“Greg moved up opening night by almost two weeks.”
“He what?!” Zoe exclaimed. Her voice echoed off the walls. This was what Greg had alluded to this afternoon.
“Th?o and I got into an argument. She stormed out,” he added.
“Oh.” Zoe frowned.
“I’m going to make it work.” He combed his fingers through his hair. “As soon as I figure out how.”
“Once you get some sleep, you’ll come up with something.” She gave him a side hug.
“I will. I will,” he repeated as if to convince himself.
The man who could never stop moving needed rest. He’d spent all Saturday and Sunday cleaning up Eden Center then dove back into rehearsals on Monday. Even the strongest person had to take a break.
Her altercation with Greg could wait. She refused to add to his stress. Derek needed her strength right now and that’s what she’d give him.
“Let’s go back to your place.” She helped him up. “How about I order some Indian food? Want some goat curry?”
He finally smiled and nodded.
Seeing Derek like this only increased her anger at Greg. The artistic director was fucking with people’s livelihood like they were his puppets. She’d dealt with a man like him before. While that didn’t end the way she’d wanted, this time would be different. She had her Boss Babes to help her figure out how to solve this.
She’d prove to Greg that she wouldn’t crumble under his machinations. These costumes were going to be the best work she’d ever done.
Chapter 40
“Have you noticed that every time one of you starts dating someone seriously, we have an emergency Boss Babes meeting?” Reina asked.
Zoe rolled her eyes at the redhead, even though she had a point. She’d put Derek to bed and sent an SOS text to her friends. They were waiting with wine when she got back to her apartment. Their teasing was as cozy and comforting as Mr. Bobbins sleeping in her lap.
“Why are you excluding yourself?” asked Trixie. “Wait until you fall in love.”
“I’m never falling in love,” Reina declared as she topped off everyone’s wine.
“I can’t wait to rub this in your face.” Josie laughed.
“It’s too messy. Y’all are exhibit A, B, and C.” She waved at Trixie, Josie, and now Zoe.
“Girl, stop,” said Keisha. “You’re going to fall the hardest of us all.”
Trixie and Zoe exchanged glances. Keisha had no idea that Andre’s best friend had a thing for her. Keisha would figure it out when she was ready.
“Wanna bet?” challenged Reina.
“Now, now, let’s focus on the task at hand,” Josie reminded the women. “What are we going to do about Gregzilla?”
Zoe had already filled them in on everything from the costume shop visit to how he’d pulled a dirty one on Derek by forcing them to open the show sooner than planned.
“I can’t believe the name stuck.” Trixie snorted.
“I haven’t met the guy, but I want to kick him in the nuts.” Keisha’s curls bounced as she demonstrated.
“I don’t want anyone to get arrested.” Zoe bit back a laugh. “But I have a plan. I don’t know if it’s too bananas.”
“Let’s hear it.” Josie grabbed her notebook and flipped to a blank page.
“Greg is doing everything he can to sabotage us but he pretends that it’s for our benefit. That way if the musical is a success, he’ll still get credit for it.”