Page 4 of Something Cheeky

“Hmm, it’s hard to tell.” TJ craned his neck for a better view.

Zoe growled in frustration. She spun around so she could play their game using her own eyes.

Hot damn.

If she were the type to be attracted to someone merely based on looks, this man hit all the marks. Mystery Man was looking at his phone, but she could still make out the high cheekbones where his wire-rimmed glasses rested and a strong, angular jaw. Even his lips were perfect. His sateen cotton button-down shirt was neatly tucked into his jeans, which could come off as uptight. But a pair of black Chucks kept his vibe stylish yet casual.

“Close your mouth,” TJ teased. “Or don’t—wait until he looks back up so you can see his entire face. Beautiful.”

Maybe she’d stared too hard through the glass, because Mystery Man looked up from his phone and straight into Pop Boba.

Zoe froze. It couldn’t be. Her entire body broke out in a cold sweat. He was supposed to be in New York doing his directing thing. Maybe he wouldn’t recognize her. Her foot twitched and she turned quickly around to face TJ instead of the door.

“That’s Derek, my best friend from college,” she whispered to TJ, even though Derek couldn’t hear them from ten feet awayandthrough glass doors. “Oh God, I can’t believe I just lusted over my friend.”

“Wait, you’ve known this guy for years and never dated? Spill the tea.”

Zoe’s cheeks burned as she covered her eyes with her hand. They’d made a pact freshman year that they’d keep things platonic. Yet here she stood, lusting over her best friend—technically, ex–best friend. It felt so wrong and weird, even though she hadn’t realized it was Derek at the time.

“We made a promise to never date each other. I haven’t talked to him in six years because, well, because.” Zoe waved her hand dismissively. She wasn’t in the mood to rehash their drama from undergrad. “Do you think he recognized me?”

“Whatever happened between you two must be bad if you’re avoiding a guy who looks like that.” TJ smacked his lips in appreciation. “You’re safe. He’s looking at his phone again.”

She sighed in relief and sipped her drink to cool down. Her body wasn’t flushed from the heat because Pop Boba’s air conditioning was on full blast. Bright, sweet flavors danced on her tongue. Had TJ put fresh mango in it? She hadn’t paid attention to how he had made it. The lychee jelly wasn’t overly chewy, though she missed the texture of the tapioca pearls. Maybe it’d grow on her after a few more sips.

“Oh shit, he’s coming into the café!”

“What? No!” She searched for an open seat to escape to. The teens had taken every single space.

Zoe scooted from the ordering side of the counter to the pick-up area even though they were barely a foot apart. She hunched over her drink to shrink herself as much as possible. Except Derek would need to be completely oblivious if he missed a size twenty-two woman standing right in front of the order counter. It was too late for anything else, so she had to commit. She’d only call more attention to herself if she ran out of the café.

“What are you doing?” TJ asked.

“Trying to hide! We stopped talking after a big fight and—”

“Girl, you can’t hide in front of the counter. Come back here and pretend you’re working.”

He tossed an apron at her as she ran behind the counter. She placed it over her head and tried to tie it behind her back but the straps weren’t long enough. Of course they weren’t. This world was made for skinny people and she only lived in it.

“How do I look?” She ran her hands through her hair and tried to smooth out her clothes.

“Seriously? You’re avoiding the guy but want to look good?” TJ chuckled but gave her a thumbs-up. “But maybe put this on, too.”

If she had to wear a dumbbobaristacap to avoid talking to Derek, then so be it. At least she’d already taken a selfie earlier to document her good hair day.

“I’m a complicated person, okay?” she tossed back a bit too harshly. “Sorry.”

Even if Derek didn’t recognize her, she had to look put together. Or maybe he’d check her out, too. What the hell was she even thinking? They had been platonic friends. Panic had forced all common sense out of her.

“Stand over there and pretend you’re, um, tasting new boba flavors or something.” TJ pointed to a spot behind him near the blenders.

She nodded and did as he instructed. They fell silent as the door opened. Derek’s footsteps grew louder as he made his way through the shop. Zoe’s heart pounded harder with each step.

“What’s happening?” she whispered as she moved some cups around on the counter.

“He’s looking around the shop and has a WTF expression.”

“At me?”