach grumble hungrily.

“Maybe,” she said sternly, but a corner of her mouth quirkedinto a tiny grin. She grabbed her coffee and waved for him to join her at the stage manager’s table.