“You’re keeping tabs on me now?” Derek clenched his jaw. He wished for just one day without seeing or talking to the man.
“Maybe I should’ve been.” Greg’s eyes darted to Zoe, who was standing against the wall.
“I can explain,” Derek added hastily, though he wasn’t sure how he could.
“No need,” Greg replied, still staring at Zoe. “Now I understand why Derek was so adamant about hiring you.”
“What are you implying?” Zoe snapped back. Her fists were in tight balls by her side, as if she were ready to knock him out.
“We’re all adults here. You know exactly what I mean.” Greg took a step forward.
Derek sidestepped and put himself between his mentor and Zoe. He was unsure who he was protecting. If fists were thrown, he was 100 percent sure that Greg would be flat on his back.
Greg stopped and studied both of them, his eyes narrowing. Derek’s shallow breaths were loud in his ears as they all stared at one another, waiting for something to happen. This was it. Greg would fire him and take over the show himself.
Finally the blond man’s thin lips turned into a creepy smile.
“We all have our weaknesses,” he said, looking directly at Derek. “But you need to exercise discretion. I used to be young once. Being the artistic director has its perks, you know.” Greg winked as if welcoming Derek into some sleazy boy’s club.
Derek’s jaw dropped but he quickly clamped it shut. Behind him, Zoe snorted.
“You approve?” Derek asked cautiously as he processed Greg’s words. Whatever the fuck this club was, he didn’t want any part in it.
“We’re not in theater to get rich. You might as well enjoy pursuing your passions wherever you can.” Greg looked pointedly at Zoe.
Derek’s fingers curled up into a fist. How dare he speak as if Zoe were his plaything?
“Don’t talk about me like I’m not here.” Zoe’s voice shook with anger as she stepped out from behind Derek. “I’m here because of my costume designs, not because you think I slept my way—”
“Zoe, it’s no use,” Derek said with false calm when what he really wanted to do was punch the man in the face.
Instead he grabbed her hand, but she ripped out of his grasp and backed away from him. Her face was flushed and bore an expression of betrayal. Derek tried to plead with her through hiseyes and explain to her that Greg wouldn’t listen to reason, but she refused to look at him.
“Oh dear, is this your first lovers’ quarrel?” Greg frowned and there was genuine sympathy in his tone.
Derek pressed his lips together, refusing to dignify his question with a response.
“Our discussion can wait until later. Come see me once you’re done here.” Greg clapped Derek’s shoulder approvingly, like a father to a son.
Greg didn’t even look at Zoe before turning around and taking the back stairwell, which was rarely used by anyone. Except for his mentor apparently.
“What the fuck was that?” The anger spewed out of Zoe’s mouth. “How dare he insinuate that I only got this job because I slept with you!”
“Just when you think you know someone,” Derek muttered, still in shock over Greg’s approval of what he considered a notch in Derek’s bedpost.
“Why didn’t you say something? To defend me?”
“There wasn’t a point to it.” Derek shook his head.
“This is exactly what I was worried about. Warned you about.” Zoe paced the hallway. “He thinks you hired me so we can fuck every afternoon. Like I’m only here to service you.”
“You are pretty hot. Though I’m sure it was me servicing you yesterday.”
She stopped mid-step and spun around to face him.
“Derek,” she warned. “This is serious.”
“You got this gig because of your talent. Anyone who’s seen your designs and your costumes knows that,” he reminded her.