“No more hiding.”
“Yes!” He picked her up from the waist and spun around like people did in the movies.
Somewhere in the distance she heard clapping and more cheering. When he finally set her down, she smiled shyly at her friends, new and old.
“I knew it!” TJ yelled indignantly. “You lied to me.”
Everyone laughed. Danny hushed him. TJ pouted but gave Zoe a nod of approval when they made eye contact.
“Finally, my daughter comes to her senses,” her mother announced to her friends. “Derek is a good man.”
Zoe cringed. She’d made out with Derek in front of her mom and all her aunties and uncles. At least they’d gotten her mother’s approval.
“Okay, everyone, kissing time is over. Let’s get to work,” her brother announced as he clapped his hands. He turned to Zoe. “For the love of God, I don’t need to see you suck face with anyone ever again.”
“Get used to it, Eddie.” She laughed as he led people away to assign them various jobs. Now that everyone’s attention was diverted, she should have an actual conversation with Derek. Using words.
“You’re magical,” she said.
“No, they’re here because they respect you. Like you.”
“I get it now.”
“Get what?” Derek’s head tilted in confusion.
“Why you wanted to tell our friends. They don’t care that we’re working on the show together.”
“I’ll refrain from anI told you so,” Derek teased.
She smacked his arm. Not too hard.
“Ow!” he exclaimed dramatically.
“That didn’t even hurt. Don’t make me regret dating an actor.” She pointed a finger playfully at him. “But what are we going to do about Greg?”
Derek worried his lip as he considered her question. When he didn’t respond, Zoe frowned in worry. Maybe she’d been too rash in her decision. They should’ve talked it over—what, for the third time? No more overthinking. Their friends knew about them and she couldn’t take it back.
“I’ll figure something out,” Derek reassured her. “Right now we have to take care of our own.”
She nodded and tilted her face up for a kiss. Derek quickly complied.
“Cut it out,” her brother cried.
Zoe ignored her brother. Now that everyone knew about them, she could kiss Derek whenever and wherever she wanted. They’d deal with Greg and the aftermath on Monday when she was back at Prestige.
Chapter 37
“Oh good, I caught you during a break,” announced Greg as he entered the empty rehearsal room.
“I’m tweaking the lyrics for a song,” said Derek flatly, hoping to discourage any conversation.
He’d actively avoided Greg the past few days since his mentor had welcomed Derek into what Zoe called the “little old boys’ club.” Sidestepping Greg wasn’t what he meant when he told her he’d take care of things with the artistic director.
Avoidance should count for something, considering the man had made it a habit to drop in every day to observe and then offer a litany of suggestions once the cast was out of earshot. Greg’s feedback had gone from a trickle to a firehose since rehearsals began. Derek pretended to take notes and ignored all of them.
Greg had been a no-show on Monday and Tuesday, which had been a huge relief. Derek had been able to pull so much vulnerability and intensity from his actors that he’d gotten chills.
Derek knew it was too good to last.