He meowed pitifully. She wasn’t sure if it was in disagreement or if he could see the bottom of his kibble bowl. Zoe chuckled and set down the tabby in order to feed him.
“Zoe,” Trixie said sleepily as she made her way into the living room. “You’re home.”
“Morning! I picked up some bagels.” Zoe knew she was way too perky for nine in the morning, but she couldn’t hide it after the numerous orgasms Derek had given her. She’d lost count after the first three.
“Is this a bribe so I don’t ask why you didn’t come home last night?” Trixie squinted at the overstuffed paper bag on the kitchen counter.
“No. Because I’m going to tell you anyway.” Zoe pressed her lips together to keep a giant grin from taking over her face. She shouldmake coffee to help Trixie wake up before dumping everything on her.
“Oooh, chocolate chip ones!” Trixie held up the bagel in a victory pose. “And they’re still warm.”
“A little something for taking care of Mr. Bobbins yesterday.”
Trixie narrowed her eyes at Zoe.
“I slept with Derek,” Zoe exclaimed.
Trixie dropped her bagel. It rolled across the kitchen and landed next to Mr. Bobbin’s food dish. He hissed and pawed at it before walking over to his bed. Zoe laughed at her cat as she tossed the bagel in the trash can.
“I know! Crazy, right?” Zoe’s entire body buzzed with excitement. “Everything happened so fast.”
“Nothing wrong with that. I jumped right back into Andre’s pants, so I can’t judge.”
“But?” Zoe sensed there was more.
“It just feels fast foryou.” Trixie’s voice was full of concern.
“It is and it isn’t.” Zoe dug out another chocolate chip bagel and handed it to her roommate.
“I woke up less than ten minutes ago, so explain it to me like I’m a drunk bachelorette at one of my sex-toy demos.” Trixie took a bite out of the bagel without slicing it. Happy food sounds emanated from her. “Because the entire time I’ve been in the DMV, you have rejected all possible dates.”
“You know I need some sort of emotional connection with a person before I can be attracted to them.”
Trixie nodded as she chewed.
“He’s my oldest friend and knows more about me than anyone else. Even the Boss Babes. It never occurred to me that he was potential partner material until I got jealous. I thought he was dating one of the actresses.” Zoe laughed. She’d been so upset but now it was silly of her.
“So you finally realized that you had the hots for him and jumped him?” Trixie raised an eyebrow skeptically.
“Basically, yes.” Zoe updated her on what had happened at the bar and then at Derek’s apartment.
“You’re bouncing around the kitchen like one of those karaoke dots over the lyrics, so I assume he’s just as talented in the bedroom department?”
“I’ve never felt so alive.” Zoe’s cheeks grew warm and she fanned herself with a potholder. “And we did it again this morning.”
“I’m proud of you for taking the lead. So what does this mean for the two of you?”
“I’ve been complaining about how I wanted more excitement,” Zoe reminded her. “Thisis what I’ve been missing. Me and Derek. Me designing costumes for the musical. It’s the perfect Venn diagram.”
“It’s way too early to discuss Venn diagrams,” groaned Trixie.
The coffeemaker beeped as if to stall other logic puzzles. Zoe poured two mugs and squeezed in obscene amounts of sweetened condensed milk before sliding one over to Trixie.
“Are you sure this is what you really want—with Derek?”
“You’re worried I’m making the wrong decision?” Zoe frowned.
“Make sure you’re not rushing into things, okay? You impulsively kissed him two days ago—on our couch.” Trixie pointed into the living room. “And now you’re suddenly a couple?”